"March, stop it!" Bai Tian felt someone touching his face in a daze.

"Ah~~~~." Bai Tian opened his eyes and stretched hard.

Then he looked at the blond handsome man holding him next to him.

Bai Tian: (ΘˍΘ)

Bai Tian: (ノ ○ Д ○)ノ !

Bai Tian quickly pushed Otto aside. At this time, he recalled what he and Otto did last night.

"Morning!" Otto sat up and looked around. Well, the streets of Luofu Xianzhou are very clean.

"What did we do last night?" Bai Tian seemed to remember something bad.

"I seem to have sold Theresa to you!" Otto was shocked. Alcohol is harmful to people.

"I seem to have taken the initiative to invite you to join the Starry Sky Train!" Bai Tian looked at Otto.

"How about we both take a step back."

"It's late, do you want to check your phone?" Otto tidied up his messy clothes and smiled at Bai Tian. It seems that the future trip will be very interesting.

Bai Tian tremblingly opened his phone and looked at the chat history.

The vain loser: Train conductor, I want to invite a friend to join the Starry Sky Train.

Train conductor Pam: Pam believes in the people recommended by Bai Tian's passengers, but still needs to consult the opinions of other passengers.

Pam is the cutest: What, there is a new companion coming, I agree.

Ye: There is a new companion, is it a man or a woman! Let me take a good look.

Yang sit-up: Bai Tian is indeed trustworthy, and the train crew also welcomes new companions. The conductor and his team have planned to add a few new rooms to the train. Inviting new passengers is indeed a good idea.

Ji Zi: "Xiao Bai Tian, ​​bring your friend back to let us meet him. I believe everyone will be very happy."

Bai Tian after reading the chat record: (ㅇㅁㅇ川

"You're dead, Lao Yang, I'm sorry!"

"Otto, you..."

"Don't worry, I'm also looking forward to the future journey." Otto showed a sinister smile, and that mean smile made people want to punch him in the face.

"You're dead!"


"Qingque, you're lazy again!" The already angry Taibu Lord got even angrier when he saw Qingque slacking off!

"Oh, isn't this Taibu Lord? You're back." Qingque looked at the angry Fu Xuan and showed an awkward but polite smile.

I But I'm not being lazy. I've already finished all my work. This is just a reasonable rest after work.

"Okay, stop talking. If you have nothing to do, go pick up the people from the Starry Sky Train. We'll be interrogating the Star Core Hunters in a while."

"Ah, Lord Taibu, this is overtime! Is there overtime pay?"

"All your salary deductions this month will be cancelled."

"Okay, Lord Taibu, just wait, I'll go right away." Qingque was instantly full of energy. It's just picking someone up, no big deal.

Qingque came to the agreed location, um, next to the Diheng Qiongyu Pavilion, very Qingque style.

"Hey, isn't this daytime? I remember you are also from the Starry Sky Train. Lord Taibu said she wants you to go interrogate the Star Core Hunters together. You too Do you want to go?" Qingque ran into Bai Tian who was strolling in front of the Emperor Heng Jade Pavilion.

As for Otto, who knows where he went to fool around.

"Star Core Hunter? Kafka was caught? Then I have to go and see the excitement. "Bai Tian's eyes lit up, this is a good opportunity.

"Que'er, you go pick up the others on the Starry Sky Train, I'll go and see it myself."

"Ah! Forget it," Qingque looked at the nearby Emperor Heng Jade Pavilion.

"Anyway, they will be here for a long time, so let's play a game of Emperor Heng Jade first, and do some slacking off while working."

After arriving at Taibusi, Bai Tian immediately noticed Kafka who was tied to the Qiongguan Formation.

"Hey, isn't this Kafka from the Star Core Hunter? You look so good after not seeing her for a few days."

"Huh?" Kafka opened her eyes and looked up at Bai Tian. God.

Even when tied up, she was still so elegant.

"You're here. This scene is not in Elio's script. You look very relaxed."

It's so funny. A prisoner dares to be so arrogant.

Bai Tian saw that Kafka couldn't resist, so he took off her sunglasses, removed her makeup, wiped her lipstick, took off her coat, and messed up her hair.

Looking at his masterpiece, Bai Tian smiled with satisfaction. This is how he looks like a prisoner.

However, when taking off Kafka's coat, Bai Tian could clearly feel that she was staring at him.

"Sometimes I doubt whether you are a pleasure envoy." Kafka sighed, and she lost her coat again.

"Alas, life is short, enjoy it while you can, even if it isNothingness has to have fun, otherwise it would be so boring. "Bai Tian put away Kafka's coat that still had a faint fragrance.

"Why, is Elio's plan to let you be caught and interrogated by Xianzhou?"

"If Elio hears what you say, I'm afraid he will get angry again." Kafka looked at Bai Tian with her wine-red eyes. It must be said that her eyes have a kind of attractive magic.

"What do you want to say to Xing? How to kill a star god?"

"Elio is right. It seems that you know everything." Kafka's wine-red eyes looked at Bai Tian, ​​as if she wanted to read his thoughts.

"Although the star god is powerful, it is not absolutely invincible. At least there are precedents of star gods being killed in the universe, being assimilated by a fate with a broader fate, or being killed by a more powerful star god."

"But these methods are not something that mortals can do." Bai Tian looked at Kafka, and she seemed to have no emotions.

"Yes, only star gods of the same level can kill star gods. There are almost no exceptions to this.

"If a destiny is forgotten by everyone and loses all the destiny walkers, will this destiny decline or even die?" This is the conjecture that Otto told Bai Tian. Although it sounds impossible, it does provide a way of thinking.

"It's a bold idea, but it's almost impossible to do. The pure and beautiful star god has been missing for a long time, but there are still people practicing the way of pure beauty. It's almost impossible to let a destiny be forgotten by everyone."

"Goodbye, Kafka, Xing is coming, you mother and daughter should have a good talk, I won't disturb you."

"Mother and daughter?" Although Kafka was a little confused, she didn't refute it. This title is very good.


"Xing, be careful, don't let the mature big sister fool you again." Sanyueqi said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Sanyue, you fooled me twice, the fault is mine, there won't be a next time." Xing showed a confident smile.

When Xing saw the embarrassed Kafka, her heart was indeed clenched. It was the first time she saw Kafka in such an embarrassed state. Her sunglasses were gone, her coat was taken off, and even her hair was messy.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you concerned about me?" Kafka smiled, and it seemed that Xing's concern made her very happy.

"I'm fine, sorry for letting you see me in such an embarrassed state."

"The Star Core Hunter and Xianzhou are not enemies, and the Star Core Disaster is also caused by someone else. We came here just to make Xianzhou owe you a favor. What, are you surprised? The purpose of the Star Core Hunter is just to make you a hero of Xianzhou."

"What's wrong, why don't you speak, are you surprised?"

Xing looked into Kafka's eyes, reached out to help her tidy up her messy hair, and touched her gentle face.

"I don't care about your purpose. I have my own future that I look forward to. As for Elio's so-called fate, I don't care." Xing looked at Kafka seriously.

"Xing, I'm glad you have such an idea, but you can't escape it. This is fate. It will guide you to move forward to the predetermined future. No matter what the process is, the ending will not change."

Kafka looked at Xing gently. She didn't want to part with her, but there were still many things for her to do.

"Okay, the time is up, Xing, I will wait for you in that future, goodbye."

"What is that?" A huge dead tree suddenly began to grow, and the huge trunk enveloped the entire Xianzhou. Kafka was also rescued by Ren in the chaos.

"Jianmu suddenly grew, such abnormal energy, it should be the star core." Lao Yang is very familiar with this energy.

"It seems that it's time to take action on the star core. Wait, the Xianzhou will not let us go as a helper."

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