Star-source Legend

Chapter 1271: Hong Lie out of the station

"Cassius and I came out of the same school, both from the Frost Ice Pavilion, and the martial arts and martial arts they practice are biased towards the extreme cold attribute.

And his domain, called the Ice Mist Domain, in addition to its own powerful extreme cold power, it also has a very good extension property, allowing people to hide it without being discovered.

In addition, this ice fog domain consumes very little to itself, so Cassius is also the strongest in our ice pavilion besides me, even, if it is not because my domain level is higher than him, It is estimated that they are not his opponents.

Of course, the current dragon kingdom of the dragon soul only released about the fourth level.

Once the Dragon Soul releases the sixth level of the Dragon Kingdom, it will instantly be able to completely disperse the realm of Cassius through a powerful force, and at that time, it will be able to hide his body.

I already told Dragon Soul just now about this.

The reason why he seems to be in a disadvantage now is because the Dragon Soul is very curious about Cassius' domain and wants to explore it. "

At this moment, in the waiting hall of the martial arts field, Beifeng also watched Hong Lie and the others and explained.

"Let me just say, the strength of the dragon soul cannot be only this. Of course, the ability to make the dragon soul helpless for a while also shows the strength of Cassius. Your Frost Ice Pavilion is worthy of being able to rank in the entire Divine Universe Kingdom. A powerful force at the forefront.

There is north wind before you and Cassius behind, both are very powerful.

If the rest of us meet Cassius, we may be defeated, but it is a pity that he meets the Dragon Soul.

It is destined that Cassius will not be able to get into the top 100 places this time. "

At this moment, Bai Guang also spoke. Of course, if he was to fight Cassius, he would have strong confidence.

After all, his own blazing sun domain had restrained Cassius' extreme cold attribute. With the addition of his scorching sun field, it has reached the seventh level. It can be said that the north wind is not an opponent of white light now.

"A good field, if it weren't for North Wind to tell me something about Cassius before, this time I might suffer some dark losses.

Almost there, it's time to end. "

At the same time, on the huge ring, the dragon soul in the center also thought to himself.



Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura directly burst out of his body, and the bright golden light was accompanied by a dragon chant that reverberated throughout the ring space. Does it completely cover the ring in an instant.

Moreover, in the sky above the ring, a 10,000-meter-long golden dragon also appeared, which was daunting.

"Go ahead."

Immediately afterwards, with a whisper from the dragon soul, the entire huge golden dragon roared up to the sky, and then it turned into a cloud of rich golden light, and randomly turned into golden dragons hundreds of meters long. Wandering around, swallowing all the ice mist with big mouths.


And with the disappearance of the ice mist, Cassius, who had lost a lot of power, was directly forced out at this moment, and several golden dragons flew in front of him immediately and attacked.

Unfortunately, due to the destruction of his own domain, Cassius's power was consumed too much, unable to withstand the siege of many golden dragons. In the end, blood was sprayed out, and then they were completely submerged by golden dragons.

"In the first ring battle, the Dragon Soul will win!" The low voice sounded again at this time.

"Dragon Soul!"

"Dragon Soul!"

With the Dragon Soul's victory, the whole ring space once again rang out with shouts and cheers.

Afterwards, the Dragon Soul smiled and bowed to everyone before disappearing on the ring.

"It's a pity for Cassius, his strength is enough to rank in the top ten in our Shenhui Universe Nation, but it is a pity that he encountered Dragon Soul.

If his domain reaches the seventh level, perhaps the dragon soul may not necessarily be his opponent without using the madness state. "

At this moment, at the frontmost position in the audience, Star Lord Bai Yang also said with a pity on his face to the Lord Shenhui and the others.

"Yes, but sometimes, luck is also part of strength. Afan said just now, these few friends who have known each other for a long time did not even meet each other, and the opponents drawn are all able to cope to a certain extent. Yes, think about it, this time they should all be able to advance. It is actually good luck."

Mu Lingzi nodded at this moment, and then said.

"The first battle just now made everyone excited. This is a duel between the top talents.

Next, let’s go to the second ring..."

As time went on, the ring-to-play battles ended quickly.

In less than an hour, all 12 arena battles have been completed. Among them, the fifth giant axe was easily won. After all, the opponent he encountered only reached the fifth peak in his field. That's it.

"One of the two people who will play next is Hong Lie. In the first stage, Hong Lie also ranked very high and was very powerful.

And his opponent this time, called Han Feng, ranked second in the previous battle zone.

Moreover, both of their domains have reached the sixth peak, which is destined to be a battle.

Now, the countdown..."

At this time, the voice of the beautiful girl who presided over was also sounded again, and with the introduction, the atmosphere of the entire ring space reached its climax again.

"The test begins!" At this time, as the countdown ended, Hong Lie and Han Feng also appeared directly on the ring. Then, the low voice echoed in the ears of everyone in the ring space.

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