Walk through the Iron Guard exclusion zone full of silver-maned Iron Guards.

Amid the continuous blessings of the soldiers, the six came to the remnant corridor.

As long as you pass through here, you can reach the permafrost ridge where the star core is located.

The temperature in the Echo Cloister is much cooler than elsewhere in Arillo-VI.

March Seven couldn’t help but hug his arm and shivered: “Shhh, it’s so cold.” ”

Danheng looked at the snowy mountain at the end of the reverberation corridor: “The closer to the star core, the more severely affected by the star core.” ”

Others also looked at Permafrost Ridge.

Bronia seemed to sigh with emotion: “As outsiders, it is difficult for you to imagine that a year ago, all the places outside Beloberg were in this bitter cold. ”

“And here, it’s no less than 3 degrees lower than it is now.”


March 7, Danheng and Galaxy Baseball Man subconsciously looked at Chu Yu.

But I heard the other person say, “What do you see me do?” ”

The Galactic Baseball Man thought for a moment and said, “I’m just curious what Lord Guardian thinks about the temperature rise. ”

Is this trying to get a phrase out of my mouth?

It’s a pity.

I have only one answer to you.

“It’s simply a miracle, the cold wave that has lasted for hundreds of years suddenly has traces of an end.”

“In the reports of many scholars, the cold wave never ends until our civilization is destroyed.”

“I didn’t expect it to be around now.”

The three members of the Star Dome train looked at each other.

The word miracle again.

Seeing that he couldn’t say anything, Danheng clearly asked: “It is indeed a miracle, but whether it is the miracle of the end of the cold wave or the miracle of the dissipation of the rift, it all began after you took office.” ”

“So I’m weird, what did you do?”

To this.

Bronia directly frowned and spoke: “If you come to seal the star core, then we welcome it.” ”

“But if you continue to tempt Lord Guardian…”

“I won’t hesitate to do it.” Ciel gripped the scythe handle.

March Seven waved his hand again and again: “That… Don’t be so nervous, we don’t mean it. ”

“It’s just, I heard too many rumors about the Great Guardian yesterday, so I’m curious, you say it’s Danheng?”

Danheng still looked indifferent: “That’s right, after all, it happened to the Great Guardian, and there are too many miracles on this planet.” ”

The Galactic baseball man added: “If it’s just one or two, it may be a miracle, but if it happens too much, it may be man-made. ”

“As far as we know, all the miracles on the Arilo-VI began to happen a year ago.”

“So we…”

“Suspect I did it?” Chu Yu answered, and then shrugged: “It’s just a pity, it’s not me.” ”

He looked up at the sky: “You should know this better, you who have traveled to many worlds, have you ever seen the artificial reduction of the star core disaster?” ”

The three of Danheng stopped talking.

Don’t say that the disaster induced by the lowering star nucleus has never been heard.

But if it was really a miracle, then there were too many miracles that happened to Chu Yu.

Thought about it.

Danheng apologized and said: “I apologize for our actions just now, we just want to know the way to reduce the harm of the star core, after all, there are many worlds that are deeply affected by the rift. ”

“I can understand.” Chu Yu nodded.

If the two sides had swapped places, he might have asked these questions as well.

With each new adventure, you meet new friends.

Even for those who care, a way will be found to eliminate the harm of star cores.

It’s just a pity.

If you want to eliminate the catastrophe of the star core, you need to be present with the power of “miracle”.

And for now.

The people you care about and want to protect are all in Belloberg.

“If there are no other questions, let’s go deeper?”

Seeing that March Seven and the Galaxy Baseball Man were still apologetic and did not move forward, Chu Yu said.

“Ah, good.” March Seven nodded obediently

“Well, sealing the star core is the most important thing now.” The Galactic Baseball Man echoed, also continuing to explore the depths.

Dan Heng stared at Chu Yu’s face: “Great Guardian, wait for the Star Core Seal, can you board the Star Dome Train with us to meet someone?” ”

Xi’er immediately became vigilant: “What do you mean?” After tempting Lord Guardian, you want to take Lord Guardian again? ”

“It’s not.” Danheng shook his head: “Girl, you misunderstood, it’s just that there is a senior who wants to meet the Great Guardian, that’s all.” ”

“Oh, no problem, I’m still interested in the train you’re on.” Chu Yu nodded and replied.

“Lord Guardian…”

Chu Yu raised his hand to interrupt Bronia, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I haven’t fulfilled my promise to you yet, and I won’t leave here.” ”

Bronia nodded reassuringly.

Seeing this, Chu Yunu nodded and said, “Let’s go, it’s been delayed for a long time.” ”

It also solved some unruly rift creations.

The group walked through the Echo Corridor and ascended to the summit of Permafrost Ridge.

In the ruins of some kind of building, the target of the trip, the star core, was seen.

And a man who looks crazy.

“Uncle Richie?” Xi’er was stunned.

March Seven asked, “You know him?” ”

“Hmm… Uncle Richie in the lower class is also a very miserable man. ”

Xi’er said with a complicated expression: “After the lower area was blocked, he lost his wife and daughter, and since then he has gone crazy. ”

“I kept talking about killing the Great Guardian or something, but he suddenly disappeared a year ago, and we investigated for a long time before we learned that he broke into Rivet Town.”

“I thought I would be killed by a monster, or turned into a rift creation, but I didn’t expect to see him here.”

PS: The new book is released for data, flowers 200 plus one more, evaluation votes 50 plus one more, and more beautiful girl illustrations are waiting for everyone~

PS: The new book is released for data, flowers 200 plus one more, evaluation votes 50 plus one more, and more beautiful girl illustrations are waiting for everyone

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