Star-source Legend

Chapter 1122: Pros and cons

And with the disappearance of a large number of blood people, Mike finally turned pale. After all, these blood people were all gathered by his own power, and each dissipated one was a drain on his power.




It only lasted for less than a minute. In the end, because of his own power consumption, Mike's **** domain suddenly became riddled with holes, including Mike himself, which was directly penetrated by Bruce's black knife light. .

"You... are strong!"

In the end, Mike only had time to say these words, and he disappeared directly on the ring.

"These two people are enough to be regarded as absolute top geniuses. After all, the domain is a means that can only be displayed at the Xingyang realm. After all, if you want to maintain the domain, it is not only about your perception, but also about your own strength. It can be used only when it reaches a certain level.

Especially the consumption of the domain to itself is very huge. They can successfully perform and still have a good power. Even if this domain is only a pseudo domain, it is enough to be considered very powerful at the level of Star-Moon Realm. "

In the box, Xiao Gu said admiringly at this moment.

"Domain? Xiaogu, what is a field?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan was also confused when he heard what Xiao Gu said. After all, he didn't know what the domain was, and Old Xing hadn't explained this to him.

"Haha, Afan, the domain can be regarded as an upgrade of a normal martial skill. For example, if you use a martial skill, the scope is limited.

However, the role of the domain is to be able to center on you and directly control the surrounding space within a certain range.

In this space, in theory, you have an absolute advantage.

This is like when the mental power of a spiritual teacher enters the sea of ​​consciousness of another spiritual teacher and will be suppressed.

Fighting in your own home court will occupy a huge advantage. "

Smiling, Xiao Gu also directly explained.

"It turned out to be so, but how is the strength of the field divided? I think that the field that Mike formed by himself is wider than Bruce's. Why does it ultimately fail?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan asked immediately.

"The strength of the field does not depend on whose scope is wider, but on the level of one's own field. This is like giving you a book that requires you to remember the above.

One person has memorized most of it, while the other has only memorized a few pages. The gap in between has also led to the strength of the field.

Normally, only a warrior has entered the Xingyang realm. With his own powerful strength and his perception of the Great Dao of the Universe, it is possible to finally condense the domain.

However, everything is not absolute, I have seen some geniuses, just in the early stage of the Star-Moon Realm, they have condensed their own domain.

And with the existence of the domain, even if you are only in the early stage of the Star-Moon realm, you are able to fight against the warriors of the later stage of the Star-Moon realm. In the same level, to a certain extent, unless the opponent has a more powerful means, or domain, or you It can be the controller, it can be a powerful array mage, illusionist, etc. Otherwise, relying on the advantages of the domain, it is definitely an invincible existence. "

Xiaogu also immediately explained.

"Afan, the reason why I didn't tell you about the domain back then was because at that time your strength was still relatively low. Knowing something too early is not good for your own cultivation.

Indeed, the domain is very powerful, and being able to condense one's own domain in the Xingjue realm or even the Xingyue realm is enough to be considered a genius.

However, there are gains and losses. In addition to the top genius, many warriors who have condensed the field early have limited ultimate achievements.

Because, to condense a layer of realm, the time and experience it takes are far beyond ordinary people. Even many people in the family have already reached the late Star-Moon Realm or even the Star Sun Realm, and he himself only reached the middle Star-Moon Realm.

Once a person can break through to the Xingyang realm, his understanding of the realm will be easier than before, and he will eventually come from behind.

In this case, it is also a comprehension of the field, which had always had an absolute advantage before, but was eventually directly opened up.

Of course, this is not absolute. If a person's own resources are very strong, or there are strong people around him who are teaching hand in hand, understanding the domain early will also have certain benefits. With sufficient resources, the final cultivation speed will not slow down much.

In fact, you have already been in contact with the domain to a certain extent. It's just like the red sword that you understood before, and with one sword swing, everything around you will be under your control, and it will directly make a person fall into the illusion.

Of course, this is just the prototype of a field.

And the Ten Thousand Swords you will practice afterwards, to a certain extent, after all of them are trained, it is enough to be considered a sword field, of course, it is only the initial stage.

My suggestion is that afterwards, you should ascend to the late stage of the Star-Moon Realm as much as possible, and then spend enough time to comprehend your own domain.

With your current accumulation, the field condensed by the ability to cooperate with the spiritual teacher must also be very powerful.

This is also the safest way, so as not to delay one's own practice because of the domain too early.

After all, if you want to participate in the genius selection battle, your own strength needs to reach the late stage or even the peak of the Star-Moon Realm. "

At this time Xing Lao's voice also came out directly.

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan also understood.

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