Yuanming finally experienced a complete life.

Soda bean juice, Luofu nightmare, is worthy of its reputation.

If Fu Li was here, he might get another light cone - recording the taste collapse of a star god.

Yuanming covered his face and thought.

Oh, right.

Yuanming blinked and put down his hand:"I have something to give you, I almost forgot about this matter"

"What is it?"

Jing Liu tilted his head.

"I'll give it to you after dinner."

Yuanming glanced at the shop owner next to him and shook his head slightly:"Eat first."


Jingliu nodded, and understood that it might be something related to a certain star god, so he didn't ask any more questions, and lowered his head to drink the porridge clean.

Well, porridge.

Yuanming had just finished drinking the soy milk, and Jingliu asked for two bowls of porridge.

But Yuanming swallowed it.

The soy milk is indeed hard to drink, but it is not to the extent that it is difficult to swallow.

With his endurance, it is not a problem to force himself to drink it.

Of course, the same is true for Jingliu.

The two of them drank the white porridge, and Yuanming would blow on his palms from time to time and smell it.

Soy milk can be something outside of the body, and you can drink it.

But it would not be good to have the taste of soy milk in your mouth.

However, the star god is worthy of being a star god, and these things can't be contaminated on him at all.

In this way, maybe next time I can make a bet with Yingxing or Baiheng, and the loser will drink the soy milk.

It makes sense.

Very interesting.

Maybe Ah Ha will like it...


Yuanming raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth.

How could I forget Lord Changle Tianjun.

Yuanming immediately raised his hand:"Boss"

"Pack another soda bean juice."

Yuanming smiled slyly:"Add more strong ingredients."

As soon as he said this, Jingliu knew that the soda bean juice that Yuanming packed could not be for himself.

But she couldn't think of who would be the victim.

"Who are you going to give it to?"


Yuanming chuckled.

Although the boss was very confused as to why someone would abuse himself like this, he still did as he was told.

"Wouldn't Changle Tianjun be angry?……"

"Let him be."

Yuanming sneered.

Or seeing the Joyful Star God break through his defense, wouldn't that be the greatest fun in the universe?

I just don't know where Ah Ha is now.

Ah Ha is always elusive, just like the End.

According to Ah Ha, he is also very busy every day.

Yuanming didn't understand what he was busy with.

Busy looking for fun all over the world?

The soy milk was quickly packed, and the boss handed it to Yuanming:"Well... I suggest you eat it with something else with a strong taste... this taste……"

Yuanming opened the bag and sniffed it, his face shrank.

Oh well, this is really a big deal.

This is going to be hard for Ah Ha to handle.

"Great taste?"


Yuanming nodded, responding to Jingliu's question.

After a while, he held the bag and opened it a little towards Jingliu:"Would you like to try it?"

"Allow me to refuse."

Jingliu waved his hand quickly.

Yuanming smiled strangely, and the golden power covered the bean juice in his hand, and then it all disappeared.

Give the Joyful Star God a little Luofu shock.

Yuanming wanted to laugh when he thought of Ah Ha's constipated expression.

"I'm done eating."

Jingliu put the chopsticks aside, collected all the papers on the table and threw them into the trash can beside him.

"Let's go."

Yuanming stood up and the two of them left together.

The number of people on the street gradually increased.

Most of them were fox people and the Chiming tribe.

"It's really rare to see immortals this morning."

Yuanming looked around and said softly

"The immortals are facing the threat of evil spirits, so some of them who don't have busy work will choose to follow their heart. To put it bluntly, they are lazy."

Jingliu shrugged and explained:"Fox people are generally more...excited. You can see Bai Heng for details."

Yuanming thought about it and it was true. Bai Heng seemed to be so happy from morning to night.

Yuanming looked around and said:"In fact, immortality is not all good."

"Judging from the current situation, it can be said that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages."

Jing Liu shook his head:"The only advantage of immortality is that you can live a few hundred more years."

"In these hundreds of years, the immortals have experienced eternal aging and torture."

Jing Liu said softly:"After a hundred years, close friends will change, and after a thousand years, they will face the dangers of demons, but their emotions and psychology will age."

"Most immortals become indifferent to love and fun in the end, because we can only choose a single thing to focus on, just like the short-lived species will no longer be interested in the dolls they had when they were young, but the immortals will constantly abandon their interest in something during their thousands of years of life until they lose interest in everything."

"But you are different from them"

"That's because I've gotten rid of the evil spirit, and strictly speaking, I'm not an immortal being affected by the power of abundance."

Jing Liu shook his head:"Besides... I was living too purely before, thinking only of practicing swords every day. I've only been friends with Bai Heng and other immortals for less than a hundred years, and I've been with Ying Xing even less."

"Since I met them, I have never experienced loss."

Jing Liu smiled softly:"And then I met you." Yuan Ming smiled softly and turned to hold her hand.

The Sword Master also needs time to rest. Everyone in the Five Heroes of the Cloud has time - Oh, no, Ying Xing doesn't have time.

"By the way, Yuanming, I'll add you to the group."

Jingliu took out the jade sign:"Where is your jade sign?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows:"I don't have a jade sign"


Jing Liu blinked and said,"Didn’t you go buy one?"

"No, you are all my messengers now, I can contact you directly"

"Well... I'll take you to buy it now."

Jingliu sighed lightly:"The information calculation of the jade omen is very simple. You can overwrite the information inside. It is still a little different from a mobile phone."

Jingliu took Yuanming to a store called Tianyu Pavilion.

It is probably just opened.

"I want the best and newest one."

When it comes to spending money on her own man, Lord Jianshou has no idea what saving is.

"A total of 50,000 dysprosium."

The shopkeeper's face was almost smiling, he took out the packaged jade and handed it to Jingliu with both hands:"Welcome to visit next time."

Jingliu paid quickly, then turned around and handed the jade to Yuanming:"Here"

"There is a corresponding information circuit inside, you can cover it and turn it into your own jade sign."

Jingliu said:"Normal people have registered in the fairy boat, but you haven't, and you have a more convenient method here." Yuanming didn't bring his mobile phone with him, otherwise with his ability, he could completely transform the mobile phone into a jade sign.

A very simple information circuit, just need to be covered.

Yuanming took the jade sign, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. The golden aura quickly covered the entire jade sign.


After a moment, he put down the jade and looked at the mirror.

This thing is a little different from a mobile phone, but it's almost the same. Yuanming can still use it.

This chat software is similar to WeChat.

But the name is different, it's called Yuluo.

"I'll drag you into the group chat."

Jing Liu lowered his head and swiped the screen:"Add me as a friend first."


Yuanming nodded.

Just a dozen seconds later, a group chat appeared in Yuanming's jade screen, with Jingliu's contacts and four friend requests.

Yuanming took a look and could recognize the identities of those people without even looking at the verification information.

Bai Heng's avatar was a little white fox, and his name was... Invincible Flyer.

Danfeng's avatar was the initial avatar, and like Yuanming, a dark green crystal was hanging in the center, and his name was Danfeng.

Yingxing's avatar was a strand of white hair, and his name was Baiye.


Jingyuan's avatar was a photo of him sleeping, and his name was Jingyuanyuan. Jingliu's avatar was a simple photo of herself, and it was obvious that it was not a selfie, and the name was her real name.

"This was taken by Bai Heng.

Jing Liu said,"Jing Yuan's headshot was also taken by Bai Heng."

"I see."

Yuanming chuckled.

"Where's your avatar?……"

"Use yours."

Yuanming looked at Jingliu and said,"I'll take a picture for you now."

"How can you use my avatar?……"

Jing Liu's mouth twitched:"I'll take a picture for you"

"Then I want to take a photo.

Yuanming puffed his lips and acted like a rogue.


Jing Liu smiled and said,"How do you want to take a photo?"

""Lift it up."

Yuanming took Jingliu's hand, interlocked their fingers, placed them in the middle, and raised the jade omen.

"Ah Liu, smile."

Jing Liu looked at him, turned his head to look at the camera, and showed a touching smile.

"Very good, this is my profile picture."

Yuanming took more than a dozen photos and finally chose the best one as his Yuluo profile picture.

His name is Yuanming.

"Well, that's good"

"It's not fair, I want to change it too."

Jing Liu curled his lips and said,"Send me a copy."


Yuanming chuckled, ignoring the crazy tag in the group chat, and turned around to send all the dozen pictures he had just taken to Jingliu.

After doing all this, Yuanming looked at the group chat.

【Happy handsome men and beautiful women group]

This name has no connotation. Yuanming's mouth twitched and turned to look at Jingliu:"If I'm not mistaken, this name was given by Bai Heng."


Jingliu nodded.

【Invincible Flying Knight: Welcome, welcome! Here are the photos of the new gods.

Baiye: What the hell is a new god...

Jing Yuanyuan: Good morning, Master!

Yuanming: I told you to just call me Yuanming...

Baiye: I am so upset, my family. This group of newcomers has no talent at all.

Invincible Flying Knight: What's going on?

Baiye: They can't even make an ordinary iron billet... Looking at the entire Xianzhou craftsmanship world, it's really explosive.

Jing Yuanyuan: Hahahaha, you still have to watch, right?

Baiye: Otherwise, why would I be upset? I woke up this morning and started watching them forging weapons, but until now, they haven't even made a prototype.

Invincible Flying Knight: Isn't there an advance assessment for entering the Craftsmanship Division? Don't you have that?

Baiye: I don't know... I'm just responsible for the guidance. While we were chatting for a while, a few more iron billets were broken over there.

Invincible Flying Knight: Yingxing, be patient.

Bai Ye: I have been very patient. This is just like you pilots guiding newcomers, but the newcomers don’t even know how to get on the Star Raft. You taught them for a whole morning, but they still don’t know how to get on the Star Raft.

Invincible Pilot: That’s quite frustrating...

Invincible Pilot: No, people’s IQ shouldn’t be this high, right?!

Bai Ye: This is also what I don’t understand... But it happened right in front of me, and it has lasted for a whole morning.

Invincible Pilot:...I sympathize with you. 】

Ying Xing’s collapse could be felt through the screen.

Yuan Ming blinked and gently squeezed Jing Liu’s hand:"Ying Xing is busy?"

"Well, the Xianzhou Alliance is capable of standing on equal footing with the company. Many people from outside the domain and other Xianzhous want to pursue higher skills, or just for fame and fortune, and want to come to Xianzhou to fight for a chance, so many people enter the Industrial Manufacturing Division."

Jingliu nodded:"And Yingxing, as the future leader of the Industrial Manufacturing Division, must at least bring out a few batches of apprentices"

"It seems that the talents of his apprentices are not good enough."

"Who knows."

Jing Liu chuckled:"That's all his business."

That arrogant craftsman couldn't stand still because of these things. He would always find his own way out.

After all, Baiye's reputation is there, Ying Xing is not a freeloader.

He always has a way, just like Bai Heng, they are both people with magic power.

"Oh, that's right."

Jingliu raised his hand and patted his head, picked up the jade

【Jingliu: @Jing Yuanyuan, don't forget to practice swordsmanship.

Jing Yuanyuan: Yes! Master!

Jingliu: Don't abandon the art of formation swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship. Put the study of military tactics and strategies in the afternoon.

Jing Yuanyuan: Yes! Master! 】

After sending these two sentences, Jingliu put away the jade omen.

"What? I still need to supervise training on rest days?"

"His training cannot stop."

Jingliu sighed and shook his head:"You said you can't accept him as an envoy, but the burden of Luofu will fall on him one day."

Jingliu seemed to have some kind of strange premonition about the future. Even though everything is fine now, she always has an inexplicable feeling that the future of Luofu Xianzhou still depends on Jingyuan.

This kid who has been her disciple since childhood has grown and changed a lot.

At least he won't cry because his swordsmanship is severely suppressed.

"The envoy is too powerful... I fought with the Lord of Extinction that day and was also injured... If Jing Yuan meets the Lord of Extinction now, he will not be able to survive."

Jing Liu whispered:"I always have a premonition... I can't protect him forever"

"You can't protect him forever."

Yuanming's eyes flashed with a dark light, and he gently hugged Jingliu:"You have to stay with me forever.""

"I'm not kidding, maybe this is what Bai Heng said about women's sixth sense?"

Jing Liu turned his head, looked at Yuan Ming's jawline, and reached out to touch his chin:"You said that these things don't make sense, but I just made associations with them for no reason, including everything I saw on the day you removed the evil spirit from me, it was so real.……"



"You said, is there really such a thing as the future or the past in this universe... like observation or something like that."

The Immortal Boat Alliance currently has very little information about the Star Gods, and is limited to just a few.

Emperor Gong Siming, Bu Tian Siming.

Shou Wen Huo Zu, Jin Mie Huo Zu, Ming Huang Huo Zu.

In addition, there are five Heavenly Lords, Joy, Pioneering, Pure Beauty, Wisdom and Memory.

As for the Last King of the End, at least the Immortal Boat Alliance has no records of it at present. Jing Liu has only heard the name of the End from Yuanming and knows that there is such a Star God, but does not know the concept of the End of the Fate.

"Yes, there is.

Yuanming nodded:"There is a future."

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