Chadwick, whose full name is Calderon Chadwick, is a genius scholar in the field of physics. He has studied solid physics, imaginary application theory, and orbital mechanics.

At that time, Chadwick was young and energetic, and he made great achievements in the field of imaginary energy. The company saw his talent and equipped him with top research resources.

Chadwick wanted to be recognized and wanted his talent to be seen by the world, so he developed a weapon called imaginary collapse pulse.

This weapon is so powerful that it can easily destroy stars. At that time, the advance team of more than ten antimatter legions was preparing to attack the United Trade Road, which might threaten the company's headquarters in Pierpoint.

The company has hundreds of ways to stop the legion, but chose to use the imaginary collapse pulse to test its true power.

Within the explosion range, there are a total of 24 satellite-level stars, including three secondary planets with D-level civilizations or above. With such a range of influence, the company finally judged that the damage was within an acceptable range.

As a result, the imaginary collapse pulse successfully exploded, taking away the homes and lives of countless people within the explosion range.

Chadwick finally realized that he had opened Pandora's box, and he was just a pawn in the company's attempt to create hegemony.

The company openly condemned this weapon, but it was impossible to give up the records related to imaginary pulses.

Chadwick disbanded the team, abandoned the original laboratory, and tried to take away some key information, hoping that they would not fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives.

But the company's influence spread all over the world, and Chadwick had nowhere to escape, so he sought help from Screw Gumm, who was also a member of the club, hoping that Screw Gumm would help him find a genius.

This genius developed a drug that could block consciousness and memory, a selective blocking drug. After taking the drug, Chadwick could forget everything related to imaginary pulses.

The company found Chadwick, but could not get any information related to imaginary collapse pulses from him. In order to squeeze the value of this genius, they placed Chadwick under house arrest while he was still alive, and forced Chadwick to learn the theory related to imaginary pulses.

However, the effect of the selective blocking drug was too strong. Chadwick not only forgot the theory of imaginary pulses, but also blocked his learning ability and could not accept any knowledge about imaginary pulses.

But the company did not give up. They starved Chadwick to death, and when Chadwick was about to die, they extracted his memory, hoping to dig out Chadwick's hidden knowledge in the memory.

However, with the blocking drug and Chadwick's obsession and persistence engraved in the root of his consciousness, the company still did not get any knowledge about imaginary pulses in two amber ages.

He relied on a trace of self-awareness at the moment of his death to compete with the company until now.

The reason why Chadwick appeared in Pinoconi's dream is that the memory itself is just a pool of stagnant water. After a long time, the things in it will no longer exist.

So the company cooperated with the family to maintain the activity of Chadwick's memory through dreams.

Now under the pressure of the Emperor of Screw Star and the Genius Club, the company has to hand over Chadwick's fragile memory.

Of course, in the company's view, this memory has no value anymore, and it is not worth it to make enemies with the Genius Club.

"Chadwick has been wandering in his dreams for two amber ages under the surveillance of his family. I think he can rest now."

Screw Gum's slightly mechanical voice clearly carries a hint of admiration.

With just a little bit of self left in his memory, he has been able to compete with the company until now. Even a proud Black Tower has to admit that she was right.

Science and technology itself has no concept of good and evil. Chadwick has been trying to atone for a thought he had when he was young.’

"Those devices can temporarily maintain the activity of the memory bubble. As long as they are turned off, Dr. Chadwick can fall asleep peacefully."

Screw Gum looked at Luo Ming,"If it weren't for you, Mr. Luo Ming, their surveillance of Chadwick would have continued, so let's send it off together."


Luo Ming nodded solemnly, and together with the two geniuses, he entered the precision research room and came to a control instrument.

This is the control console of the life support device, but it is not just a cold device at this time, it is also one-third of Calderon Chadwick's life.

The three of them raised their palms and pressed down at the same time.

After a slight muffled sound, the life support device slowly turned off.

Heita looked at the gradually dissipating bubble and exhaled a sigh of regret.

Although she had never met Chadwick himself, she deeply admired his mind and research. Heita did not often praise people, but the two people's research fields had a lot of overlaps. The application theory of imaginary numbers published by the doctor had inspired her more than once, and even made her a little envious.

"so......Is that the end?"

"Well, a peaceful ending is a great luxury for Dr. Chadwick in his later years."

Just as the two geniuses were communicating.

A somewhat illusory and weak voice suddenly sounded in the silent research room:"Black Tower......Miss......"

"...Who?!" Heita's face changed slightly, and he looked around subconsciously, but found nothing:"Did you, did you hear that voice just now?"

"I heard it. It seems to be Dr. Chadwick's voice. Luo Ming nodded gently.

"I heard it too." A light flashed in the eyes of the screw-gum machine, as if it was doing a lot of calculations,"Could it be......The remaining consciousness of Dr. Chadwick?"


The unreal voice sounded again. This time, everyone could hear it clearly, but it was also fainter."Please......near......some......"

Luo Ming looked at the black tower:"There is a faint remnant of Chadwick's self-consciousness, and it is eager to talk to you."

The black tower came to the place where the memory was about to dissipate, and its voice rarely revealed a trace of sadness for the loss of a genius:"I'm listening, Doctor, if you have anything else to say, say it now."

A faint intermittent voice came from the device:"I am very...pleasure...mine...Research...mine...Knowledge...I can...Leave...Please...accept..."

"...Wait." Heita said in a complicated voice:"You mean..."

"Memory Quality...Dissipating...Please...near...Forehead...Touch..."

Black Tower nodded slightly:"I understand, Doctor."

Black Tower's puppet took a step forward and pressed his forehead against the trembling memory bubble. The memory bubble containing Chadwick's consciousness burst instantly. After a few seconds, Black Tower opened his eyes.

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