Star Cockroach

Chapter 209: Camellia season

PS: The title is wrong, it should be "Camellia Blossom Season", sorry.

Chonglou and Lei Zhu left on the third day.

In the evening.

Bingbu took the people from the upper part of the mountain together to gather melon.

Lord of Daye County descends on Lizhu Peak.

Not only the owner of Daye County, but also 20 senior soldiers, the flat ground in front of the cave was completely crowded, and they stayed on the top of the mountain.

Is there a long time before the land reclamation and expansion? Why is this here?

The lord of Daye County is full of enthusiasm, and his thoughts are soft, saying: "Spotted, eat melon? This is a small cantaloupe that is cultivated by the tarantula tribe in the Western Region, and is very famous.

"Yes, little melon." Banbu heard a tremor in her heart, and greeted, "Oh Lord, eat together."

There was no way, and my heart was terribly painful, and he commanded: "Big head, quickly send 4 small muskmelons to fellow soldiers on the mountain."

"Four ... Oh ... Okay." The big head is also responsible for managing the finances for the cloth, and gradually hesitates, even more distressed.

This day is just getting better! Why did you suddenly come to such a big group? I also have time for it.

"Oh Lord, what's the matter?" Banbu asked.

The main road of Daye County: "The time to open up the wasteland has been set, and it will be at the end of autumn when the camellia blooms."

Camellia oleifera blooms from mid-September to early October.

It's August 5th now, counting the time, there are still forty or fifty days. Many warrior territories are in the harvest season, so start preparing for war so early?

The owner of Daye County picked up a piece of muskmelon and whispered, and introduced, "King Chih-Sang King joins the battle in person. Our Chih-Kang tribe gathers 3,000 soldiers and participates in the war. But they do not actively participate in the encirclement, intercept the border, and stop the beasts as much as possible. The soldiers flowed south, minimizing combat damage. "

"It cannot be completely intercepted. The Iron Knife Mountains and Jinping Mountains will be severely affected. The Shuirong Mountains and the Red Orange Mountains will also be affected. Further, the sheep's hoof mountains may be affected. Therefore, you do not need to participate in the five mountains. . "

"Chijian County will also send 3 mountain leaders to stay in Li Zhufeng to help the defense, and will also send 10 senior soldiers on a monthly basis to assist in defense. Banbu, you first arrange a place for them."

"Understand! Thank you!" Ban Bu ecstatically.

The three mountain-level fighters are resident. It should be a force mobilized from the Chijian Shuhai. Only when the Chijian King King exists, can such a strong force come to help.

The owner of Daye County continued: "In addition, in the next two years, King Chiken entered the Iron Blade Mountains in the first year of winter. It took a winter to search for hunting and killing beast warriors. The second year will enter your Jinping Mountains , As far as possible to help hunt down a group of rampant beast warriors. "

Babu suddenly realized a question, and asked, "The Lord of Daye County, the three mountain resident are based in Li Zhufeng, do I have to take care of it? I mean the Force Food."

"No," said Oba-gun, "their territories are managed by other fighters, and the output of the territories will be sent in time ... Of course, you have four god-given seeds, which can be harvested every year, which can also be properly expressed."

It's free.

"No problem!" Banbu agreed quickly, rest assured.

With all my heart in mind, I plan to pay them 1,000 rough stones per year. As for the senior soldiers who come to assist in defense, each of them should send 10 rough stones, which should be similar and interesting.

Banbu then asked: "Lord Yeha, how many soldiers did the Feiyuhu tribe send?"

Maine of Daye County: "Don't worry, the King of Chijian has just talked to King of Changsheng once a few days ago, and the Flying Fire Clan will gather 10,000 senior soldiers to participate in the battle."

Banbu asked, "How many years has Yau Ma Tei been deserted?"

The Lord of Yeha understood what Banbu wanted to ask, shaking his tentacles, and solemnly saying, "It has been a longer time than the Longevity King. It was the last reincarnation cycle. The Feiyuhuo tribe changed from strong to weak, and the people shrank. They had to give up. . "

"The flying Huo tribe that year was almost wiped out. The King of Longevity was later risen. Under its management, the tribe re-bred and grew, and our Chihu tribe was born."

Bran Preaching: "Yau Ma Tei has a rich force, it is easier to give birth to God-given seeds, it is easier to give birth to powerful beast warriors, and even to form a group?"

Daye-gun mainly moved his tentacles and said: "A lot of beast groups have been formed, and the strongest groups have confirmed their positions, and there will be targeted raids."

The owner of Daye County is not so optimistic.

Doubt anxiety.

Jungle siege, it is difficult to cut grass and roots, and what is missing is all hidden dangers.

After thinking about it, Li Zhufeng will have three mountain resident defenses, 10 senior fighters to defend, and two big bears and himself. How big a threat can those fish that miss the net pose?

The owner of Daye County continued to introduce: "The only good news is that the friesian tribe on the other side and the King Chijian have reached an agreement. No one on either side should pit anyone, and they must not drive the beast warriors to the other side of Jinjiang."

"..." Ban said: "It's good news."


There was another chat about the wasteland expansion.

The main speaker of Daye County turned suddenly and asked, "Banbu, I heard that the Chiwu ghost king specially sent a group of ghost warriors to Li Zhufeng to exchange for bamboo species?"


Babu guessed that the camellia blossoms were still early, and the owner of Daye County had no need to come to inform it in advance dozens of days in advance.

Sure enough, it asks otherwise.

The 20 senior soldiers who accompanied him all came from Takihara.

"Yes, they traded in two special bamboo species, golden thread bamboo and colorful bitter bamboo."

"You cultivate green bamboo and rain bamboo, and you can earn tens of thousands of rough stones every year by selling bamboo species, and it is a long-term business. Can this exchange price not be low?"

"Yes, 400,000 rough stones, and another bamboo species that can bloom and seed every year. They also promise to give away a large number of rare bamboo species in the future."

"400,000 rough stones! Chiwu Mountain deserves to be the first richest ancient county in the southwest." The owner of Daye County said with embarrassment:

"Banbu, that, you should know that the seeds of Chijianshu God's gift are currently in a qualitative and long-term period. Natural forces are difficult to supply and demand, and they must continue to invest in rough stones."

"The current situation of Chijian County is clearer. UU reads The reserve stone has been exhausted. You can borrow it and borrow it again .... king?"

Borrowed a lot, the owner of Daye County had the experience and packed the ticket: "Banbu, rest assured, starting next year, the seeds of the God of Acanthus will produce red nuts of standard quality, and the output will increase significantly. "

"The annual income of King Chijian has greatly increased, and the rough stones owed will soon be paid off."

Babu has helped them to clear their accounts for a long time. The King Chijian is now the "primary loser" of the Dai people. The rough stones owed by him are unclear for 10 years.

However, the county chief has a life span of 500 years and the king has a life span of 1,000 years. The rough stones owed by King Chijian are mainly used to purchase longevity peaches, which can extend life for 100 years. Although I owe a **** debt, I have nearly 600 years more life.

Calculate again, if you can't figure it out, you will be promoted to the king of the king in the future, and you will also get debts.

Come to the Japanese leader, borrow it.

Banbu asked, "How much rough is there, Oba-gun?"

Oba-gun main road: "It is best to borrow 400,000."

"This ..." Bianbu was almost choked to death without a word, explaining: "Zhonglou Caravan came along with the ghost tribe's team. I got the rough and consumed it."

The Lord of Yeba asked, "How much is left?"

Banbu truthfully said: "300,000, I plan to accelerate growth, and reserve at least 200,000 rough stones for future use."

The owner of Daye County fanned his veins and said, "300,000 rough stones have been borrowed, and I will ask the King Chijian to ask for the priority to return the rough stones owed to you."

Priority return? The rough stone borrowed from the Feitian Huolu tribe must be returned first, right?

"..." Banbu thought for a while and said, "It's okay, it wasn't enough. Use red nuts to pay off the debt."

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