According to Jing Yuanyuan, Ying Xing and Bai Heng made rapid progress, and he deserved the credit.

Of course, Ying Xing didn't dare to put his lips on Bai Heng's.

Even when he was drunk, he didn't dare.

Kissing on the cheek is the most they can do now.

It's normal, after all, they have only been together for a few months.

Jing Liu and Yuan Ming have been together for almost two years, and the interaction between them is definitely not comparable to Ying Xing and Bai Heng.


"What's going on today? Why is it so grand?"

"Today is Jingyuan's birthday."

Jingliu sat at the table wrapping red envelopes.

She put the Xundi inside and stood up:"I prepared a gift for him."

"What are you preparing for?

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

"A new uniform.

Jing Liu said,"It was ordered the day before yesterday. He wanted a new uniform before."

"Why didn’t you tell me?"

"……I thought I told you, but today I just remembered that I hadn't told you yet."

Jingliu smiled helplessly and took Yuanming's hand:"Let's go together?"

"Hmm...should I prepare something for him too?"

Yuanming stroked his chin.

Jingyuan seemed to like drinking.

"Then I will go with you to prepare first."

Yuanming held Jingliu's hand tightly and said,"Then I will go and prepare a gift for him."

"Should I not ask too early?"

Jing Liu tilted his head.

"Actually, it’s okay to ask now"

"Hmm... No, leave some surprises for myself."

Jingliu chuckled.


The uniform that Jingliu customized for Jingyuan looks very high-end.

The throat is covered with a turquoise ribbon, with a single lion head shoulder guard, and solemn words engraved under the shoulder armor.

The cross-shaped breastplate on the chest is like a stretched lion head. According to Jingliu, because Jingyuan likes lions very much, the pattern on this clothes is mainly lions. A forked cape is added on the back.

According to Yuanming, the only thing that is not very beautiful... is the red pants that are the same color as autumn pants.

But it should be quite suitable for Jingyuan.

"How about it!"

Jingliu spread out his clothes.

The sword master, who had no taste in clothes at all, asked with shining eyes what he thought of his choice of clothes.

Yuanming replied with a smile.

"Very good, Ah Liu has a great eye."

If Bai Heng heard this, her jaw would probably drop to the ground.

But Lord Chaos Star God obviously didn't care about that.

He only cared about whether his wife was happy or not.


Jingliu's gift was ready, and the only thing left was Yuanming's gift.

Yuanming picked up Jingliu and disappeared in the fairy boat.

"This is a gift I never thought of.……"

Jing Liu looked at the familiar medieval-style tavern in front of him and swallowed. Did he treat Changle Tianjun as a pickup point?


Ah Ha was sitting on the counter, watching Yuanming come in, he raised his eyebrows:"Jingliu is here too?"


Jing Liu nodded and bowed slightly.

She still had to be polite to other Star Gods.

"Come to your place to pick up some barrels of wine"


Aha's mouth twitched.

The wine here is for tasting, okay?

"Hurry up, Aha."

Yuanming took two steps forward and pressed Jingliu on a chair beside him:"Name a price."

Aha blinked:"That depends on what you want."

"Before that, I have something I want to ask."

Yuanming pointed to the golden jar on the top of the counter and asked,"What kind of wine is in that?"

Ah Ha glanced in the direction of his finger and chuckled,"That is the wine of destruction."

"Wine of destruction?"

"Yes, it is Nanook's own brew."

"Would the Star God of Destruction spend time brewing wine?"

"Well, of course... This wine took thousands of years to make."

Ah Ha smiled strangely:"How about it? Yuanming, do you want to take this barrel away?"

"No, it feels like a fraud."

Yuanming waved his hand and said,"Give me some good wine."

"Well... then……"

Ah Ha raised his hand and several barrels of wine flew out:"These barrels are very good."

"Speaking of Yuanming, what day is today?"

"Jingyuan's birthday."

Yuanming looked at the barrels of wine on the ground and asked,"How much is it?"

"Just give me some."

For these wines that can be obtained easily, Ah Ha never cares about the price.

"How can this be possible?"

Yuanming raised his chin and said,"Tell me the price."

"If it’s expensive, will you give it?"

"No way."

Yuanming said it as a matter of course.


"What else do you have to say?"

Ah Ha waved his hand and said,"Just consider it as a gift to Jing Yuan."

"Then I'll take it."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"Thank you on behalf of Jingyuan."

Ah Ha shrugged and didn't intend to answer.

Yuanming waved his hand, and the wine barrel in front of him disappeared automatically.

He took Jingliu's hand and disappeared into the tavern.


Jing Yuan himself had forgotten that today was his birthday.

He continued to train and study as usual.

Until night.

Bai Heng had said this morning that they would have dinner together in the evening.

The night wind was cool. Jing Yuan rubbed his hair and looked around.

Why was there no one?

According to past experience, Bai Heng should have been the first to arrive, right?

Even if Bai Heng was delayed by something, Dan Feng lived in Linyuan Realm, so how could he not be here?

"Hey! Where are the people?"

Jing Yuan looked around and called out the names of his master and others:"Master! Master! Bai Heng! Dan Feng! Ying Xing!"

There was no response.

It couldn't be that someone came and fought with them.

It didn't exist. Yuan Ming was still there.

"what's the situation……"

Jing Yuan frowned and looked around


The sky suddenly lit up with a light as bright as day.

Jing Yuan widened his eyes and turned to look.

"Jing Yuanyuan!"

Bai Heng finally couldn't help but jumped out:"Happy birthday!"

Jing Yuan was stunned

"Happy birthday, Bai Heng... You came out too early."

Dan Feng walked out from behind the stone and looked at Bai Heng helplessly:"The dragon I prepared has not been released yet."

"Hehe... I think he is too lonely."

Bai Heng chuckled and turned to look at Jing Yuan:"What's the matter, Jing Yuanyuan, you even forgot your birthday!"

Jing Yuan blinked:"Ah... it seems so."

He himself didn't celebrate his birthday often, and he usually spent his birthday on the battlefield... He hardly ever celebrated it.

"Come! Here's your gift."

Bai Heng pushed a gift box to Jing Yuan:"Ying Xing and I prepared this together! Open it when you get home!""

"Thank you, Bai Heng."

Jing Yuan grinned and looked behind Bai Heng:"Thank you Ying Xing as well."

Ying Xing leaned against the stone behind him with his arms folded.

"This is for you."

Dan Feng also took out a gift box:"I can reveal this, it is a bracelet"

"Thank you, Danfeng!"

Jing Yuan smiled.

"Happy birthday."

Jing Liu's voice came from behind.


Jing Yuan turned his head, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"A gift for you."

Jingliu handed the huge gift box to Jingyuan:"Yuanming also has something for you, but the gift will be placed on the dining table later."

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master Gong!"

Jing Yuan smiled excitedly.

"I'm one year older."

Jing Liu's eyes were tender, and she raised her hand to rub Jing Yuan's head:"You are already taller than me."

Back then, he was a little guy who was not as tall as her legs, but now he can stand on his own.


Yuanming patted Jingyuan on the shoulder and said,"Happy birthday."

"Thank you, Master!"

Jing Yuan's mouth never relaxed.

"Ruined... I ruined the atmosphere I carefully designed by myself."

Bai Heng cried and hugged Ying Xing's arm.

Ying Xing gently lowered her head and kissed her ear:"Then let's just eat."

Jing Yuan didn't care so much.

They just sat on the ground, drinking and having fun in the pouring moonlight.

The huge cake was placed in the middle, and there were several barrels of wine next to it.

"This wine... smells so good."

Bai Heng, the drunkard, immediately came over, leaned against the barrel, and took a deep breath:"Where did this come from? Did Yuanming bring this?"


Yuanming nodded:"I got it from Ah Ha."

Bai Heng rarely wrote down the names of the Star Gods, so she couldn't immediately connect Changle Tianjun with Ah Ha mentioned by Yuanming.

But she still understood that someone who could have a relationship with Yuanming must not be an ordinary person.

Ordinary people can't brew such wine.

"Aha? Is he your friend?"

Bai Heng's eyes lit up:"Which planet is he on? Is he a winemaker? Is he expensive?"

"Not expensive."

Yuanming shook his head:"He is not on a planet, he is in a space he created."

Ah Ha's tavern is indeed a space he created himself.


Bai Heng blinked.

���Bai Heng."

Jing Liu sighed helplessly:"Aha is Changle Tianjun"

"Changle Tianjun……"

Bai Heng tilted his head, and after a few seconds he remembered who Chang Le Tian Jun was.

""Ah! I remember! The one I met before!"

Bai Heng clapped her hands.

Bai Heng had indeed met Ah Ha once before.

But she had a rule in her heart. Some people did not leave a deep impression on her at first sight, or she did not think she would have any contact with this person in the future, so Bai Heng would not deliberately remember that person.

Ah Ha was one of them.

"Yes, the wine of the Joy Star God."

Yuanming looked at Jingyuan who had been craving for it for a long time, and smiled helplessly:"Don't drink too much, don't delay the training... and this is the wine brewed by the Star God, you still have to control it, after all, you don't know if it will cause any damage to your body." If these people turn into Joy Order envoys on the spot after drinking it, it will be ruined.

Maybe it's because they are used to snatching people from the Hunting Star God? Yuanming is always worried that a certain Star God will steal his people - there is no doubt that Aha is the Star God most likely to steal his people.

""Okay, Master, I understand, Master!"

Jing Yuan agreed very quickly - obviously he didn't listen.

He swallowed.

But he couldn't rush over now. After all, this was a birthday party, Master and others were here, and there was still a necessary step.

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