No matter what her personality, status or position is, as long as she is a girl, there is no one who does not love beauty.

This scar on her neck has been with Robin for many years. She has tried many medical treatments, but they were all abandoned because the location was too dangerous. She can only cover it up with luxurious necklaces on weekdays.

Now that the scar has finally disappeared, Robin can appear perfectly on the stage again. How can she not be happy and excited?

"Thank you, Mr. Luo Ming. I didn't expect you to have such a magical method."

The robin looked at Luo Ming gratefully, and his emerald green eyes became more beautiful, and the three teardrops under his left eye also sparkled.

"It's just a piece of cake."

After Luo Ming finished speaking, he looked at the thin bathrobe on Robin and said,"Go to the bedroom and change your clothes first. I'll take you to a place later."


Robin nodded obediently, turned around and walked towards the bedroom. The steps taken by her white legs under the bathrobe looked extremely elegant and dignified.


Robin came out and changed into that white and luxurious dress again. Her slender legs wrapped in white silk, her soft and delicate white silk hands, elegant blue high-heeled boots, and smooth long hair falling to her hips, combined with the sky ring on her head, made her look like an angel from a fairy tale. The air was filled with a fresh and holy girl's body fragrance.

Being looked at by Luo Ming with such admiring eyes, Robin couldn't help but feel a little shy, lowering her head and staring at her toes shyly.

In the past, she had sung on the star stage countless times and had met many big figures from the planets. and young heroes, but neither of them had such nervousness and shyness as now. It felt like the white silk palms were sweating.

Luo Ming did not notice the shy posture of the robin.

His eyes gradually moved down and fell on her clean dress, as if penetrating the fabric and reaching the essence.

Who would have thought that Miss Robin, who looked so elegant and dignified on the surface, had a mature temptation of blue and white with a black silk belt inside.

Is this the legendary contrast cuteness?

Luo Ming, who made up his mind to appreciate it in the future, suppressed his emotions, raised his eyes and looked at the beautiful face of the robin.

His tone was a little more serious:"Come with me, I will take you to see your brother and the truth about the Pinocchio traitor."

The robin raised his head, with a little more complexity in his eyes, nodded gently and said softly:"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Luo Ming."

Luo Ming told her more than once not to be so polite. Maybe it was a habit that she could not change. Perhaps it would be true when the two of them really know each other well.......

Leaving the Robin's room, he came to the living room.

When Luo Ming saw the purple figure, he immediately smiled and greeted him,"Did you have any trouble chasing that guy?"

He had planned to catch Hua Huo and give her a good beating after the matter here was over.

However, something unexpected happened. The sword of nothingness directly cut open the passage to the original memory domain. He had no energy to take care of her for the time being, so he could only let her release the detonation button at the golden moment.

"It's no trouble."

The Black Swan smiled and shook his head, with a gentle smile on the corner of his lips.

If there was no one here, Luo Ming would definitely have a good exchange with the Black Swan, but with Huang Quan and the robin watching beside him, he couldn't do it shamelessly. He could only talk about business.

At this time, the Star Ranger Potio was confronting Dan Heng on the train. Although this guy's words were a bit annoying, he could play a key role in breaking the Taiyi Dream in the future, and it would be difficult to leave him alone.

This requires the Black Swan, who can travel through the memory domain at will, and Huang Quan, who was expelled by the family and held the relics of Tiernan.

After listening to Luo Ming's plan.

The Black Swan's tone became more serious:"Leave this matter to me, but you must be careful in the dream. If you find any unsolvable danger, you must evacuate as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Luo Ming smiled and nodded:"Of course, there is only one life, and I won't mess around."

Black Swan and Huang Quan left quickly.

With such a senior rememberer around, the family spies naturally could not find the two's traces.

Holding the Moonlight Sword in his hand, Luo Ming looked at Robin and smiled, opening his arms:"Miss Robin, it's time for us to act."

Robin blushed.

But she did not refuse Luo Ming's embrace. She was quite obedient in his arms, and even quietly put her cheek against his chest. Feeling a strong sense of security, she slowly closed her eyes.......

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a dark and narrow alley.

A stream of cool air came over her, and she couldn't help but shrink her body.

"Don't worry, it's safe here."

Luo Ming's voice came, and a big hand gently patted her slender shoulders.

Robin raised her head and looked at Luo Ming's familiar smiling face. The nervousness in her heart about the strange place disappeared instantly.

"Let's go and find Jizi and the others first. There's something wrong with the flow of time here. They may have been here for a long time."

Luo Ming walked forward along the alley, and Robin followed closely behind.

Soon, two familiar figures appeared in front of him. They were Xing and Walter. They came over and asked,"Nothing happened outside, right?"

When they entered the passage and left the golden moment, Jizi and Walter noticed that there seemed to be such a powerful person there.

"It's nothing, the Dream Master appeared and drove Huang Quan, the Void Commander, out of Pinoconi."

As soon as Luo Ming finished speaking, Robin said in surprise:"Dream......The Dream Lord shows up in person?"

She and her brother Robin are both the Dream Lord's adopted sons, and they know very well how powerful the person who actually controls Pinocchio is.

Moreover, he has not appeared for a long time, but he showed up in person this time. It can be seen that what happened in the film and television park is really enough to threaten Pinocchio.

Luo Ming nodded, but didn't know what to say.

If Robin knew that her brother and adoptive father were the biggest traitors of the family, the remnants of the old god order, and the culprits of the noise in the harmony, she didn't know how she would accept it.

At this time, Walter said:"During this period of time, we have basically understood the situation here."

"We have been puzzled by the question of"whether there is real death in dreams". Now it seems that it is a mind trap set by the mastermind behind the scenes to cover up the truth of people's disappearances and the fortress called Liumengjiao."

"Those monsters that have always been regarded as dead are actually the guards of the exiled land. They follow certain specific rules and kidnap people in their dreams and bring them here."

"Every time that meme appears, it is related to the watchmaker. Since Liumeng Reef is the destination where it abducted everyone, I believe that many of the problems that have troubled us for a long time can be enlightened here."

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