Without packing his luggage,

Luo Ming left the wasteland and set foot on the road he had walked once before.

But this time, the neon-lit city of the past has become a dilapidated ruin.

The gloomy sky, the ruined city, the ruins of the wasteland, and the endless bloody drizzle all indicate that there is no trace of life in this world, not even a ghost exists anymore. It is a true doomsday scene.

At the place where the country of Izumo had put all its efforts to build the long ladder to heaven, a long sword that stood tall and straight stood quietly.

It seemed as if all the lives of the two worlds of Takama-ga-hara and Izumo were fused into one. The bloody light permeated the entire sky, and it seemed to be the only color in the entire world.

The cries of humans and the howls of evil spirits seemed to ring in my ears.

All the evil and filth of the two worlds were gathered together to give birth to an ultimate ghost that symbolizes the end.

Countless shadows condensed from the foot of the Long Knife Mountain, emitting bursts of ghost cries and wolves howling, and rushed towards Huangquan in an overwhelming manner.

Behind them, at the top of the countless divine skeleton long swords, stood the most powerful one.���The white-haired ghost cast his cold eyes on Huang Quan.

The ultimate ghost born from the broken swords of 745 swords was responsible for the"savior" of the two worlds.

Huang Quan vowed to cut off this tragic wheel dance with the long sword in his hand.......

The battle that carries the fate of the two worlds has begun.

Huang Quan, alone with his sword, faces countless shadow ghosts and the strongest ultimate ghost.

Luo Ming stands not far away, looking a little out of tune with all this.

Even the white-haired ghost's gaze never fell on him from beginning to end, as if he didn't exist at all.

After a little guess, Luo Ming understood the reason. He didn't belong to any world, nor was he in this endless cycle.

No matter what he does, it will hardly have an impact on this, unless he uses his great power to directly wipe out the two planets.......

The sound of swords and the blood rain from the sky continued.

Huang Quan, with ghost horns on her head and holding a white long sword, kept swinging the sword and fighting with the ultimate ghost.

The ground under her feet had long been soaked in dark blood.

Her body was getting weaker and weaker, but her eyes were getting more and more determined. The sword light she slashed out became more and more fierce, and each time the huge long sword that spanned the two worlds made a roar.

I don’t know how long it took.

Huang Quan knelt on the ground, holding the white handle with both hands, panting violently, and endless sadness was revealed in her purple eyes.

She won.

The strongest ghost fell under the sword.

She became the last person in the two worlds without falling into the evil ghost.

After panting violently.

Huang Quan stood up tremblingly, looking at the towering [End].

Holding the white long sword horizontally with both hands, she used up her last bit of strength to slash the last blow.

A touch of blood-colored sword light suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

The terrifying air wave tore everything around it, and the violent and nihilistic power seemed to open a gate in the sky, rumbling towards the long sword that symbolized the"end".

This blow made the mountains and rivers lose their color, and the sun and moon lost their light.

The two swords were extinguished at the same time, symbolizing the true fall of the two worlds.

Huang Quan, holding the broken handle of the sword.

She looked up at the silent and cold dark sun above the sky.

She once again understood that Izumo had already stepped into His shadow, and every step forward would never turn back.

A drop of blood and tears slid down her cheek and dripped onto the broken handle in her hand.

The blood-colored sword light continued to extend, and finally turned into the last long sword.

Seventy-four thousand and forty-seven swords were forged in the world.

The only long sword [Nothing] that could save Izumo was finally forged, but Izumo had been completely destroyed.

Huang Quan forged the sword of man, and used"man" to end the eternal cycle of Takamagahara and Izumo.

As the long sword was unsheathed.

The sharp horns on Huang Quan's head melted away rapidly, and her long purple hair and skin completely lost their color, turning into an empty and meaningless white.

Her youthful face turned into old teeth, and her white hair turned into old hair.

But like Luo Ming, she held on to the last color in the depths of darkness and nothingness, which was the red that symbolized death and tragedy.


A blood-red blade light that occupied the entire world swung out from this last human sword, tearing through space, tearing through the sky, and rumbling towards the silent and cold black hole above the sky.

The blade light swept across, and countless shadows suddenly appeared in the sky.

The human world, evil beasts, buildings, and civilization......

That was the whole process of the birth of the Izumo Kingdom, the invasion of eight million gods, the casting of twelve swords to kill the evil gods, and the final transformation into an evil ghost.

Huang Quan's sword contained the anger of the entire world, wanting to ask for an answer from the silent sun in the sky.

However, even such a sword, after falling on the dark sun, still could not stir up the slightest ripple.

Huang Quan lowered his long sword and stood in silence for a long time.

Until a figure slowly walked out from behind and handed over a dark long sword.

"Luo Ming......?"

Seeing the familiar figure, Huang Quan's dead eyes lit up again.

But after he subconsciously caught the long sword, he suddenly realized something and panicked for a moment.

"There is a time limit for the self-destruction of the self-destructor."

Luo Ming showed a smile on his face, no longer as numb as before, just like returning to his carefree childhood in the garbage mountain, or more like the last glimmer of light of the extinct.

"You are a staunch existentialist. Your denial of nothingness is as natural as nothingness ignoring the universe. Your self-destruction time will be infinitely prolonged, and you may even become the first Void Commander to walk out of the shadow of nothingness."

Huang Quan looked at him, holding the black long sword tightly in his hand, as if something was on his lips, but he couldn't say it.

"This is the last sword I have learned in my life. Maybe it can shake Him a little. I hope it can help you get out of the shadow."

Luo Ming finished speaking, no longer nostalgic, slowly walked towards the silent dark sun.

Huang Quan held two long swords, one black and one red, and looked at the back that was gradually disappearing in front of him. He could no longer hold back and said hoarsely:"I......Can I see you again?"

Even when she faced countless evil spirits alone, fought desperately, and was covered with wounds, she never felt the slightest despair or loneliness.

Because no matter when, in that lonely wasteland, there was always a bonfire, so she could come back at any time, quietly enjoy the warmth, and soothe her tired mind and body.

Unknowingly, he had become her only support in this cold world.

Now, she could only watch him go to extinction.

Huang Quan suddenly regretted that she had many things that she had not told Luo Ming.

""I think so."

Luo Ming's voice came with the wind and disappeared with the wind.

Huang Quan raised his head.

At the end of his sight, in front of the dark sun, an extremely small and almost invisible figure appeared.

He stretched out his right hand, stabbed it into his chest, and took out half of the bright moon from it.

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