With a swish sound——

Yu Huang was defeated and was cut in half by Huang Quan again.

Huang Quan was fully focused, and one-third of the fleet was directly buried in the void by her.

Schneider said to Xing Xiao who was fighting against Huang Quan: "I will delay her for a while, you catch that man."

Xing Xiao: "Okay!"

The two of them launched a feint attack on Huang Quan together.

Huang Quan was like a killing god, cutting off Schneider's right arm with one knife, and leaving a knife wound on Xing Xiao's back that could never heal with two knives.

The surrounding fleets were also defeated by Huang Quan one by one.

But this was just a cover, Xing Xiao took advantage of the moment when Schneider delayed Huang Quan.

Decisively launched an attack on Cheng Yu's fleet.

"Damn it!"

Cheng Yu operated the starship to attack Xing Xiao.

But it was useless, and it crashed into Cheng Yu's fleet like a missile.

Before he could react and shoot himself, Xing Xiao had already flashed in front of him: "Hahaha, I won!"

"Cheng Yu!"

Huang Quan was about to rescue him, but Schneider didn't give Huang Quan any chance to rescue him, just like a dog-eat-dog fight: "If you want to save him, you have to fight me first."

"Game over!"

Xing Xiao grabbed Cheng Yu's neck and smiled as a winner.

At this moment, they won.


Schneider stopped attacking and laughed, kicking Huang Quan away to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

"Damn it!"

The struggling Cheng Yu was facing the worst situation.

Even though he had made so many preparations to protect himself, he was still so powerless in front of the envoy.

"Cheng Yu, don't!"

As they thought, catching Cheng Yu meant winning the game.

Huang Quan completely gave up resistance: "Don't hurt him, please!"

"Hand over your Zhao Dao, Miss Huang Quan!"

Schneider smiled greasyly and took Huang Quan's Zhao Dao effortlessly.

"Huang Quan, leave me alone!"

During the conversation, Cheng Yu's throat was strangled by Xing Xiao again: "Do you have the right to speak?"

"Just deal with me, what's the point of dealing with Cheng Yu!"

Huang Quan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and cursed them for being despicable and shameless.

Schneider sneered: "Despicable is my professional term."

Yu Huang, who was cut into potato shreds, healed again. Seeing that they had captured Cheng Yu, they had won completely.

Yu Huang: "Hahaha, I'm so tired of winning. How do we divide the profits next?"

"As long as you let Cheng Yu go, you can do anything you want me to do!"

Huang Quan knelt down in front of them in despair, with tears and blood in his eyes, and said to Cheng Yu: "Cheng Yu, I will protect you in this life!"


Cheng Yu roared and tried to struggle.

Schneider took out the prepared dagger: "Huang Quan, commit suicide, we promise you to let your boyfriend go."

Is it possible? This is impossible.

Letting Huang Quan hang herself is nothing more than preventing accidents from happening.

She is too strong. Once she regrets, everyone will die.

It is better to kill her than to use her to extract blood. It is enough for him to complete the company's performance.

As long as Cheng Yu is alive, Huang Quan is a lamb to be controlled.

"Okay, I promise you! You must let Cheng Yu go."

Huang Quan said calmly.

Schneider nodded with a smirk: "Of course, Miss Huang Quan, what kind of people do you think we are?"

Huang Quan, who got the promise, held the dagger tightly.

She knew that if she died, they might not be able to let Cheng Yu go.

But this is the only chance, and she can't have any choice.

She loves Cheng Yu so much that she is willing to sacrifice herself to fulfill Cheng Yu's life.

Recalling all the past events with Cheng Yu.

At that time, she fantasized about Cheng Yu's future and had a beautiful past with Cheng Yu.

Obviously, they can live a happy life together in this life.

Now, she is leaving.

Lei Dian Long Ma's last wish was not fulfilled, and he and Cheng Yu did not give birth to a cute baby.

"I don't want to die, I still want to be with Cheng Yu!"

She cried, helplessly crying tears.

Putting down the dagger, she feared death for the first time.

She really, really didn't want to leave this world.

She had many fantasies, living happily with Cheng Yu.

Schneider pressed on step by step, not giving Huang Quan a way to live at all: "I'll give you ten seconds. If you don't die, your boyfriend will die in front of you."

Under duress, she tightly grasped the dagger in her hand that could cut iron like mud.

Perhaps, the story of Huang Quan should also end.

Before dying, she smiled and said to Cheng Yu: "Cheng Yu, I'm leaving, please remember that there is Huang Quan who loves you deeply!"

"Without my company, let Ruan Mei and Kaka Wa Qiu take care of you for the rest of your life."Cheng Yu: "No........."

"Really a waste of time!"

Schneider snatched Huang Quan's dagger and stabbed Huang Quan's forehead with the knife.

"Goodbye, Cheng Yu!"

"I hope you will have me for the rest of your life."

Huang Quan closed his eyes, and a drop of sincere tears fell on the ground to welcome his end.



Cheng Yu kicked Xing Xiao's balls.

He spit on his little face, raised his middle finger and cursed: "You Nanook's laborer, you cow and horse thing, you Star God is a waste!"

With a puff.

Xing Xiao's punch went straight through Cheng Yu's chest, breaking a big hole.

And this was Cheng Yu's final plan.

Compared to committing suicide, dying in the hands of others might reduce Huang Quan's hatred.

"So, I died again!"

Cheng Yu slowly closed his eyes and slowly fell from a height of 30 meters.

But he had no choice. If Huang Quan died, he would also die.

Only if he died, Huang Quan could kill them.

Although, he didn't know what would happen next.

He was a little unwilling in his heart, unwilling to see such a good situation completely ruined.

The story of Yandere may happen again.

One Huang Quan, two "Huang Quan" {Ruan Mei and Kakawa Qiu}

He really didn't want to die, but his life came to an end.

He fell to the ground, and his whole body was smashed into powder.

Xing Xiao, who was easily irritable, wiped the blood stains on his hands: "I hate it most when someone slanders the Star Lord of our faith."

Schneider roared angrily and said to Xing Xiao: "You beast, do you know what you did!"

"I haven't killed him yet, why are you in such a hurry! (Roaring loudly)"

There was no time, he stabbed Huang Quan with the dagger again.

Huang Quan stood there in a frozen state, watching Cheng Yu’s death: “No… Cheng Yu!”

The terrifying power of nothingness that erupted sent Schneider flying hundreds of meters away.

“No, Cheng Yu, don’t die!”

“You agreed to have a baby together, and you agreed to stay with me for the rest of my life.”

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault that I failed to protect you.”

She hugged the dying Cheng Yu, who was trembling and gently stroked Huang Quan’s crying cheek.

She managed a hard smile: “Sorry, Huang Quan, live well.”

“Please forgive me for leaving again, please don’t resent me, forgive me for protecting you again in this way.”

“Goodbye, Huang Quan, we’ll see each other again in the next life.”

After kissing her mouth with his powerless white lips, Cheng Yu closed his eyes, and the little hand that gently stroked her cheek fell to the ground.

His weak heartbeat had stopped, and he left Huang Quan again, and at the same time, he left this world again.

[Free gifts to support the author, the author will try to update more, give some gifts to encourage the author to update more, I really don't have any manuscripts saved. ]

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