On the other side, in the mansion of Swarovski and Clara.

When Topa stepped in, Swarovski's security network spotted him and waved Clara away.

"Hello, big guy."

Swarovski's one eye stayed on Topa's medal for a few seconds, and he said mechanically:"Why are you here, you are from Interstellar Peace Company?"

Topa said:"Great, it seems that I don't need to waste any more words with you."

Topa:"I'll be frank, Yalilo-Ⅵ......This planet is the asset of the company."

"No one can reverse this result, not you, not those unknown guests, not any force in the galaxy."

Topa said seriously:"This is a project that I have handled. I have to find a way to let the company's shareholders see the value of Yalilo-VI. Only by doing so can we guarantee the long-term interests of Beloberg."

Buzz, buzz.

After a brief thought, Swarovski said:"Long-term interests」——The concept is vague. Evaluation result: Failure"

"Messenger, how are you going to convince the company's leadership?"

Topa smiled and took out a Rubik's Cube-like object.

"This is......"Swarovski's mood fluctuated significantly.

Topa smiled and said,"In the past seven hundred years, all the mechas manufactured by Beloberg have used the underlying system left by the company. The"source code" can control them uniformly, which means that even now, the company has the ability to subvert Beloberg."

Topa turned around, turned his back to Swarovski and walked to the stairs, saying,"You should also know that somewhere in this lower city, there was a huge arsenal where the mechas were sleeping.......Enough to crush an entire corps’ vanguard.......

The advance guard of the Corps......

Advance Army......

Send troops...... military......

Topa couldn't help blushing and yelled at Swarovski:"Speak now!"

Swarovski:"Calculate the evaluation results, I accept your cooperation"

"Oh, oh? You're so easy to talk to. I thought you were a tough guy."

"According to calculations, this is the best solution."

Swaro decided to take Topa to the arsenal. After all, Beloberg is 100% unable to stop the company. He who knows the times is a hero.

Of course, Swaro did not take Qiong into account. In his cognition, when Qiong left Beloberg, his energy level was not as high as the company director in front of him!

Big mining area.

Qiong punched through the belly of a fat man, and parts flew all over the sky. He fell down helplessly, and Qiong finally collected enough.......

【Current distance to the next level: 17%】

Not enough ingredients!

Qiong held his head with both hands, feeling his brain trembling, and yelled frantically:"Ahhh, damn, why!"

The company only sent these little snacks, and there was not enough to eat!

Qiong's eyes turned green, and he looked around like a zombie:"Is there any......Are there any employees of the company?"

The answer is obvious: No.

Belloberg's own mechas can satisfy your cravings, but the materials used are crude and the design is simple.......Let's put it this way, the taste is like eating tree bark, and it hurts the throat.

Qiong lay half dead on the ground, rolling his eyes,"I can't stand it anymore, there are no company employees to eat, I'm going to die!"

""Topa! Where is Director Topa's meaty legs!"

Director Topa was still busy, and the child could only figure it out by himself.

Just when Qiong was at a loss, a shiny little piggy bank smelled the scent and ran over,"Hum?""


Qiong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he rushed over excitedly, hugged Zhuangzhang, and kissed him fiercely.

Yes, Zhuangzhang found a treasure hidden very deep!

It can help him find something edible!

It's a magic pig, it's safe!


Zhang Zhang raised his head and listened to Qiong's dancing and gibberish. It was as if a light bulb lit up in his head and he ran out quickly.

Qiong followed closely behind him, and they went all the way to the depths of the lower city.......Crossing mountains and ridges, and passing through many dangerous places, Qiong, like the Armored Titan, rushed forward until he crashed into a cave. The shocking scene inside made Qiong open his eyes wide.

In the mountain, a huge robot was fixed in it, as if the earth was his bones and flesh. It was the existence that Beloberg was most proud of, the Creation Engine!

Qiong said:"It turned out that it was this big guy who stretched out a hand to help me beat Cocolia."

The Gundam stood on the earth


The sound of the call brought Qiong back to his senses. He thought carefully.......This thing doesn't seem to be inedible!

But do you really want to destroy a Gundam with your own hands?


Zhang Zhang started to grab the wall with his claws, and the dirt fell off, revealing a piece of metal arm.

Qiong said:"This is......"

Qiong dug out the contents, and found a well-preserved company model robot!

Moreover, the towering walls nearby, could these weapons be buried inside! ?

Qiong:"Okay, okay, you want to launch the rumbling too, right?"

Although the small cookies are not as delicious as the big cake, they can fill your stomach at least!

In fact, Qiong can increase the material level by eating soil, but that requires too much mass.......Maybe he had to chew a big hole in Yalilo-VI. After all, this was Bronya's home. As a friend, Qiong couldn't do such a wicked thing.

After sweeping away tens of thousands of mechanical weapons, Qiong finally gathered enough for the promotion. The heart in his body stopped beating and became like a black hole, using a vortex-like suction to devour Qiong's energy.

Qiong's largest promotion in history......here we go

【Promotion completed, star core level: star level】

【Star core energy level: 500000】

【Material level: 5000000】

【Abilities: Star State, Indestructible Material Body (Strong), Creation Furnace Skill, 'Thousands of Fates Return to One', Endless Lifespan......】

【Materials required for the next level of promotion: difficult to estimate, please do your best, and do not commit acts that would cause large-scale extinction of civilizations or devour material planets. 】

The total mass of a planet is huge, and the material level of a human-shaped dome, even if it is a large planet, is not as high as that of Yalilo.-Ⅵ

But now! The star-level Qiong can proudly say,"Yarilo-VI, I am now the Monkey King in Princess Iron Fan's belly!"

Once Qiong completely releases its own material level, Yarilo-VI will be"burst" alive from the inside!

This move, Qiong can be reproduced on any planet, almost certainly making it impossible for people below the level to survive.

"I'm invincible!" Qiong raised his fist excitedly. Company? I'll beat ten of them!

"I'm so damn strong!"

But it's worth mentioning that after reaching the star level, many of the methods developed before are useless, such as the"stellar state". It is indeed terrifying to burst out the star combat power at the planetary level, but now the energy burning all over Qiong's body is more than when he opened the star state before. It's so hot~ so hot~~

As we all know, stars are generally big fireballs. What's burning in Qiong's blood vessels now is not blood, but golden, flammable and explosive highly concentrated nuclear bomb liquid.......The type who can't pass security check anywhere

"Uh, I hope that this time when I go back, the Starry Sky Train won’t run away when it sees me."

The Sky still needs to be developed, otherwise if it can’t be controlled, it will be Barbie Q.

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