Star-source Legend

Chapter 1023: Star-Moon Realm Early Peak (middle)

"Afan, your current strength has reached the peak of the Star Jubilee realm, and your realm is already completely stable.

In the next time, you will fully integrate the third star source fragment.

This time the integration will be easier than your second time, but it should not be careless.

After all, this fusion is related to whether you can break through to the star-moon realm.

Therefore, you must not be distracted.

Otherwise, if something happens, it is likely to cause damage to your star source debris space.

Now, you are ready, concentrate, and start to fuse the third star source fragment. "

At this time, Xing Lao's voice also came out directly, which made Zhang Fan's heart startled.

He naturally knew that fusion of star source fragments was a very dangerous thing, and naturally he did not dare to be careless.

"Okay, Old Star, with my current physical strength and soul strength, I will definitely be able to successfully fuse the third piece of star source fragment.

Star-Moon Realm, I am bound to win! "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said solemnly.

"Well, this is why I asked you to ascend to the top of the Star Jubilee realm before fusing the third star source fragment. You have already merged two star source fragments, and you must also know the fusion of star source fragments. All aspects of the martial artist are very demanding.

Especially the strength of your body and the strength of your soul need to reach a certain level to be able to merge.

Originally, according to my expectation, you would at least need to reach the star-moon realm to truly start fusing the third star source fragment.

However, with the existence of "Xuan Tian Ling Zhi Jue", your physical strength is within the same level, even if you are not inferior to those of the cosmos members of the race that are known for their physical strength.

Even the strength of your body is already completely comparable to a beast in the same realm.

And your soul power, because you have become the master, has reached a very exaggerated level. Even the soul strength of the warrior at the peak of the Star-Moon realm is not comparable to yours.

With these conditions, you will not encounter any danger in this integration.

Hurry up.

Ten years have passed, and you have never appeared. Presumably, your relatives and friends will feel anxious and worried. "

Nodded, Old Xing also looked at Zhang Fan and explained.

"Afterwards, Zhang Fan thought, and the third star source fragment appeared in Zhang Fan's hands.

And this star source fragment was also obtained by Zhang Fan from Xiao Huo's body.

Its volume is larger than the second piece of star source fragment. Obviously, this third piece of star source fragment contained a bit more original power than before.

And as the Star Source Fragments appeared in Zhang Fan's hands, immediately, in the surrounding void, the endless starry power seemed to have received a huge traction force, constantly converging towards Zhang Fan.

In just a few minutes, Zhang Fan was already wrapped in the mighty power of the starry sky, like a huge white cocoon.

For all this, Zhang Fan didn't care.

All of his mind is concentrated on this piece of star source fragment in his hand at this moment.


In an instant, Zhang Fan opened his mouth and swallowed the whole piece of star source fragments directly.

Moreover, for the first time, Zhang Fan was directly activating the aura of his own star-source debris space, and at the same time, Zhang Fan was also directly running "Xuantian Devouring Spirits" with all his strength.


Soon, as this piece of star source fragment entered Zhang Fan’s body, he felt the aura of the same origin, coupled with the effect of Zhang Fan’s "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Decision", it immediately shattered and transformed into With a strong source of power, it flooded Zhang Fan's body.

And the power that burst out in an instant made Zhang Fan almost unbearable.

At this moment, Zhang Fan, with fierce facial features and skyrocketing veins, is obviously also suffering tremendously.

As this piece of star source fragment melted away, suddenly, the aura of origin exuding from Zhang Fan's whole body became much richer.

For a moment, even the entire solar system was directly affected. Many meteorites and comets stopped for a moment.

Especially the moon where Zhang Fan was located, shook violently.

Everywhere in the void, a large amount of starry power is constantly converging towards Zhang Fan.

At the beginning, the starry sky cocoon formed around Zhang Fan's body was only a thin layer.

With the passage of time, this layer of cocoons, which are completely condensed by the power of the starry sky, has also become larger and larger, directly increasing to a size of tens of meters, and it is still increasing.

At this moment, the "Xuantian Devouring Soul" within Zhang Fan's body had already reached its limit.

And Zhang Fan's Star Source Fragment Space is also under Zhang Fan's control a little bit at this moment, absorbing the original power in his body.

As these origin powers continue to pour into the Star Source Fragment Space, the Star Source Fragment Space also expands and changes a little bit in Xiaogu's shocked look.

The speed of increase made Xiao Gu feel extremely shocked.

In the Star Source Fragment Space, the one who benefited the most this time was the Tree of Life, as well as the Niulongjiao.

Because at this moment, the power of the star source in the space of the star source fragments is flooding all around, and it is very gentle, it can be said that although the tree of life and the ox dragon flood are unable to absorb the power of the star source.

But the power of the star source is actively changing them.

This can be clearly known from the fact that the tree of life keeps getting bigger and higher.

As for the Niulongjiao and the Three-headed Spirit Snake, although their strength has not been improved, their bodies are also quietly changing due to the power of the star source.

This change can be said to be a great encounter. To a certain extent, this time because of the power of the star source, the bloodline level of the Niulongjiao will definitely be upgraded to a level, and their own potential will also be greatly increased.

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