Hearing Yoshiko Kawashima's words, Yoko Nantian was silent for a moment and then whispered, "Because of Masao Takahashi."

"Takahashi Masao?"

Kawashima Fangzi frowned, and there was a bit of doubt on her face. She had never heard of this name.

"Well, Masao Takahashi."

Yoko Nantian nodded and then explained Gao Feng's identity, his status in Shanghai, and what happened between the two.

After listening to Yoko Nantian's story, Yoshiko Kawashima frowned and thought for a long time before slowly saying: "According to what you said, this Masao Takahashi is indeed very suspicious. Chief Nantian will start your secret investigation tomorrow. Bridge Masao."

"But... but on Mr. Fujita Yoshima's side..."

Yoko Nantian hesitated.

"I'll be in charge of Mr. Fujita Yoshimaa's side. You only need to do the tasks I gave you, and I'll take care of the rest."

Yoshiko Kawashima said confidently.

Hearing Yoshiko Kawashima's words, Yoko Nantian immediately said excitedly: "Hey, I understand, Miss Kawashima!"


Soon it was night, Gao Feng came to the orphanage by car. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the orphanage, he saw Junko Muto and Cheng Jinyun standing at the gate of the orphanage, chatting and laughing about something.

"Mr. Takahashi..."

"Takahashi-kun, you are here."

Seeing Gao Feng get off the car, Cheng Jinyun and Kawashima Fangzi shouted.

"Well, Miss Cheng is good."

Gao Feng smiled and nodded to Cheng Jinyun, then looked at Junko Muto.

"Then Jinyun, I'll go back first, do you really need me to send you?"

"No, Junko, I'm not very far from home, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, see you tomorrow then."

Junko Muto and Cheng Jinyun got into Gao Feng's car after talking.

"Miss Cheng, I'll say goodbye first."

After Gao Feng said to Cheng Jinyun, he was ready to get in the car.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Takahashi."

At this time, Cheng Jinyun stopped Gao Feng.

"What's the matter, Miss Cheng?"

Gao Feng asked.

"My father is back tonight."

Cheng Jinyun walked up to Gao Feng and whispered.

Hearing Cheng Jinyun's words, Gao Feng nodded and got into the car directly.

The car started and drove in the direction of the villa. In the car, Junko Muto asked suspiciously, "What did Jinyun tell Takahashi-kun just now?"

"Oh, she said that today's Miss Junko has been sullen, asking if I have a conflict with you."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"Ah... Gao... Takahashi-kun, don't get me wrong, I... I don't have any conflict with you, I..."

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Junko Muto hurriedly explained.

"Hehe, joking Junko, how was your day at the orphanage?"

Gao Feng smiled and then asked.

"Today I."

Junko Muto started talking excitedly.


After dinner in the evening, Gao Feng coaxed Junko Muto to sleep and let her fall into a deep sleep before leaving the villa.

An hour later, Gao Feng came to Uncle Li's hiding spot.

Walking outside the door, Gao Feng knocked on the door. Because he did not use the agreed-upon knocking method, he knocked several times in a row before there was a very subtle sound.

Hearing this sound, Gao Feng knew that someone was quietly approaching the door.

"It's me Gao Feng."

Gao Feng said directly.

After Gao Feng's words, the door opened soon, and Cheng Jinyun appeared in Gao Feng's sight.

"Mr. Gao, Uncle Li and team leader Ming have arrived."


Gao Feng nodded and entered the door.

In the inner room, Ming Lou and Uncle Li hurriedly stood up when they saw Gao Feng come in.

"Mr. Gao.."


the two cried.

"Well, Shanghai is quite chaotic during this time, so let's keep it short."

Gao Feng said.

"it is good."

Uncle Li nodded first and then said: "Mr. Gao, this time I went back to the headquarters and reported the drug channel to which people. They hope to buy large quantities of drugs from you, but you can Can you guarantee that you can safely deliver the medicine to the base where our party is located?"

"I can't guarantee this. After all, some things are unpredictable, but as long as there is no emergency, the medicine can be delivered to your base safely."

Gao Feng said truthfully.

When the drug channel was built, Gao Feng had already spent money on an absolutely safe shipping route, but he still couldn't guarantee 100% safety, just like a doctor seeing a patient, he couldn't guarantee 100% that he would be cured.

Uncle Li naturally understood this. He nodded and continued to ask, "How long will it take to transport from here to our base?"

"Within a week."

Gao Feng said.

"Okay... Mr. Gao, in a few days we will come over from our base to hand over to you."

"Come here in a few days? Shanghai is under martial law now. It's too risky to come here."

Gao Feng frowned and said.

"Well, but we have to take desperate risks. After all, these drugs are related to the lives of thousands of comrades."

Uncle Li said.

"okay, I get it."

Hearing Uncle Li say this, Gao Feng had nothing to say.

However, in his heart, Gao Feng still secretly compared the National Army and the Red Party. In comparison, the National Army seems to be a bit more straightforward. After all, the National Army has money.

The Red Party is much more cautious, for the obvious reason is that they have no money.

In fact, Gao Feng chose to cooperate with the Red Party because of the casualties of the soldiers on the Red Party side. He also cooperated with the Red Party with the idea of ​​doing business.

The shore base on the deserted island is under construction, and it will be completed soon. It needs a huge amount of unbelievable money to conduct experiments.

"Mr. Gao, there is actually one more thing..."

Uncle Li said again.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Gao Feng asked.

"The base area wants to invite you to join our party!"

Uncle Li said.

Hearing Uncle Li's words, Gao Feng raised his brows.

Ming Lou and Cheng Jinyun next to him both looked at Gao Feng nervously.

"Let's talk about this. Now it's a national red cooperation, and it's the same everywhere."

After a while, Gao Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Gao Feng's rejection, Uncle Li nodded and said nothing.

"Minister, I also have something to report to you on my side."

At this time, Ming Lou, who had not spoken for a while, spoke up.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Gao Feng asked.

"A few days ago, there was a new commissioner from the special high school, called Kawashima Fangzi, who was Doi's apprentice. He came here specifically to investigate the assassination of the commander of the South China region."

Minglou said. .

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