"Pinocone is the territory of the [Tongxie] family. This is the first time that the family has publicly invited other factions. Remember, the train is invited as a guest, and the rules must be followed." When preparing to go to Pinocone, Pam repeatedly warned everyone on the Starry Sky Train.

"Just because the train has to follow the rules doesn't mean we have to follow them too." Bai Tian whispered to Xing.

"That makes sense." Xing quite agrees with this guy. After all, rules are meant to be broken.

What's the point of opening up if you don't break the rules.

"Okay, Pam, don't say so much. We are just going on vacation this time, and aren't you going with us this time?" Ji Zi was quite relieved about everyone on the Starry Sky Train.

"Okay, Pam will go pack up first. Pam is also very interested in [Star of the Gala] Pinocone, a famous holiday resort in the universe." Pam ran back quickly to pack her luggage, as if she was afraid that she would not be taken with her.

"Okay, everyone go back and pack up. As usual, we'll meet in the observation car."

"Oh yeah, Pinocchio, we're here!" Sanyueqi was as excited as a child on a spring outing.

"Let's go, help me pack up." Sanyueqi pulled Bai Tian to her room.

With Bai Tian, ​​isn't this a honeymoon trip? I'm looking forward to it.

"Oh, childish." Xing looked at Sanyueqi with disdain. Looking at her, she was not excited at all.

"Yes, yes, you are the most mature." Sanyueqi rolled her eyes at Xing.

"You don't even have a boyfriend." Sanyueqi's words hurt Xing's heart.

"Puff! Such vicious words. Sanyue, you have changed. You are no longer the simple Sanyueqi."

"Humph, but I have Bai Tian." Sanyueqi continued to rub salt into Xing's wounds.

Xing, who is known as the female sea king, is still single.

"No, I have a feeling that my other half is in Pinoconi." Xing looked at Pinoconi firmly, her intuition was always accurate.


"Camera, no problem, change of clothes, no problem, toiletries..., it seems that this is not needed, the hotel should have it." In March Seven's room, she was struggling with what to take at that time.

"March, come, wear this dress." Bai Tian fell in love with March Seven's winter princess dress at first sight.

"Hey, wear this? Okay, since you like it."

March Seven picked up the dress and prepared to change.

"Turn your head, close your eyes, and don't peek."

"Okay, okay, I promise not to peek. (I look openly.)"

"Humph, you are kidding." March Seven covered herself with a quilt and hid in the quilt to change.

"March, you are not even on guard against a gentleman like me."

"Don't peek." March Seven blushed, wishing she could cover Bai Tian's eyes.

"You are hiding in the quilt, and I can't see anything."

"That's embarrassing, turn around, or I won't wear it for you to see." March Seven threatened with a pout.

Bai Tian turned around and waited for March Seven to change clothes.

"Turn around, I've changed clothes."

Bai Tian turned his head and was stunned by the scene in front of him. March Seven stood there, the dress perfectly outlined her elegant curves, and the silver-white silk thread shone with a dreamy luster under the light, as if she was a princess who had just walked out of a fairy tale.

"Don't stare at me like that, is it not beautiful?"

"It looks good, too good, you should wear this one."

"Of course, this is the dress we carefully selected." March Seven was very happy that Bai Tian liked her dress.

"Let's go. We've packed our things. It's time to meet up with Xing and the others. Pinocchio, here I come!" Sanyueqi jumped to the observation car, leaving Bai Tian behind to carry the luggage.


"It's really unexpected. The last time the train came here, this place was still a frontier prison used by the company to exile mortals."

"Now, the frontier prison back then has become a luxurious hotel. I couldn't get off the train last time. This time, Pam must take a good look at this place." Pam pulled a small suitcase in her hand and changed into a set of casual clothes.

"All members of the train team are out!"

"【Star of the Gala】Pinocchio, the largest and most luxurious amusement park in the universe, here we come!"

After going through a set of tedious entry procedures, the train team finally entered the hotel.

"Well..., we're finally here! The family's entry procedures are too complicated. There are more than a dozen inspections along the way, and the suitcases have been turned over.Four or five times... "

"Think about it, this is actually a good thing. The more thorough the family's inspection, the safer it will be here."

"That's what I said, but... Wait, why do I feel that everyone around me is looking at us..." March 7 seemed to notice the eyes around him.

But they all seemed to be looking at Pam.

"Is that Pam, the conductor of the Starry Sky Train? She's much cuter in person than in the photo."

"Yes, yes, yes, I envy the people of the Starry Sky Train so much. I really want to hold Pam in my arms and stroke her hard. "A young woman showed a crazy smile.

The Star Train, as the legacy of the [exploration] star god Akivali, is very famous in the universe. As the legend of the Star Train, Pam, she is still very popular in the universe, at least in front of those women.

Moreover, since Pam could not leave the Star Train before, very few people have seen Pam. Only guests who have been to the Star Train can see Pam. Most people have only seen Pam in a photo or projection.

In addition, people who can come to Pinocchio for vacation are basically rich women who are not short of money. Pam, the only cute creature in the universe, is more attractive to them, so there is the current scene. If it weren't for the public place, someone might have rushed up to touch Pam.

"Strange, why does Pam feel that someone is looking at me, Pam?" Pam scratched her ears to express confusion.

"Let's go to the front desk to check in first. It seems that there are still many people in line. ”

When I arrived at the front desk, as expected, something unexpected happened. The family only booked four rooms for the Starry Sky Train, but now that all the staff of the Starry Sky Train were dispatched, the number of rooms was far from enough.

“Starry Sky Train, there are four platinum rooms in total…. They are Mr. Walter Yang, Ms. Ji Zi, Ms. March Seven, and Mr. Dan Heng. I’m sorry, there are only reservation information for the above four people.” The front desk also looked very embarrassed.

“Huang Quan has his own room, so there are still four rooms missing. This is half of the shortage.”

Bai Tian looked at Otto.

“Or, you go back to guard the train, just save a room.”

Old Yang’s eyes lit up,

“I agree.”

Otto: “…”

“Walter, why are you joking with him?”

“There are four rooms missing, we can’t just grab a few.” Xing came up with a solution.

“Grab a few, good idea. "Bai Tian's eyes lit up.

"Hey, stop it. We are representing the Starry Sky Train now. Don't mess with the Starry Sky Train!" San Yue Qi held the two of them.

Please don't embarrass this young lady. It's the eve of the Harmony Festival, the most important moment of every century for Pinoconi. The family has also invited guests from all over the galaxy, so the place is packed with guests...

"This young lady doesn't have the authority to arrange a room for you."

"I am [Gold Dust], a member of the company's strategic investment department, and an expert in the liquidation of non-performing assets under [Diamond]. I was invited by the watchmaker to come here...."

"You have delayed me for more than ten minutes. Do you know how many credit points more than ten minutes is worth to me?"

"How much?" Xing asked.

"You..., oh, forget it."

"I'm sorry, I really don't have the authority to arrange a room for you. Please...."

"Aili, be patient. "A man with chicken wings on his head came over.

"The family can't let guests dream with burdens."

"Look who's here-Sunday, the most handsome man in Pinocchio! And the singer [Robin] who is famous in the universe."

"Is the most handsome man in Pinocchio as handsome as me?" Bai Tian said narcissistically to March Seven. Every man wants his girlfriend to praise him, especially a girlfriend as beautiful as March Seven.

March Seven looked at Sunday, then at Bai Tian.

"I feel you are more handsome. That Sunday gives me a very bad feeling."

"Ellie, arrange four more rooms for the guests of the Starry Sky Train."

"Okay, Master of the Family."

"This must be Mr. Bai Tian." Sunday looked at Bai Tian. If this level of combat power entered the game, it would be difficult for the family to maintain the situation.

"You are not as handsome as me."


"How can I respond to you! "

"By the way, your sister is very beautiful." Bai Tian leaned over to Zhou Ri's ear and whispered.

"You...!" Zhou Ri looked at Bai Tian angrily, and he had already gone to the guest room.

"Brother, what did he just say?"

"Nothing." Zhou Ri had recovered now.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Gold Dust. Please come this way, let's talk for a moment."


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