The gentle elder sister Ji Zi glanced at Luo Ming and couldn't help but smile.

She suddenly found that Luo Ming seemed to be quite relaxed and comfortable when he was not serious occasionally.

"you......Is he really my father?"

Xing said hesitantly, still a little unconvinced:"You look about the same age as me, right?"

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Luo Ming said earnestly,"In fact, you were born not long ago, you just grew up in a hurry."

Xing was even more confused, staring at Luo Ming left and right, still a little skeptical:"What about my mother?"

Luo Ming spread his hands behind him and smiled,"They are all"


Xing looked at the lazy and mysterious Black Swan, the heroic Huang Quan, and the dignified and elegant Ji Zi, and her eyes almost popped out of her eyes:"I have three mothers?!!"......

About half an hour later.

In a relatively quiet restaurant at golden hour.

Xing took a big bite of the delicious crab burger and said to Luo Ming with a serious expression:"Not enough!"

Luo Ming helplessly held his forehead:"Sister, I just teased you for a while, how much compensation have you asked for along the way? Otherwise, I will pack myself up and send myself to you, you can do whatever you want."

Xing's eyes lit up:"Is it okay?"

She was greedy for Luo Ming.......The wallet has been gone for a long time!

Luo Ming was completely silent, and he just finished the food in front of him.......

After eating and drinking, they began to review what they had experienced today. Jizi was the first to speak, looking at Xing and said,"Did Huahuo reveal any information when she kidnapped you?"

Xing thought about it with a confused look on his face,"I don't think so. I forgot......."

Luo Ming's head popped up and he said angrily,"What's the use of you?"

Black Swan seemed a little bit upset and explained softly for Xing,"With the means of Fireworks, she must have blocked that experience. It's normal that she can't remember it."

Xing looked at Black Swan.

Suddenly, she thought she was really pretty.

Black Swan responded with a gentle smile.

"No wonder I can't play with Sanyueqi."

Luo Ming looked at Xing who was stunned by the sugar-coated bullet, and couldn't help feeling a little funny.

Black Swan is undoubtedly very wise.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to Xing, not the importance between men and women, but similar to treating a silly daughter.

So he released an attitude of getting close to and taking care of Xing, wanting her to help him speak for him at certain times.

On the contrary, when facing Ji Zi, who is also gentle and dignified, like a caring big sister, although it is not too obvious, Black Swan always maintains some vigilance.

"What needs to be clarified now is whether the Masked Fool Fireworks has reached a cooperative relationship with the company."

Jizi picked up a cup of coffee and sipped it elegantly. After waiting for a moment, she set her sights on Luo Ming:"The members of the Masked Fool are relatively scattered and there is no strict organization, but it does not prevent this from being a force that cannot be ignored."

"This time, Hua Huo took Xing away to create an opportunity for Sha Jin to negotiate with us. If the two sides really cooperate, then the next action must involve this important factor."

"It doesn't necessarily mean cooperation with the company."

Luo Ming shook his head, leaned back in his chair, and took a sip of the same coffee as Ji Zi:"The Masked Fool does things just for fun, and Hanabi is the most extreme and dangerous among them. I think what she wants to see more is the entire Pinocchio in complete chaos."

Huang Quan, who had been silent all the time, said:"Letting Pinocchio in chaos, doesn't this coincide with the company's purpose?"

Hearing this, Luo Ming looked at her with a hint of surprise on his face.

Huang Quan frowned slightly and asked in confusion:"What's wrong, did I say something wrong?"


Luo Ming shook his head and said with a smile:"It's just a little unexpected. I always thought that you were the type who would make a decisive decision when faced with a problem. I didn't expect that you could see through the complicated situation of Pinocchio now."

Huang Quan looked at him and slammed the long knife on the table with a snap.

He crossed his arms, his expression was cold, and he didn't speak.

Luo Ming hummed.

Is he angry?

He didn't seem to be wrong, right?

Black Swan smiled and said:"It's not just the company. You have also forgotten a hidden force that hopes that the family will be completely exposed to the sight of all factions."

"Yes, the Watchmaker faction.

Luo Ming added,"A long time ago, the Watchmaker faction, together with the seven families, overthrew the company’s rule, but then the Watchmaker disappeared. The remnants were surrounded by the Oak Family and the Clover Family, and could only hide in the most dangerous primitive dream."

"This time, the family sent out invitations to the entire universe to participate in the Harmony Festival, which gave the watchmaker's remnants a chance to completely expose the family's conspiracy and survive."

At the table.

Xing looked at this and that.

He felt something enter from his left ear and slip out from his right ear, leaving no trace.

"In addition to the company and the watchmaker, there are also family traitors in the five major families who intend to overthrow the family rule and restore the order and glory, and they also want to take this opportunity to make a big one."

Luo Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

Every time he thought of the situation in Pinocchio, he felt a little headache."Through the Xing incident, it is certain that Hua Huo is not just looking for fun, and it is likely that he has cooperated with one of the three forces, such as the watchmaker."

"The most suitable one to promote the situation is undoubtedly our Star Train, which represents neutrality and can intervene in the truth of death in dreams."

"I guess she saw that we were planning to play it safe and wait for the truth to come out before taking action. She couldn't wait any longer, so she kidnapped Xing and let us step into this muddy water again."

Black Swan, Huang Quan, Ji Zi and others fell silent.

With thoughts in their eyes, they were obviously digesting this information according to the current situation. Baji

, Baji~

In the calm atmosphere, the sound of someone chewing fruit was particularly clear.

���Ming looked over.

Xing was very discerning and took out a peach from the plate and handed it over:"Want to eat? It's very sweet."

Luo Ming specially ordered the peach.

It was said to be from a very famous fruit star. It tasted sweet, had plenty of sugar, was juicy and plump, and was also very expensive.

Luo Ming knew that Huang Quan liked to eat peaches, so he specially ordered some for dessert.

"No, I can eat it later."

As he said that, Luo Ming glanced at Huang Quan's crystal red lips, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little warm.

After a while.

Luo Ming looked at the time and said to a few people:"Let's do this for now. Since someone insists that we join the game, let's go down this road, at least we can avoid being disturbed all the time."

"There are also three predecessors who got off the train. They may have a great connection with the watchmaker, or even be the watchmaker himself. Since there is a chance, of course we should take the opportunity to investigate and clear the predecessors' name."

The Starry Sky Train is always a family.

Luo Ming believes that if he suddenly disappears one day, Ji Zi and everyone will do their best to find him.

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