【Barbara: How can such a serious injury be healed quickly without relying on the power of abundance?】

【Bai Shu: If this is true, then can many troublesome lesions also be treated with technology?

Or, can infinite lifespan also be achieved with technology?】

【Elhaisen: Infinite lifespan? Maybe I should ask Mr. Luo Feng about this.】

"" Mr. Luo Feng, can they really heal them just by themselves?"

Nashida asked worriedly.

Although the injured people were not the people of Xumi, perhaps out of love,

Nashida could not bear to see the researcher in front of her like this.

"Of course we can cure them. Don't underestimate the medical department of our space station."

"There is a saying circulating in the medical department of the space station:"

"As long as the person is still alive, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be cured."

Wen Shiling, a clerk standing next to Luo Feng and others, said.

Although her face was a little anxious, her tone did not reveal too much worry.

"As long as people are alive, they can be cured?"

"Is it really that exaggerated?"

The lady looked at Wen Shiling, who looked like a child beside her, in surprise.

"What's that expression on your face?"

"Do you look down on the medical department in our Black Tower Space?"

Wen Shiling said unhappily with her hands on her hips.

The lady frowned, but did not show her displeasure with Wen Shiling's words.

Moreover, in this Black Tower Space Station, she did not dare to show her displeasure.

The lady did not reply, but Wen Shiling did not intend to end the conversation.

"You are visitors to the restaurant at the Black Tower Space Station, right?"

"No wonder you don't know enough about the medical technology on the space station."

"Let me tell you, in our space station, many of the staff members are conducting very dangerous research."

"Being bombed like this is considered a light punishment."

"The real trouble is those who are exposed to some kind of radiation or memetic virus during their research"

"In order to cope with such a situation, the technology of the medical sector naturally needs to be advanced enough."

"Although the injuries of those people looked serious, they would be fine after a few days of treatment and rest."

"You see, even the injured people just screamed in pain, and they were not too worried."

Wen Shiling raised her head and said proudly.

Hearing this, the lady and others looked at the injured carefully.

They saw that after being treated by a group of medical staff, the injuries of the injured were actually stabilized.

The arm that was almost broken was sutured with a strange small machine suspended in the air.

The large area of burns began to grow new skin after being sprayed by the medical staff.

In just a few minutes, the seriously injured people became slightly injured.

Even Richard, the head of the research laboratory who was injured in the end, began to chat with the medical staff who treated him.

Richard sighed and said:

"Alas, I failed again. I don’t know if I can get the results out within this week."

"Qiao An, can you cure me quickly?"

The medical staff Qiao An said unhappily:

"Your injury is just a superficial one that is easy to treat."

"It's not some weird radiation or virus or something."

"But it's better to rest quietly for a day."

Richard:"Does it take so long a day?"

Qiao An sighed and said:

"Although a day is long, you still have to leave some time to summarize the reasons for the failure of the experiment, right?"

"Besides, the lab exploded. According to the procedure, you can't do the experiment today."

"Didn’t you see Station Master Estelle was right next to you?"

"Don’t think about skipping the summary process."

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Can such an injury be healed in just one day? Does such a recovery take a long time?】

【Baizhu: Even the medical staff feel that a day of recuperation is too long!】

【Qiqi: Wow...so awesome!】

【Hu Tao: It's really amazing. If it were someone from Teyvat, I would have to provide him with the business of the Hall of Rebirth. Don't you think so? Zhongli】

【Zhongli: From a universal point of view, it is true.

Richard heard what the medical staff Joan said and also noticed Estelle beside him.

"Alas, this is all I can do."

""Come on, Joan, let's go to the infirmary."

Richard sighed deeply and stood up from the ground.

Joan did not hesitate to leave the laboratory with other medical staff and all the researchers participating in the experiment and walked towards the infirmary.

【Mona: ???】

【Linny: Are you kidding? Those injured people can stand up now?】

【Baizhu: It is not through abundance, but through advanced medical technology that we can achieve this level!】

【Barbara: That's amazing! It would be great if we could introduce this kind of medical technology to Mondstadt.】

【Tinari: Can this technology also solve diseases like the Demonic Scale Disease?】

【Charlotte: Without relying on elemental power or destiny, relying solely on technology, they have accomplished something that we cannot do at all!

I really want to go to the space station for an interview. I'm sure I can collect a lot of interesting reports there.】

【Albedo: I have to admit that the Black Tower Space Station is advanced!

Luo Feng is right. No matter which aspect, the Black Tower Space Station has surpassed Teyvat by far.】

【Dain: Even the destroyed Keria is far from being comparable to the technology of the Black Tower Space Station.】

"Am I... dreaming?"

The lady's eyes widened as she murmured.

"Don't believe what you see?"

"Sure enough, people from the countryside will never understand the greatness of the Black Tower space."

Wen Shiling���She spread her hands and shook her head.

When the lady heard this, her mouth twitched.

She wanted to refute Wen Shiling, but she couldn't find any words to refute Wen Shiling.

And she didn't dare to attack Wen Shiling.

In the end, she could only turn her head and look away, choosing to turn a blind eye.

"Little sister, you are wearing clothes similar to those of the researchers."

"Are you also a staff member of this space station?"

Lisa squatted down and asked Wen Shiling curiously

"That's right, I'm a second-level clerk in the Department of Applied Physics."

"My research lab is next door."

"By the way, which planet are you tourists from?"

"Is there anything special on you that I can study?"

Wen Shiling puffed out her chest and asked curiously.

"You want to study something on us? Why?"

Lisa asked curiously.

"Isn't it time to submit the research report soon?"

"Although you guys are from a backward world,"

"But maybe the things you have can give me some inspiration."

Wen Shiling said

【Arata Ichito: This kid is so rude!】

【Shinobu Kuki: Although I don't want to admit it, but compared with Teyvat and the Black Tower Space Station, we are indeed very backward here.】

【Dai Yin: Wen Shiling must be a genius to be able to do research at such a young age】

【Elhaisen: Using things from Teyvat for research? I wonder what kind of results the researchers at the Black Tower Space Station can come up with.】

【Kavi: The Black Tower Space Station is so advanced, is there anything on us worth studying?】

【Tinari: Regardless of whether we have anything worth studying, we should agree now!】

【Arata Ichito: Why? This girl named Wen Shiling is so naughty, what good will it do to agree to her?】

【Jiuqi Shinobu: Stupid boss, have you forgotten what Lord Luo Feng said?】

【Arata Ichito: What did you say?】

【Yae Godson: Luo Feng said that he would not take the initiative to ask the staff of the Black Tower Space Station to provide assistance to the tourists of Teyvat.

If they want to get help from them, the tourists of Teyvat need to work hard on their own.

Although Wen Shiling is naughty, her proposal may actually allow the tourists of Teyvat to get in touch with the knowledge of the space station.】

【Jiuqi Shinobu: Mr. Luo Feng also said that through research, one might be able to embark on an intellectual path.

If someone here can cooperate with Wen Shiling, then perhaps they will have the opportunity to embark on an intellectual path.】

【Ichito Arataki: Is this little girl so important?】

【Tinari: In fact, she has mastered some technology of the space station, which is indeed very important to Lisa and others.】

【Elhaisen: Maybe there will be others who want to cooperate with Wen Shiling.

As if to prove Elhaisen's words, after Wen Shiling finished speaking, the doctor immediately stood up.

"Want to study things in our world?"

"I happen to have a good topic here.���I wonder if the little sister is interested?"

The doctor raised his mouth slightly and said in a gentle tone.

"Project? What project?"

Wen Shiling looked at the doctor curiously.

At this moment, Li showed her God's Eye to Wen Shiling. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Compared to the topic of that person over there, why not study this, little sister Wen Shiling?"

Lisa smiled and said

"Are you going to give her the Eye of God for research?"

Master Liuyun Jiefeng looked at Lisa in surprise.

"This is something special here, isn't it?"

Lisa said with a smile.

"Aren't you worried that you won't be able to use elemental power after the Eye of God is damaged?"

Nashida asked worriedly.

"If I can get what I want to know through this research"

"Even if the Eye of God is damaged, it doesn't matter."

"Moreover, if one can obtain the power of destiny through Luo Feng's"blessing""

"Even if the power of the Eye of God is lost, it won't matter."

Lisa said with a smile.

Lisa was curious and terrified about the truth behind the Eye of God given to humans by God.

If she could find out something she didn't know through Wen Shiling this time,[]

This is something Lisa has been longing for.

"This thing of yours seems interesting. Give it to me and I'll study it."

Wen Shiling took the Eye of God and looked at it curiously.

【Shadow: Let people outside of Teyvat study the Eye of God?!】

【Yae Miko: Oh my, this is really surprising】

【Elhaisen: Studying the Eye of God? This seems to be a good topic.】

【Wendy: Yes, nothing should happen.】


【Leosley: It is really admirable that Miss Lisa of Mond can make such a decision.】

【Tinari: Regardless, Wen Shiling seems to be interested in this.

Perhaps Lisa could really embark on an intellectual journey through Wen Shiling.】

【Goro: So, Doctor, did you fail in the competition?】

"Speaking of special things, I have something special here too."

The doctor naturally did not intend to give up. Seeing that Wen Shiling was somewhat interested in the Eye of God, he raised his hand and took out an evil eye.

""This is... an ominous aura!"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun frowned instantly and looked at the evil eye in the doctor's hand.

Lisa and Nashida also frowned.

【Ningguang: It doesn't seem to be the Eye of God】

【Diluk: This is the evil eye, which has a similar effect to the eye of God, except that using the evil eye consumes the user's lifespan.】

【Keqing: Since the Fatui have developed such a dangerous thing!】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Wouldn’t there be any problems if we give such an artifact to researchers in the space station for study?】

"You seem to have some interest in this."

"It's decided that this time we will study these two things."

Wen Shiling said, and was about to leave and go to her own research room.

Lisa and the doctor looked at Luo Feng, and Luo Feng���He shrugged and said to Estelle:

""Esda, I'll take them to see Wen Shiling's research, okay?"

Esda:"Of course you can!" Esda not only agreed, but also personally led Luo Feng and others to Wen Shiling's laboratory.

When everyone walked into Wen Shiling's laboratory, she had already begun testing the Eye of God and the Evil Eye.

Lisa and the doctor saw that Wen Shiling was working seriously, but they didn't come forward to disturb her.

Instead, they quietly waited for Wen Shiling to ask about the Eye of God and the Evil Eye.

However, as time passed, the expressions of the two gradually became strange.

When about ten minutes passed,

Wen Shiling took two items that were exactly the same as the Eye of God provided by Lisa and the Evil Eye provided by the doctor and placed them on the table.

Even Lisa and the doctor, who were as calm as they were, couldn't help but show surprised expressions at this moment.

【Dixia: Is my vision blurry? Did that little girl copy the Eye of God and the Evil Eye?】

【Xiangling: The evil eye is another matter, but isn't the Eye of God an instrument that can only be given by gods?

Can this thing really be replicated through technology?】

【Yae Shinko: Aren’t the gods among us? Maybe we can ask them.】


【Barbatos: Don't ask me, I don't know anything】

【Ichito Arata: Is it possible that the props developed by Wen Shiling are just similar in appearance?】

【Ye Lan: It is very simple to prove this. We just need to see whether the props made by Wen Shiling can be used.】

"This... you copied the Eye of God and the Evil Eye?"

Lisa blinked and asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Wen Shiling nodded, obviously not very interested.

Doctor:"Are you disappointed?"

Wen Shiling sighed and said:

"How can I not be disappointed? I thought it was some new and interesting thing."

"The result is just two things that can mobilize energy, similar to external organs of the human body."

"The cost of using it... an energy consumption similar to faith"

"One is to simply consume vitality"

"This kind of thing is too simple, it can't be used to write a research report at all."

Lisa:"Can I... try it?"

Wen Shiling nodded and said:

"Just try it, this thing is made based on what you gave me"

"Of course you can use"

"I don't have that kind of faith, but I can't use it"

"I can use the evil eye."

"But I don't want to waste my precious vitality on using such a tasteless tool."

"Such a weak item actually requires vitality to use"

"There are weapons in the space station that are much more powerful than this thing."

"I am really stupid. I actually thought this thing was interesting for a moment."

At this point, Wen Shiling sighed deeply.

Then he threw the two evil eyes into the doctor's hands.


The doctor exhaled and tried to activate the evil eye copied by Wen Shiling.

The next moment, a strong elemental force gathered around him.

This scene immediately attracted the exclamations of the people of Teyvat.

In addition to being surprised, Nashida, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and other passengers and the audience of Teyvat all turned their eyes to Lisa who was holding the God's Eye copied by Wen Shiling.

""Can the replica of the Eye of God, which is said to be given by the gods, really be used?"

Lisa muttered to herself, and immediately activated the replica in her hand as she had activated her own Eye of God in the past.

Gradually, the Eye of God in her hand began to emit a purple light.

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