"Okay, Xukong Wanzang, don't look at me like that."

"I did use you before because of some unavoidable reasons, but now you are fine, right? Well, and you look pretty good. It's been so long now, are you still holding a grudge against me? Just like you said, we have been together for a full five hundred years."

"Are you angry because of what I did? Okay, then I can apologize. Okay, okay, don't be so stern anymore. I'm a little uncomfortable with you. Right, smile? My face looks so handsome when I smile."

Otto put his arm on Xukong Wanzang's shoulder. Two identical blond handsome men walking on the street always attract attention. Oh, yes, there is also Walter, three handsome men.

Suddenly, Otto seemed to see something that surprised him very much. Well, he was more surprised than when he saw Xukong Wanzang!

This made him look forward to what was going to happen in a while. It must be very interesting.

"Walter, have you ever thought about what to do with your family since you came here so quietly?" Otto looked at Walter and asked. He thought he should remind Walter and let him be mentally prepared in advance. Oh, Otto is so kind.

"By the way, there is your little son. He is just like you. He suddenly lost his father." Xukong Wanzang did not forget to add fuel to the fire. He also saw the familiar figure. Although he didn't know why she appeared here, he didn't point it out. The woman was still very scary.

"Don't bother with this. Tesla and Einstein will take good care of Joyce." Walter looked at the two of them unhappily. Why did he suddenly mention this? What exactly are these two guys planning?

Suddenly, Walter seemed to feel a strange feeling, which made Walter feel a little uneasy. He had had this feeling before he first met Otto, but this time it was even stronger than that time!

"Why is it?"

Walter touched his back and didn't know when he had been wet with cold sweat.

"I always have a bad feeling... Could it be that Otto and Xukong Wanzang are planning something bad again?" Old Yang was still very sure of his feelings, after all, his feelings were always accurate.

Walter lowered his head and walked forward slowly, not noticing that Otto and Xukong Wanzang fell behind and covered their mouths and laughed at each other.

"Joachim..." A familiar voice entered Old Yang's ears.

"Ah!" Walter felt as if he had hallucinations. This voice was so familiar that he couldn't believe it for a while.

"Tesla... Tesla!" Walter raised his head and looked at the familiar figure in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Walter looked incredulous. Could it be that those hateful masked fools were impersonating again?

"Wait, are you really Tesla? Although I don't know who you are, Masked Fool, leave here before I get angry." Old Yang was a little suspicious. He had been deceived by those [Joyful] Masked Fools. Since the incident with Otto, he has been deceived by these Masked Fools.

"Joachim! You **** open your eyes and look carefully. You haven't seen me for a few years. You pretend not to know me, right?" Dr. Lobster Head grabbed Walter's ears fiercely, just like usual.

Wait, this familiar feeling, it can't be wrong, it can't be wrong..., this feeling is Tesla, how could she appear in Pinocchio!

Feeling the familiar feeling transmitted to his ears, Walter seemed to miss his past. When he made mistakes as a child, Tesla also taught him the same way. Ahem, I'm getting off topic...

"You Joachim, you suddenly disappeared at that time, leaving only a message, not even telling where you are, leaving us mother and daughter behind, and now you don't dare to recognize yourself, right! I ******, you are so good, leaving us mother and daughter at home, and you are happy here." Tesla grabbed Walter's ear fiercely. This guy has no news since he left with that Xukong Wanzang, and he doesn't even know whether he is dead or alive.

"Tesla, wait, listen to my explanation." Lao Yang waved his hands quickly. How could Tesla appear in Pinoconi!

"Okay, you talk, I listen." Tesla let go of Walter's ear, put his hands on his waist, and waited quietly for Walter to explain.

"Wait, who are the two behind you...? I ******, Otto, and that, Xukong WanzangZang! Why the hell are they here! I fucking, Walter, you fucking explain it to me!" Tesla saw Otto as if he saw an enemy. Well, he was an enemy. Otto not only killed Lao Yang's father, but also Tesla's friends.

Moreover, Otto's perverted maid was even more hateful. She had the same bad taste as Otto. She said something like "I'm sorry, it might be uncomfortable, so offensive" and then tied herself to a chair, and sprayed perfume on the handkerchief stuffed in her mouth! I will remember this for the rest of my life.

Originally, she thought Otto had died a long time ago, but she didn't expect him to be alive, and there was this Xukong Wanzang. It was this guy who was deceived by Joachim at that time. Since Walter was deceived by him, he has never come back. Seeing Otto and Xukong Wanzang, Tesla's lobster head was blown up.

"Oh, she found the two of us. "Otto and Xukong Wanzang looked at each other.

Go, leave this lobster-headed doctor to Walter, the two of them don't want to listen to this telegraph.

The two fled on the left and right, without giving Walter any time to stay.

"Walter! You ****** explain it to me!" Tesla looked at Walter angrily.

"Tesla, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation!"


"Hahahaha, it's so interesting, Tesla, Walter, hahahaha, it must be the idea of ​​the [Joy] star god again, I just don't know how He did it, today is really a good show. "Otto feels very happy now, he even wants to sneak back and take a good look at how Walter deals with his wife.

"Hahahaha, Walter, Walter, you have this day, hahahaha......."

"Otto....... "

Otto's eyes widened. He looked back and a familiar figure appeared in front of him. He was too familiar with this figure. Everything about him, everything he had, his five hundred years of persistence...


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