"Bronya! Why are you here? Didn't you return to reality?" Seele was a little surprised when she saw the big Bronya sleeping on the bed. She was startled by Bronya's sudden disappearance.

"It's back, no, how did it come back? Isn't it cute when it's small?" Seele lay down beside Bronya's bed, staring at Bronya's smooth face, wanting to pinch it. "

"So cute..., if I could pinch it well..., cough cough cough, Seele, Seele, what are you thinking about! Don't think about it!" Seele rubbed her hot face.

"Hmph, it's all your fault. If it weren't for you, how could I have played such a scary roller coaster? You have to make it up to me tomorrow." Seele looked at Bronya proudly.

"Huh, let's go to bed and talk about it tomorrow. "After Seele took off her clothes and climbed onto the bed, she got into Bronya's bed and fell asleep while hugging Bronya.


"Yeah~, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time, so satisfied." Bronya stretched her body after waking up.

"Yeah, Seele." Bronya lay beside Seele and watched Seele sleeping.

"Bronya..., stop making trouble..." Seele suddenly started talking in her sleep.

"Yeah, so cute, but what is Seele dreaming about now? I'm so curious." Bronya pinched Seele's little face.

"Really, she's so cute and quiet when she's asleep, but why is she so careless when she wakes up?"

"Bronya, you're awake." Under Bronya's teasing, Seele finally woke up.

"Why did you get up so early today? "Seele rubbed her eyes. She still hadn't noticed anything wrong.

"Maybe I went to bed earlier yesterday." Bronya thought for a moment and answered.

"She didn't go to bed much earlier than me..." Seele murmured.

"Seele, what did you say?" Bronya didn't hear clearly.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's go, Bronya, let's continue to play. The amusement park and shopping mall here are very interesting."


Amusement park.

"Seele, let's take this roller coaster. It looks so interesting." Bronya pulled Seele towards the roller coaster, with some expectation in her eyes.

"Roller...Roller coaster!" Seele looked at the roller coaster in front of her in a panic.

"Isn't this the one we did last night?"

"Bronya, you..."

"Come on, Seele, let's go play together. "Bronya pulled Seele onto the roller coaster. She hadn't noticed the strangeness in Seele's eyes yet.

"Bronya, if you get scared later, hold me." Seele swallowed her saliva. Although she didn't know why Bronya, who was so scared yesterday, would choose to ride this roller coaster again, since she wanted to ride it, she would accompany her.

"Seele, you are so strange today. Are you scared? If you are scared, you don't have to ride it."

"Who is scared? I'm not scared!" How could Seele admit that she was scared? Even if she was really scared and her legs were weak, she would never admit it.

"Then, Seele, sit tight, let's go!"

As the roller coaster started...

"Ah ... "Bronya didn't seem to be very scared, she enjoyed this feeling.

But she also noticed Seele's look, and buried her head tightly in her chest, well, it was very big, burying Seele's whole head in it.

After the roller coaster stopped...

Seele helped Bronya down tremblingly.

"Hickey... hickey..., hickey!" Now it was Seele's turn to lie in the corner and vomit. Now she didn't even have the energy to think about why Bronya, who was so scared yesterday, was not scared today.

"Seele, water, rinse your mouth quickly, really, if you are scared, just say it directly, don't show off."

"I... I'm fine, Bronya." Seele looked at Bronya. Could it be that she got braver because of her age?

"Seele, sit here and rest for a while, I'll buy you a bottle of drink. "After Bronya helped Seele to a bench nearby, she ran to buy a drink.

"Huh, I don't want to ride a roller coaster again in my life." Seele took out a tissue and wiped her mouth. She could feel her stomach churning.

"Seele? Why are you here?" Silver Wolf came over with a bottle of Suleda.

"Bronya? Why did you become smaller again!" Seele looked at the Suleda in "Bronya's" handDa, the time it takes to buy a bottle of drink can be shortened! Seele already felt that her brain was not enough.

"Want to drink Suleda?" "Bronya" handed the Suleda in her hand to Seele.

"Thank you..." Seele opened Suleda and took a sip, trying to use Suleda to numb herself.

"Did you ride the roller coaster again?" "Bronya" asked in confusion.

"I was scared to death yesterday."

"Who is scared? I just feel carsick!" Seele's mouth is still hard.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you, but do you want to play something else? There happens to be an arcade over there, and the arcade inside is quite interesting."

"Arcade? When did you like to play this? Forget it, let's go, game consoles, I haven't played them yet." Seele can do anything as long as she is not allowed to ride the roller coaster.

"Let's go, I hope you won't be beaten by me..." Silver Wolf did not doubt it and took Seele to the arcade.

After a while...

"Where's Seele? Did she go to the bathroom? Do you need to go to the bathroom in a dream?" Bronya came over with two drinks, but she didn't see Seele.

"Did she go shopping? Go find her."

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