"Well... if I have to say it, I don't really feel anything."

Yuanming shook his head:"I don't really feel anything about children."

His childhood made him unable to imagine what his own children would look like.

He simply couldn't imagine what life would be like with children.

Or maybe he felt that he wouldn't be a good father.

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"

"I just want to ask you, Jingyuan has grown up."

Yuanming chuckled and leaned back:"A Liu……"


"A Liu……"

"I am here"

"A Liu……"

"I'm here."

Jing Liu chuckled and stretched out his hand to pinch his own star god's nose:"Childish ghost"

"Well, I am childish.

Yuanming chuckled.

He was only childish to her.

"In Xia country, many people like to pack up the leftovers from the banquet and feed them to the dogs."

Yuanming whispered in Jingliu's ear.

Jingliu raised his eyebrows and used chopsticks to fiddle with the roasted stone beef in front of him:"The Yunqi Army's celebration banquet added too much salt, can Xiaobai eat it?"

"It's better not to eat, I just suddenly remembered to say something."

Yuanming chuckled.

The celebration banquet lasted until the evening.

The people of the Cloud Cavalry Army drank endlessly.

Ying Xing, Bai Heng, and Jing Yuan were all lively people. The three of them mingled with the Cloud Cavalry Army and talked about everything, drinking happily.

However, Lord Jianshou and Lord Longzun sat there with their faces supported, looking quite tired.

The two of them didn't like the hustle and bustle, and their response speed was not enough for such a scene.

But Jingliu still had his own star god to accompany him.

Danfeng would not be lonely either, Jingyuan pulled him to the Cloud Cavalry Army with his backhand.

As for his own master...

Jingyuan looked at Jingliu who was lying on Yuanming's legs, swallowed his saliva, and still didn't call him.

The master was enjoying a peaceful time, and he still had some eyesight, so don't disturb him.

"Jing Yuan has really grown up."

Jing Liu took it all in and chuckled,"Although he was also so smart before,"

"I remember Jing Yuan's swordsmanship talent was not very good"

"His martial arts talent is not good"

"Why did you accept him as your apprentice? Wouldn't it be more suitable for him to plan strategies?"

"There are no untalented apprentices, only lazy masters."

Jingliu raised his hand and scratched Yuanming's chin:"He does not have talent, but for me and others, his talent is enough."

"It's interesting to say that when I first accepted Jingyuan as my apprentice, there were many reasons."


"When I escaped from Cangcheng, I was holding a baby named Jingming in my arms, but I didn't hold him, and he died in the sudden attack."

Jingliu felt the arm holding her tighter.

She raised her hand and grabbed an arm and put it in front of her, gently squeezing the big hand:"When I met Jingyuan, I thought this might be God's atonement for my sins, so I accepted him, and his brain was too outstanding, so I invited him to join my team."

"Later, I was facing the danger of the devil, and I thought that if I left Jingyuan here, I would not commit a crime and harm my compatriots when I fell into the devil's evil."

Jingliu chuckled:"I didn't expect that now, even the danger of the devil is gone." Yuanming didn't know what to say, but just gently stroked Jingliu's head, feeling the slightly cold hair.

"What does the devil's Yin body look like?"

"Some people will lose their intelligence and become evil creatures that only know how to kill."

"Some people will regard others around them as demons and use weapons against their compatriots.

Jing Liu said softly:"When I fall into the demon body, Jing Yuan will put an end to me."

"That won't happen again."

Yuanming leaned down and kissed Jingliu gently between the eyebrows:"And that would be too cruel to Jingyuan."


Jing Liu chuckled and stroked Yuanming's cheek:"It's all thanks to you."

"And I wanted to imitate my master and be more ruthless to him, but I didn't expect that I was so far from her."

Jing Liu shook his head:"Jing Yuan is different from me at that time"

"Well, that's all in the past."

Yuanming gently stroked Jingliu's hair.

Jingliu took a deep breath and sat up:"What time is it?"

"It's almost dawn."

Yuanming looked at the empty wine jug in front of him.

After becoming a star god, alcohol was completely useless to him.

"Let's go home."

Jing Liu sighed:"There is no point in staying here."

"Aren't you going to accompany them to have another gathering?"

"Look at Bai Heng."

Jing Liu raised his chin.

Yuan Ming turned his head and took a look.

Bai Heng was standing in the middle of the crowd holding a wine pot, and many Cloud Cavalry soldiers were lying around him.

Ying Xing was sitting next to Bai Heng's legs, and Jing Yuan had already run away.

Dan Feng also didn't hold on, lying next to Ying Xing, obviously unconscious. The

Cloud Cavalry soldiers' alcohol tolerance was not covered, but Bai Heng's alcohol tolerance was too amazing.

"Come again! Ying Xing! Stand up!"

Bai Heng reached out to pull Ying Xing.

Ying Xing could only wave his hands weakly, indicating that he no longer had the strength to stand up.

"Hahahaha… Can you do it, Yingxing!"

Bai Heng threw the wine pot and laughed heroically:"Where's Danfeng? Danfeng! Don't play dead! Yinyuejun!"

Danfeng raised his hand weakly and dropped it again.

"How come Bai Heng can drink so much?"


"Jing Yuan probably ran away again.""

"Ran away? Where did you go?"

"Bai Heng likes to torment people when he is drunk……"

"Jingliu! Yuanming!"

Jingliu was just talking when Bai Heng rushed over and lay on her back.

Jingliu leaned forward suddenly and her head almost hit the table.

She didn't finish her sentence.

Bai Heng liked to mess with people when he was drunk. His first choice was Yingxing and Jingyuan, followed by her and Danfeng.

The other three either ran away or became depressed, leaving her alone.

"Bai Heng……"

She helplessly held Bai Heng with her backhand and said,"Be careful."

"Hey Hey……"

Bai Heng laughed foolishly:"Jing Liuliu smells so good……"

"Bai Heng."

Yuanming stretched out his hand, and the golden power separated Bai Heng and held him in place.

Bai Heng stood there unable to move, and of course, he could not fall down.

Yuanming hugged Jingliu in his arms:"I haven't held you many times, I won't let you hold me."

"Yuanming...you are so narrow-minded."

Bai Heng was still rational.

"I am just narrow-minded."

Yuanming hugged Jingliu and sneered:"If you have the guts, go find someone else to hug."


Bai Heng shook the ear on top of his head and said,"Jing Liuliu, tell me, will you choose him or me?"

"What's the problem?……"

Jing Liu held his head with his hand, feeling a bit troubled.……"


Yuanming lowered his head and chuckled:"Answer carefully."

Okay, a naked threat, Jingliu only felt that the big hand on his waist was stained with the heat of fire.


The Sword Master turned his head slightly and gave Bai Heng a slightly apologetic smile.

"No love anymore."

Bai Heng's fox ears drooped, but she returned to her original happy look the next second.

Because Ying Xing seemed to have eased some of the alcohol and was getting up from the ground.

"Ying Xing! Ying Xing! Come and drink more!"

Ying Xing's face froze visibly.

He loosened his arms and was about to lie down:"I didn't get up... you saw it wrong... I'm not Ying Xing……"

"Ying Xing! Be a man! Don't run!"

Bai Heng pulled him up and stuffed the bottle into his hand:"Come on, you still have one left."

"I really……"

Ying Xing waved his arms weakly.

But Bai Heng certainly didn't intend to let him go, and even dragged him to find Dan Feng.

It should be said that Bai Heng is also a strange person.

It's not that she can't get drunk.

Without using the power of destiny to suppress alcohol, Bai Heng can stay sober when drunk.

Even if he is drunk to the point that his head can shake to the sky, Bai Heng can still stay sober and know what he is doing.

Normally, such people should become quieter the more they drink, because they need more thoughts to process all the information they see now.

But Bai Heng is different. This sister becomes more and more jumpy as she drinks.

Dan Feng has climbed up and slipped back.


Jingliu chuckled:"It's not a good habit to avoid drinking."

Danfeng lay on the table and waved his hands weakly, indicating that he had even given up the idea of speaking.

During the celebration, they did not use the power of destiny to resist alcohol.

As for their drinking capacity...

Yuanming turned his head and glanced at the wine jars that were almost piled up like a mountain. The wine that the Yunqi Army drank was strong and high in alcohol content. It was more similar to the white wine of Xia country than beer.

Then they drank white wine like beer.

That jar was about two liters...

So thinking about it, Bai Heng and his men were not ordinary drinkers.

Of course, the alcohol content of this wine was not as high as that of the white wine of Xia country.

"Why are you fighting with Bai Heng?"

Jing Liu lay in Yuanming's arms, closing his eyes in peace.

"That's right, I haven't held her a few times, so I won't let her hold her."

Yuanming's tone was like a child. He sniffed Jingliu's long hair and said with a smile:"A Liu is mine."

"Yes, it's yours."

Jingliu chuckled and held his hand tighter.

She liked to hold Yuanming like this, feeling his strong and overly strong muscles, feeling the star-like fragrance and affinity.

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed Jingliu on the top of his head.

The fire in his heart made it difficult for him to suppress the heat of his body.

Yuanming... control himself.

Jingliu had never been treated like this in a thousand years, and now he might scare her if he couldn't help it.

But the tempting fragrance was indeed reducing his mind.

"Hey, I've been sitting there watching for quite a while."

Teng Xiao's mouth twitched:"Can you two control yourself? At least pay attention to the occasion."

Four-fifths of the people here must be single, right?

"Okay, let's pay attention to the occasion."

Jingliu chuckled and pulled Yuanming to stand up:"Then I'll ask the general to clean up the mess."

Teng Xiao immediately realized that what he said was wrong, and just as he was about to reach out to keep him, Jingliu had already disappeared with Yuanming.

"Hello! Mirror Stream……"

When Teng Xiao stretched out his hand, Jing Liu had already disappeared.


This is bad.

Teng Xiao looked at the drunken Cloud Cavalry in front of him, and the piles of wine jars everywhere.

He had to clean them up.

You were careless, Teng Xiao. You were really careless.

How could you let Jing Liu escape?

Teng Xiao turned around and cast a malicious look at Lord Long Zun who was lying on the table.

Jian Shou ran away, but there is still Long Zun here.

"Drink the moon? Drink the moon!"

Teng Xiao came over and patted Dan Feng on the back.

Dan Feng raised his head and looked at Teng Xiao with a dazed and confused look.

His eyes could no longer focus.

"Drinking the Moon……"

Teng Xiao chuckled:"Come back to your senses. We still have to clean up the venue later."

Dan Feng looked at him in a daze for a long time, and his head seemed to have dropped a thousand pounds, and then fell down again.



"Running pretty fast"

"Of course."

Jing Liu nodded:"If I don't leave, I will have to stay and clean up those wine jars later, so I never attend celebration banquets."

The two walked on the road covered by the night. The merchants on both sides of the road had already rested.

"You are quite smart."

Yuanming chuckled:"That's good, it seems that I didn't receive the Idiot Order."

"Who are you calling an idiot?"

Jingliu raised his hand and pushed him on the arm.

"I am an idiot."

Yuanming laughed and said,"The big idiot took in four little idiots."

Jingliu snorted and ignored him, just gently raised his hand and held his big hand

"A Liu"


"No one around"

"Um, what's wrong?"

Jing Liu turned to look at him:"I'm not holding your hand.……"

Before she finished her words, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of her, covering her face.

She felt a soft touch on her lips, but it was fleeting.

Turning back, Yuanming smiled and turned his face away.

"you you……"

Her ears suddenly felt hot, almost burning her.

She could no longer hear any other sounds, only the sound of her own heartbeat.

That sound almost swallowed her mind.

"Are you stupid?"

Yuanming looked at Jingliu in a daze, and bent down slightly to touch her head.

He was also a little embarrassed. He kissed her, but he found that he didn't know how to take the next step.

Logically speaking, most men are self-taught in this matter.

Oh, it's not that there are no teachers, but there are no real teachers.

They can only see clearly through the screen.

Of course, Yuanming obviously has no such experience. Even in the so-called modern thinking of Xiaguo, there are no couples standing on the street passionately kissing.

He knows how to stick out his tongue, but how to stick it out?

Put it directly into the mouth? Or just lick it?

Besides, he was also very nervous.

The first kiss of two lives was gone, and he couldn't think clearly about anything.

Jingliu opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say for a long time.

Until her eyes shifted to Yuanming's ears, which were also slightly red.


You took the initiative to kiss me, why are you shy?

"Let’s go…let’s go……"

Yuanming felt that his voice seemed to be trembling, so he quickly shut up, took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed the unstable emotions in his chest:"Go home... Go home"


Jingliu's face was still red, but seeing Yuanming like this, she wanted to laugh for some reason:"Why are you shy?"

"Why can't I be shy?"

Yuanming scratched his nose and said,"This is my first kiss, okay?"……"

"me too……"

Jingliu coughed twice.

She originally wanted to tell him before kissing him next time. But then she changed her mind and thought, it would be even weirder to inform her before kissing her - I'm going to kiss you. So Jingliu gave up. Whatever... just let him like it.

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