The next day, the people sent by Yoko Nantian discovered the situation.

"Senior Nantian, we found that they shipped all the goods to Dongchuan Wharf."

"Dongchuan Wharf? Okay, I got it! Keep monitoring!"


The personnel of the operation left, and only Nantian Yoko was left in the office.

At this moment, Yoko Nantian frowned and stood there thinking, she was thinking about whether to tell Yoshiko Kawashima the information!

If she doesn't give the information to Yoshiko Kawashima, and only she knows the information, then when there is an action over there, she can directly arrest her, and then the merit will fall entirely on her alone.

With such a great achievement, her position as the superintendent of the special high school is absolutely stable!

Even if Yoshiko Kawashima wrote to her teacher, General Toi, General Toi would have to think about it!

Think here..

Nantian Yoko sat down and continued to work.


In the evening.. in the secret room of Zhuang Xiaoman's villa.

"There is news from the Red Party, the medicine has been delivered safely, and the money has been received, but the other party has a request."

Zhuang Xiaoman took off the headset on the telegram, looked at the content of the telegram and said.

"What request?"

On the opposite side, Gao Feng sat in a chair and asked.

"The Red Party wants to prepay for the second batch of medicines in advance, and we will ship them after the money arrives in Shanghai, but they hope that the price will easily become the previous five million."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Gao Feng frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, since they paid in advance in advance, and also proposed to ship the goods after the money arrives, then adjust the price to five million."

"But... is it a million cheap?"

Zhuang Xiaoman is still a little reluctant to give up the one million. Although Gao Feng of the Chamber of Commerce, Zhuang Xiaoman has always been in charge. Every month, he provides management to those Japanese officers, management of various transportation channels, and establishment of experimental bases. Fees, etc.. She knows this better than anyone.

And a million less, although it will not make the funds tight, but it is better to have more money.

"Well, it's cheap, it's called mutual trust, and we don't lack that million."

Gao Feng waved his hand and said casually.

Seeing Gao Feng's casual look, Zhuang Xiaoman could only helplessly nodded.

"By the way, our drug hiding point has been moved to Dongchuan Wharf. During the delivery, the people from the special high school have been following secretly. When do you think we will carry out the next step?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked.

"Don't worry for the time being, let them live for a few more days and wait until the house and headquarters relocation is done."


After the two negotiated for a while, Gao Feng left Zhuang Xiaoman's villa.


Time goes by day by day..

The soldiers from Laoying and Laofa on the French Concession side began to withdraw gradually, and some staff also began to withdraw. The Japanese army began to slowly take over the affairs on the French Concession side!

Some Japanese military departments have settled in the former working area of ​​Laofa and Laoying!

Gao Feng's headquarters has also begun to move to the public world little by little, new villas are also being purchased, and the orphanage has begun to send children to new orphanages.

Minglou's home..

At this moment, Ming Jing was sitting on the sofa a little irritably. She lowered her head and picked up the newspaper on the table, after a few glances, she threw it on the table.

"Oops, Ah Xiang.. Ah Xiang!"

Spiegel shouted loudly.

"Hey, here comes the eldest lady, what's the matter?"

The nanny Axiang hurried over and asked.

"You go and ask the next door if you can let them stop! It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and we still have a lunch break. How can we rest when they carry things like this!"

Mingjing said a little irritably.

"Ah... ok, miss, I..."

"Haha, who made the eldest sister unhappy? I heard the eldest sister's voice before I entered the door."

Before Ah Xiang finished speaking, Minglou's voice came from outside the door, and then Minglou and Mingcheng walked in from outside.

Seeing Minglou and Mingcheng who came in, Mingjing said angrily: "There are new people moving in from the two houses next door, and they have been moving their homes for the past few days, and the movement is so loud that there are two walls more than ten meters away. You can hear it in the open space, it's really annoying! Can't move furniture lightly! I can't even take a break!"

Hearing his eldest sister's words, Ming Lou analyzed with a smile: "The Japanese army is taking over the French Concession these days, and that area will become the strategic office of the Japanese army's military, and the people who lived there before have to move out more than necessary, I guess the opposite side It should have been moved from the French Concession."

After the analysis, he blinked at Mingcheng who was behind Mingcheng and said in a deliberately angry tone: "But since I made my eldest sister unhappy, I don't care if he is from the French Concession, Mingcheng, you go and tell the next door now. People who are not allowed to move! Otherwise, they will be arrested and sent to prison!"

"yes, Sir.. ........."

Ming Cheng nodded and turned to leave.

"Oops, stop!"

Mingjing called hurriedly at this time.

"What are you going to eat in prison? Acheng, go and be polite with others, just say to stop for an hour every afternoon and let us have a good rest."

Mirror said.

"Okay, I know Mrs.

After Ming Cheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

After Mingcheng left, Mingjing suddenly sighed and said, "Oh, I miss Mingtai, and I don't know how he went to school there, whether he can eat enough, and whether he is frozen..."

Hearing Mingjing's words, Minglou also sighed in his heart, but then he said with a smile: "Hehe, don't worry, eldest sister, Mingtai is not a child, don't worry, he will definitely take care of himself."

"Hey, one by one doesn't make me worry, so I'll go over there in two days to see Mingtai and see how she's doing, what do you think?"

Mingjing looked at Minglou and asked.

Minglou hesitated for a moment and then hurriedly smiled: "Okay, just in time for the eldest sister to relax, help me teach that kid a lesson by the way!"

"Lessons? I'm reluctant to teach them a lesson. If it wasn't to save us back then, his mother wouldn't have an accident, alas..."

Speaking of which, Ming Jing's eyes turned red.

At this time, Mingcheng walked in quickly from the door with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Mingcheng's expression, Minglou asked with a frown.

"Big brother, that next door... The one who is going to move in next door is Mr. Takahashi.".

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