"Miss Huang Quan, long time no see."

"Bai Tian, ​​you succeeded. I feel the breath of [Shi] on you." Huang Quan pressed the handle of the knife with her hand, and looked at Bai Tian with a burning gaze.

She slowly pulled out the knife, and the memory sealed in the knife gradually became clear. The color on her body kept fading, as if only [Nothing] was left.

"Seventy-thousand thirty-three swords were broken in the country of Izumo, and twelve swords were cast into the name of the Supreme Protector of the World."

"After that, the netherworld was swept away, the battle ended with the sound of the gong, and the twelve cold lights were cut off; only the wild souls were left to clamor, and the dark sun was bright, and finally two swords were cast to defeat the world. One is [beginning], and the other is [end]; it starts with people and ends with ghosts."

"The sound stops, the flowers wither and bloom, the loser returns to nothing, and the winner... becomes nothing."

"For a lie, a non-existent end, Izumo broke seventy-forty-seven swords until the last sword was cast! That is [nothing]."

"I carry Izumo's [nothing], walk on the road of nothingness, and seek to fight against the ultimate nothingness..."

"Now I have found it..."

"Can I cut you with my sword?" Huang Quan had already pulled out the sword completely when she spoke, and her eyes were full of determination.

"Think carefully. You use your body as a sword to forge the final [Nothing]. When this [Nothing] is broken, it will be the day when your soul returns."


Huang Quan put everything on the line at this moment, turning all of herself into the blade light of [Nothing].

Huang Quan's figure became blurred, and her existence seemed to merge with the Nothing in her hand. The knife in her hand, the one that represented her [Nothing], was ready to strike.

This knife was the life of an envoy, carrying the whole of two worlds.

The knife light flashed, as if even time was stagnant. The [Nothing] in Huang Quan's hand shattered the moment it chopped into daylight.

Huang Quan's body began to break, but her eyes were full of relief at this moment...

Her existence had dissipated, and her [Nothing] was dissipating.

For a lie, a non-existent end...

"I saw, a non-existent lie, a perfect end." [Existence] said.

After [Nothing] was shattered, it turned into two Akatsuki, one for [Beginning] and one for [End].

[Beginning] and [End] were shattered into twelve Akatsukis who protected the world, and the Akatsukis who protected the world dissipated and were cast into 733 long swords.

These 733 long swords turned into Izumo and Takama-ga-hara...

"Turn back, your hometown is waiting for you..."

"Izumo..." Huang Quan's eyes were filled with tears at some point, but those tears were not red...

The sword light disappeared, but the dead end with no end had an end...

There was not only the invisible shadow in front of her.


"Miss Huang Quan, why are you a little different now?" Sanyueqi looked at Huang Quan blankly.

"Really? Miss Sanyueqi, am I different in any way?" Huang Quan looked at Sanyueqi with a smile.

"Where is your sword? And, you are actually smiling!" It was the first time Sanyueqi saw a smile on Huang Quan's face.

"That knife, it's broken."

"That's a pity." Sanyue Qijue's knife is pretty cool.

"Would you like a glass of juice?" Huang Quan conjured up a bunch of juice on the table.

"Why are you also..."

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