If destiny really exists, and if the Flame of the Outer Universe is really just a low-level monster in the universe.

Then someone in Mond must embark on destiny.

Otherwise, Wendy is worried that after the monsters in the universe descend on Mond,

Mond will be greatly threatened.

Although monsters like the Flame of the Outer Universe do not exist in Teyvat.

But Wendy inexplicably feels that perhaps one day in the future, these monsters will appear in Teyvat.

Just like Luo Feng will suddenly appear in Teyvat

‘The emergence of the Teyvat Forum, but no reaction from the Heavenly Law’

‘Luo Feng entered and exited Teyvat at will, and the law of nature did not react at all.’

‘This world is really different from before.’

‘And it will become more and more different.’

‘The power of destiny, I hope this power really exists and can keep Mond safe in the changing future. '

Wendy thought in his heart

【Scattered Soldiers: We are in a tough fight now. What a useless guy!】

【Lisa: Mr. Scatterer has a powerful mouth, but I don't know what kind of power you have.】

【Scattered Soldiers: Humph, my power is beyond the imagination of ordinary people like you.】

【Yae God: Haha, I think that Captain Qin and the others have shown great strength. The reason why they are in a difficult battle is that the power of the outer universe flame is too strong.】

【Dolly: It seems that Captain Qin and the others have no chance of turning the tables. Luo Feng, why don't you come down and save them? If you don't take action, Captain Qin and the others may end up dead.】

【Dixia: Yes, Luo Feng, use your invincible shield to think of a solution. Mora loses, and I don’t want to see the people of Teyvat die in another world.】

【Luo Feng: Don’t worry, don’t worry】

【Eula: It's already like this, and you still say you're not in a hurry? Damn it, I'll remember this grudge!】

【Ningguang: Yes, Luo Feng! Captain Jean and the others are exhausted and seriously injured, and Barbara is too late to treat them. Except for Klee, who is protected by the light cone you gave her, everyone else is in a mess. If you don't take action, it will affect your tour guide business. You don't want to come to Teyvat to solicit customers next time, and no one dares to answer your call, right?】

【Linni: Could it be that Lord Luo Feng has no way to deal with the flames from outer space now?】

【Linnet: Is it because you have stored all your power in the cone of light in Klee's hand?】

"Linny and Linnet?"

"Could it be that the servant who looked like Eula asked them to ask such a question?"

"Interesting! Do you think I'm not as strong as I said, and you think you can try to attack me?"

Luo Feng sat on an abandoned roof, watching the battle between Jean and others while leisurely browsing the information in the forum.

Because of Paimon's responsible floating camera, the Teyvatian people could naturally see the battle between Jean and others clearly.

Family members know their own business.

Although he input a lot of energy into the light cone in Klee's hand.

But that little energy was not enough to prevent Luo Feng from being able to cast the shield of preservation and destroy the enemy.

Thinking of Linni and Linnett being the executive servants of the Fatui, and only these two people expressed doubts about his ability to cast the power of preservation.

It was difficult for Luo Feng not to associate it with some kind of conspiracy.

"The Ice Goddess of Winter wants to obtain the hearts of other gods to fight against the law of nature."

"The new power I brought, she has no reason not to have ideas"

"It is understandable that she would ask her subordinates to seek the power of destiny."

"However, how her subordinates will act is still unknown."

""With the Fatui's way of doing things, it's not impossible that they will really attack me."

Luo Feng touched his chin and muttered.

Luo Feng knew clearly that the trains and light cones he had taken out so far were enough to attract the Teyvatian people.

And he had not yet demonstrated strong destructive power, but only demonstrated the defensive power that could defend against the attack of the Wind Dragon.

In this case, maybe someone with ulterior motives would be tempted.

In fact, he could naturally help Qin and others.

But if that happened, the chances of Qin and others embarking on their fate would become infinitely smaller.

Luo Feng didn't want that to happen.

"Linnet is a cute little girl."

"I hope I'm overthinking."

"Otherwise, maybe I have to teach the Fatui some lessons."

Luo Feng smiled and turned his head to glance behind him.

There, a petite girl with golden hair was running towards Qin and the others.

"I actually met Hook from the Mole Gang in this deserted Rivet Town."

"Could he be carrying Natasha on his back?"

Luo Feng whispered.

Seeing that Hook was not far away from Qin and the others,

Luo Feng knew that this battle would soon come to an end.

【Luo Feng: Don't worry, the savior is coming soon】

【Linni: Sir Luo Feng, are you planning to rescue Captain Qin and others?】

【Amber: I knew that Luo Feng you would not ignore Qin and the Traveler.】

【Luo Feng: I think you have some misunderstandings. The savior I am referring to is not me, but a local.】

【Wendy: The locals, could it be that they are the ones who have embarked on their fate?】

【Luo Feng: You are indeed the best bard in Mondstadt, you are really amazing. 】

The savior that Luo Feng mentioned is naturally Hook.

Although Hook is still a little girl, no one who has embarked on a fateful journey is simple.

Luo Feng felt a good imaginary energy from Hook.

Although this imaginary energy is not as good as Natasha and Seele, it is enough to destroy the outer universe flame that has been consumed by Jean and the Traveler for some time.

【Linnett: So, during the time when Mr. Luo Feng was away from the camera, did he miss any chance to find help?】

【Luo Feng: Haha, who knows?】

【Lisa: No matter what, Jean and the others are safe. I just don't know what kind of strong man will be the savior who will appear later.】

【Aratake Ichito: Since he is the one who can act as a savior, he must be a warrior with strong muscles.】

【Tartaglia: A strong warrior? I am increasingly curious about what kind of person will appear later.】

【Yae Miko: It's possible. She might be an elegant lady.】

【Lady: Are you talking about me?】

【Yae God: Hehe】

【Amber: Hey, there's a fireball at the edge of the camera? No... is that a... child?】

"Traveler, are you okay?"

Paimon looked at Ying who was half kneeling on the ground and asked worriedly.

"Fortunately, Barbara helped with the treatment, and I finally made it through."

Ying took a deep breath and said

"But there are many places on your body that are burned by the flames!"

Paimon said

""I'm sorry, my healing ability is still far from enough."

Barbara looked at the wounded Ying with an apologetic look, and then looked at Qin who was also in a bad state.

Because of the protection of the two, even Barbara and Klee who were not protected by the light cone were not hurt.

However, this did not make Barbara happy, but made her feel more guilty.

‘If only my healing power could be a little stronger.

Barbara pursed her lips and clenched her fists involuntarily.

"This monster is more difficult to deal with than imagined."

"The attacks of Ying and I didn't have much effect on it."

"Klee's explosion is a bit too restrictive for it, which seems to be made of fire."

"If we continue like this, we will lose.

Qin stood in front of everyone and said with difficulty.

"Damn it, where on earth did Luo Feng go?"

"Won't he protect us?"

Paimon said angrily

"Brother Luo Feng must have his own ideas."

"I believe he will not abandon us."

Keli said firmly

"Paimon, now is not the time to blame others"

"Compared to this, the flame from the outer universe is about to attack again."

Ying said


Paimon looked at the Flame of the Outer Universe in horror, and saw that it was holding up a huge fireball with a diameter of more than one meter.

The extremely high temperature even began to melt the ground under the Flame of the Outer Universe, turning it into rolling magma.

Just as Paimon was extremely worried and Qin, Ying and others were concentrating on being alert, a crisp voice rang in everyone's ears.


The dark Lord Hook has arrived. Get out of the way , get out of the way, woooo...

""Child? Wait, don't go over there, it's dangerous!"

Jyn saw that there was a child about the same age as Klee in the center of the flame, and subconsciously reached out to Hook.

But Hook was too fast, and the flames around her were also stopping Jyn.

In the end, Jyn could only watch Hook rush towards the Flame of the Outer Universe.

The Flame of the Outer Universe seemed to have noticed the attacker, and immediately threw the fireball in its hand at Hook.

However, at this time, Hook relied on the mechanical gloves called the Hole Machine equipped on his hands to suddenly move in a snake-like manner and dodge the incoming fireball.

Then he hit the Flame of the Outer Universe with lightning speed. With a bang.

The Flame of the Outer Universe instantly fell into a huge explosion.

The Teyvat people in the live broadcast room clearly saw that the Flame of the Outer Universe, which seemed indestructible before, turned into nothingness in an instant.

And the little blonde girl who caused the explosion flew into the air with a smile on her face.

【Alice: Wow! What a cute girl! I want to hold her in my arms.】

【Lisa: Alice probably mistook this little girl for Klee. However, this little girl does look a lot like Klee.】

【Ichito Arata: Is this the time to care about this? Shouldn't we be curious about the power this little girl possesses?】

【Jiuqi Shinobu: It's rare that the boss is smart for once. The power of this little girl is indeed worth paying attention to.】

【El Haisen: It is hard to imagine that such a petite girl has such powerful destructive power, even more destructive than Mond's Klee】

【Amber: Much better than my Count Bunny. How on earth did she do this?】

【Luo Feng: As a destiny walker, being able to do something like this is not a strange thing.】

【Arata Ichito: Wait, this little girl is a destiny walker? Could it be that the savior you mentioned earlier, Luo Feng, is her?!】

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