Star-source Legend

Chapter 1021: Ten years (below)

"From now on, you two will be my apprentices to Zhang Fan. As my disciples, in Tenglong Pavilion, your status is equivalent to inheriting disciples.

From now on, I will call you Xiaole and Xiaolong.

Xiaole, this is a gift I prepared for you, and you must like it very much.

Xiaolong, this is the sword canon of the original sword pavilion. You should know its role. If you can successfully practice all the sword canon, your strength will be increased tenfold, a hundredfold.

As for combat uniforms and weapons, when we arrive in the universe in the future, I will specifically find suitable ones for you. For the time being, you will use your current weapons first. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also took out the sword canon and the Buddhist techniques and martial arts that were used to release music.

"This "Dharma Protecting Mo" and "Indestructible King Fist" are too powerful. In our Buddhist records, these two exercises and martial arts have long been lost. I don't expect to see it again today. To.

And, enough to be able to directly make people cultivate to the Xingyang realm.

Master, thank you. I like it so much. "

At this time, the sound of release of surprise came out, which made Zhang Fan also feel very happy.

Although Buddhism pays attention to quietness, no matter what, Shi Le is only a teenager. When I see something I like, I can't help it naturally.

"Thank you, Master, it turned out to be the most important inheritance "Sword Classic" of Jiange. I have been looking forward to this for a long time. But Qin Lao and the others have never passed it on to me, saying that you must get your permission, hehe."

Li Chenglong was also holding the sword code at this time, smiling silly there, and his saliva almost came out.

"This is what I got from a ruin by accident. I think you have all heard of me being trapped in a space for more than two years.

These two Buddhist techniques and martial arts are one of the original master's collections there.

Otherwise, I don't know what to send Xiaole to you.

Your current strengths have all reached the realm of martial souls, and the corresponding training resources have been prepared for you. I hope that after my retreat is over, I can see that you have reached the realm of kings and are now sealing. Wang Jing has already gone very far.

This is my first request of you.

With your talents, I think this condition is not difficult.

This time, I also need to stay in seclusion for at least ten years. Ten years, I think, at least you will be able to rise to the later stage of the Conferred King Realm. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also gave each of them a gift ring, and then said.

"Don't worry, Master, we can definitely do it."

Both of them patted their chests and promised.

"Yeah, go back."

Zhang Fan waved his hand and said.

Afterwards, the two left the Tenglongju where Zhang Fan was located.

In fact, Zhang Fan also intends to accept Ouyang Mu as an apprentice, but Ouyang Mu already worships Li Mubai as a teacher, so he is not good at starting.

After that, Zhang Fan also directly released the news that Shi Le and Li Chenglong had collected him. Suddenly, everyone in the entire Tenglong Pavilion was shocked, and even more envied.

"Ouyang, although you have already become my apprentice. But compared to the pavilion master, I can't guarantee you anything. The pavilion master also gave me a voice transmission just now. If you want, you can also worship him as a teacher. Will not affect our relationship.

You are still my apprentice. I wonder if you want to?

Actually, I hope you agree.

The future achievements of the pavilion master are beyond your imagination. Becoming his disciple, it can be said that your future is absolutely unimaginable. "

At this moment, in Li Mubai's residence, Ouyang Mu, wearing a white exercise suit, was also standing in front of Li Mubai.

"I obey the master."

Ouyang Mu also answered directly at this moment.

"Okay, then I will contact Afan, and you can go directly."

Nodded, Li Mubai also spoke.

"Haha, I've come here. Ouyang Mu, let me teach you Xiao Mu. From now on, you will be my third disciple. At the same time, you are also the disciple of Elder Li.

This does not conflict.

These are the exercises and martial arts I prepared for you. From now on, you can practice this directly. These are enough to allow you to directly cultivate to the realm of Xingyang.

And this is an extra training resource I prepared for you.

I hope that after our retreat is over, your strength will at least reach the middle or even late stage of the Conquered Realm. "

At this time, Zhang Fan's figure also appeared in Li Mubai's room for an instant.

"Thank you, Master."

Just taking a look at the techniques and martial arts in front of him, Ouyang Mu's expression was very excited.

After Ouyang Mu performed the apprenticeship, Zhang Fan passed the news directly.

Moreover, for the first time, Zhang Fan was also anxious for all the powerhouses who wandered the earth, and rushed to the location of Everest Mafi together.

"After a while, everyone should practice in the right place according to their own capacity.

This retreat lasted as short as five years and as long as ten years. Later, I will pass on the experience I have improved directly to you, hoping to help everyone.

I hope that when the retreat is over, many of you have already become powerhouses in the Star Noble realm.

Now, let's get started.

Xiaohuo, Xiaojin, you just stay here, remember, without my permission, don't let anyone enter here to disturb their retreat. "

Soon, everyone came to the periphery of the round platform of Mount Everest, and Zhang Fan also spoke directly to everyone at this moment. At the same time, Xiaojin and Xiaohuo were also ordered to guard everyone's safety.

Soon, everyone stepped into the range of the star-gathering array, and then found a suitable position for them, and directly sat down cross-legged, began to absorb the power of the starry sky, and ascended.

And Zhang Fan also passed the experience he had mastered to everyone at the first time, and then left directly.

Next, he finds a relatively concealed and safe place to merge the third piece of star source fragments.


Time flies, from the official establishment of Tenglong Pavilion, and then many powerful people came to Mount Everest to practice and upgrade together. Now, it has been ten years.

In ten years, it can be said that the entire earth has undergone tremendous changes. Especially the many strong people who have been in retreat, everyone's improvement is huge.

In the first year, Nalandi and Yan Ping, including Li Jianqiu, successfully broke through to the Star Noble Realm, formally transformed into the first starry sky, and became the One Star Noble Realm.

In the fifth year, Hong Lie, Qin Feng, and Xu Yuan all successfully became powerhouses in the one-star noble realm.

Others, in the past five years, have also improved at least a small level. Basically, all of them have reached the level of the middle stage of the fairy tale.

In the middle, Liu Ruyan, Liu Yun and the others all achieved breakthroughs, and they also came to Mount Everest to start practicing.

Up to now, ten years have passed.

It can be said that many of the powerhouses who had wandered the earth before have reached the pinnacle level of the wandering earth.

And midway through, Song Letian, Yunshan, these warriors who have reached the middle stage of the journey to the earth, have also become powerhouses in the one-star noble realm.

The reason why the speed of improvement is not as fast as others is also because everyone has different talents.

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