Spy Shadow

Chapter 805 New Drug Launched

"no problem."

Chen Zhanli agreed immediately. He was about to go to the slums to have a look.

He had a deep impression there. After observing him for so long, he was sure that Esakiga was sincerely helping the poor.

It is simply unbelievable that Ezakiga is Japanese and a spy.

He wanted to have a good chat with the people there this time. It was said that they had no salary, so why were they willing to help all the time, just to eat the pancakes?

Pancakes are not very tasty.

Besides, they have many literate people. Wouldn’t it be better to go and do something somewhere than to stay there?

Things in Tokyo and Shanghai are over.

According to the investigation at the base camp, it was confirmed that Hamasaki led people to rob the Ishihara Trading Company first, killing thirty-six of the firm's guards, injuring twenty others, and forcing all the workers in the granary to help them carry grain.

People from the garrison headquarters went over to check the situation, and they killed thirty-one people and injured fifty others.

There were more than a hundred casualties.

There were guards and workers from regular merchants, as well as soldiers from the empire. Hamasaki and others behaved like thugs.

Base Camp recognizes the identity of the thugs.

Japan has never been soft on thugs.

Knowing that they were numerous and powerful, the garrison headquarters asked the garrison for help. Yamashita received permission from Commander-in-Chief Tian Junliu to lead troops into the city.

Yamashita's fault was that he shouldn't have killed them all, why should he keep a few prisoners for questioning.

Fortunately, the Liaison Department guards were gone and many officials survived and were able to find out what happened.

In addition to the food collected from the military camp, the name of Ishihara Trading Company was printed on the packaging.

As for Miyamoto, Takemoto et al.

Punishment is lighter.

Do a review.

The reason was that they did not reply to Saijo in time. Their reason was that they were on the battlefield at the time and did not receive the order.

Not to mention tickling, this kind of punishment is worse than no punishment at all. Their letter of apology is simply a letter of condemnation.

Instead, the garrison headquarters was praised.

They handled it very well.

After the matter was settled, Saijo had to admit it even if he pinched his nose. If he refused, there was nothing he could do. If the people in the base camp did not support him, he would not be able to send troops to attack Shanghai.

Then he, the Prime Minister, would step down immediately.

Not to mention him, Yu Ren couldn't do it.

Nowadays, foreign aggression is so great that Japan cannot withstand civil war.

The result of this incident made people intuitively feel the power of Ishihara Hiroshi. Despite his young age, Ishihara Hiroshi was sophisticated and vicious in his methods.

I have been holding back for so long, just waiting for the opportunity to strike with thunder.

Saijo suffered a big loss. Even if the Liaison Department was rebuilt, it would not pose any threat to Ishihara Hiroshi, and it would have no power, so it would be better not to build it.

Shanghai was completely controlled by Toru Ishihara.

In mid-July, Japan's important ally, Italy, suffered from incidents one after another.

The Allied forces landed in Sicily, and Xiao Mo's situation was in danger. Germany tried to find a way to keep him. They couldn't lose this ally now.

Even though he is a pig teammate.

Japan is in the far east, and there is nothing they can do to help even if they want to, not to mention that their own situation is even worse.

The Yukikaze, an auspicious ship, was talked about badly in the navy.

After escorting the merchant ship and annihilating all the merchant ships, the Yukikaze immediately went to the battlefield. On July 12, during the night battle on Kolombangara Island, the Yukikaze reappeared its auspicious power.

It was targeted by a submarine and attacked by a torpedo. A magical scene happened. Because the Yukikaze's draft was too shallow, the torpedo passed under its hull and hit the flagship Shentong protected behind it.

The injury prevented the Shentong from escaping and was sunk by the US military.

The Yukikaze was originally a guard, and it had to be a human shield at critical moments to protect its flagship. However, the result was not good, as the flagship took the torpedo that should have belonged to it.

However, the result of this naval battle was considered a small victory for Japan. Saijo immediately spread the word in the country and let everyone know that even if Yamamoto was not around, their combined fleet was still invincible and invincible.

Victory seems to have nothing to do with the Yukikaze. After the victory, no one is willing to fight side by side with the Yukikaze.

He is simply a broom star, whoever he protects is finished.

Nothing happened to him.

All the officers and soldiers of the Xuefeng were very aggrieved. They were not without their efforts and fought bravely, but the enemy seemed not to see them and started beating their companions.

What does this have to do with them?

Perhaps it was Amaterasu who protected them from damage.

This battle also made the new drugs of Chu Lingyun Pharmaceutical Company shine in the United States. Wounded soldiers can quickly get better after using them, even those who have used sulfonamides many times.

It is said that this drug has no drug resistance, which means it can be used for a long time in the future.

The good news for the United States does not stop.

Another pharmaceutical factory was finally able to mass produce, but their output could not be compared with Chu Lingyun's. That pharmaceutical factory once came to the door, hoping to share technology.

He was kicked out directly by Smith.

Now they are suppliers to the Department of Defense and don't care about anyone else.

With the sales of new drugs, Chu Lingyun's wealth is also expanding rapidly.

Tokyo, in a large courtyard.

Mitsui Amu knelt down in front of an old man, who was the current patriarch of the Mitsui family and the father of Mitsui Hiroshi.

He is a side branch, and his grandfather and clan leader are just cousins.

The relationship is too far.

"Sir, Ishihara Hiroshi is not very old, but he has many tricks. He is very good at deceiving people. As for Youzhai Literary Society, he has turned it into a gathering place for a group of crazy officers. Those officers regard him as the leader and completely obey him. The command."

"Ishihara Hiroshi is very smart. No matter what he does, he does it in the name of being loyal to the emperor and serving the empire. He has a pharmaceutical laboratory and provides His Majesty with a lot of magic medicine every month. It is said that His Majesty has saved many people with this medicine. .”

Mitsui Amu said slowly, the old man seemed to have his eyes closed and was listening.

He knew the magic medicine that Mitsui Amu mentioned. He had even used one. It was given by His Majesty and saved his life.

He knew that this medicine was not mass-produced and had been supplied to Ikuto by Toru Ishihara.

"Ishihara Hiroshi has developed very quickly. I did a few things with him at the beginning, but these things can no longer be used as leverage for him."

Mitsui Amu hesitated and finally decided to tell the truth.

"What's the matter?" the old man finally said.

"When I was the section chief of Shanghai Special High School, we jointly framed a person, Hoshino Kozo, the former intelligence team leader of Shanghai Special High School."

"Tell me the whole process of your frame-up."

The old man slowly said that Mitsui Hiroshi was his very beloved son and was developing very well in politics. This time Saijo asked for help, and he agreed to let Mitsui Hiroshi go to Shanghai.

The Minister of Liaison Department has a very high level. Once he is done well, he can naturally serve as Finance Minister in the Cabinet.

If he can become the Minister of Finance, it will be of great help to the development of the Mitsui family.

He never expected that Mitsui Bosi would go to China and become his final destination.

The body of Mitsui Hiroshi was sent back. He asked someone for a long time and finally found out that in fact Mitsui Hiroshi had surrendered, but was ordered to be killed by Masato Yamashita and refused to accept their surrender.

Hiroshi Ishihara is too cruel, Hiroshi Mitsui has been defeated and must leave Shanghai. There is no threat to him anymore, so why should he be killed?

There is also Masari Yamashita, the enemy who killed his son.

The old man wanted revenge, but he understood that Ishihara Hiroshi was not someone he could touch, and even Yamashita had no way to target him.

Their family cannot afford the revenge of Ishihara Hiroshi and Tomitsu's alliance.

What he has to do now is to collect as much information as possible on his enemies and wait for the opportunity to retaliate.

Mitsui Amu is not very prominent in his family, but he once served as the section chief of Shanghai's Special Higher Education Course and is a professional agent.

Moreover, he knew and even cooperated with Ishihara Hiroshi. He knew Ishihara Hiroshi very well, so he was favored by the old man and called him back to the family.

The old man handed over the task of investigating Ishihara Hiroshi to Mitsui Amu.

Mitsui Amu has withdrawn from the super high school.

Tuyuan himself could not protect himself, and with the push of the clan leader, Tuyuan did not embarrass Mitsui Amu and agreed to his resignation.

Mitsui Amu quickly finished talking about the original process.

The old man was a little disappointed when he heard that Ishihara Hiroshi did not come forward in person and only asked a few of his subordinates to participate.

This accusation has no effect on Ishihara Hiroshi.

Even if he personally participates, it will be used as a tool to convict him in the end, but it is better than nothing, something is better than nothing.

Hiroshi Ishihara is very cunning and has offended more than one person. The old man will secretly contact all his enemies and wait for the opportunity together.

The Abe family is his most suitable ally.

"From now on, if you stay in the family, I will give you enough funds and resources to secretly investigate everything about Hiroshi Ishihara."

After Mitsui Amu finished speaking, the old man spoke slowly. Mitsui Amu was slightly startled, and then said in surprise: "Yes, I am willing to fight to the death for the family."

If he stays within the family and has enough resources and funds, he can do a lot of things in the future.

It's definitely better than taking a job in a special high school.

It seems that the clan leader is very dissatisfied with Ishihara Hiroshi. Ishihara Hiroshi made a wrong move and killed Mitsui Hiroshi unnecessarily, which aroused the hostility of the Mitsui family.

But if he doesn't kill people, how can he have such an opportunity and be valued by the family.

Time passed slowly, and Chu Lingyun was forced to return to Chongqing.

It’s not that he should go back to discuss his merits, but that Boss Dai has gone too far.

In order to press for debts, he even left no rations or very little rations for others.

Without food rations, are we going to force people to death?

Boss Dai is getting more and more crazy and obsessed with money. Old Ghost Xu is greedy for money, and he is no better than him.

"My great hero, you are back." Boss Dai was very happy to see Chu Lingyun.

"Boss, how much debt have we collected?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile, and Boss Dai laughed: "So you came back for this. Let me tell you good news. More than two million oceans have been recovered. They still owe us a lot of money. You have seized the good opportunity. , the money released will be returned dozens or even a hundred times.”

In just a few months, more than two million yuan was collected, which is indeed a lot.

Most of the borrowers are poor people, and the number is only a few hundred thousand, which is equivalent to several oceans per person.

Poor people don't have so much money.

"Boss, it's too little. I think we should order more. This year we will collect it at 10 million yuan."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, and Boss Dai was startled: "That's not possible. If you collect debts like this, many people will die, and you won't be able to get them back after they die."

He didn't expect that Chu Lingyun had a darker heart than him.

His goal was four million, but Chu Lingyun actually wanted ten million.

If he really wanted that much, most of the people they owed money to would be forced to die, and he couldn't afford to make a big fuss.

"If you die, you will die. You are a bunch of mud-legged people. What's the point of dying?"

Chu Lingyun smiled faintly. He said this deliberately to advance before retreating.

"Ling Yun, if you have something to say, you can say it clearly. There is no need to say anything sarcastic."

Boss Dai was stunned for a moment after hearing what he said, and immediately understood that Chu Lingyun was not trying to force these people to death, but was indirectly blaming him for taking too much.

"Boss, I'm sorry, this is our long-term business, and this year is the first year after the disaster. I think there is really no need to press so hard."

Chu Lingyun expressed his intention, while Boss Dai lowered his head in thought.

Thinking about it carefully, he is indeed a bit impatient, and many people are forced to beg for food again, wondering whether they will starve to death.

If you starve to death, you won’t have any money to take out in the future.

"That's okay. If you collect three million this year, you'll stop. Then you'll continue collecting next year."

After a while, Boss Dai said slowly that it was only one million less than he planned. It was not a big problem. Besides, he only had 40%, and 60% belonged to Chu Lingyun.

This is equivalent to him only asking for 400,000 less.

"thank you boss."

Chu Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief. It was okay for Boss Dai to listen to the advice, but it still left him with a big problem.

He had to find a way to remedy the situation for the people who had been forced by Boss Dai before.

When I came back this time, I asked for the money Boss Dai received. He had 60% of the more than two million yuan, which was more than one million yuan.

Chu Lingyun will not take the money, and will give it all to Ke Gong, asking him to find ways to help those who were forced to leave by Boss Dai.

Especially those who are forced to wander away from home to beg for food, take them to Yanzhou or other base areas.

Others are trying to make up for it with some food.

This much money is enough for Mr. Ke to settle them.

The purpose of Chu Lingyun's loan sharking is to save people, not to let these people live another year, but to save their lives as much as possible.

"You came back just in time. The committee wants to see you."

Boss Dai suddenly said that the last time he reported on things in Shanghai, the old man asked Chu Lingyun to come back. He had not seen Chu Lingyun for a long time.

However, the Battle of Shanghai had just ended, and Chu Lingyun had to deal with a lot of things, and it was true that he would not be able to come back. The old man understood his difficulties and did not force him.

The old man is interested. Chu Lingyun has returned to Chongqing. He must take him there and let the old man see him.

"Boss, can you give me some time to go back and change my clothes?"

Chu Lingyun asked, and Boss Dai laughed again: "No problem, go ahead and change. Come back in an hour. I'll call the committee to make an appointment."

An hour later, Chu Lingyun came back on time, and Boss Dai also changed his clothes.

It is easy for Boss Dai to change clothes, and there are many of his clothes stored here at the headquarters.

"The committee is very happy to know that you are back. I will see you soon. I made an excuse to delay you for an hour. Let's go over now."

Boss Dai said as he walked, the old man was usually very busy, and sometimes he had to wait several days for an appointment.

Unexpectedly, Chu Lingyun received special treatment. As soon as he said he was coming back, the old man asked him to take him there. It was rare for the old man to be so impatient.

After setting up camp, the two of them were immediately taken inside, where the old man was waiting for them.

"Fishermen, Ling Yun is here, sit here."

Seeing them, the old man waved and smiled.

"Commissioner, Ling Yun did really well this time. It's a pity that we can't publicize it for him. Who would have thought that so many Japs could be wiped out without any of our soldiers."

Boss Dai said first that he was still showing off his merits to Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun is his subordinate. If Chu Lingyun has merit, he will certainly have merit too. Who said that the military commander cannot fight with the Japanese if he is not on the frontal battlefield?

In recent years, the Loyalty and National Salvation Army has killed many Japanese and made great achievements in battle.

Even if there are false reports, it is always true that some people have been killed.

Especially Chu Lingyun, who could kill more than 4,000 Japanese soldiers at once?

This is the pride of their military commanders and their achievements.

Boss Dai never hides his achievements.

"Yes, it's very beautiful. I didn't expect Ling Yun to be able to kill so many Japanese even if he wasn't on the frontal battlefield. Good, very good."

The committee member said two good words in a row, and Boss Dai's face became even more happy.

The old man asked for some details and was even more happy to learn that Saijo had been forced to suffer a big loss this time.

The Japanese internal strife has nothing to do with the Chinese. Chu Lingyun is so powerful now. With a disguised identity, he can actually compete with people like Saijo.

He also wanted to become Yu Ren's son-in-law.

"Get engaged as soon as possible. If you can get married as soon as possible, you can provide more useful information by Yu Ren's side."

The old man encouraged that whether it was him or Boss Dai, there would be no harm in Chu Lingyun becoming Yu Ren's son-in-law.

Who would have thought that Yu Ren's son-in-law would be their agent?

When the matter can be made public, Yuren can be slapped in the face.

"The princess is too young. The current plan is to get married in three years."

Chu Lingyun lowered his head and replied, Japan will have already been defeated in three years, and no one will pay attention to this matter by then.

"Three more years?"

The old man's brows jumped. If possible, he would like Chu Lingyun to get married now, and it would relieve his anger just thinking about one of his own people lurking next to Yu Ren.

"Appointment, this matter cannot be rushed, but the engagement is to determine the identity, and no one will change it unless something unexpected happens."

Boss Dai hurriedly explained that he wanted his daughter to stay with him for a few more years, but there was nothing anyone could do.

Chu Lingyun's identity is the most important. Even if he can't stop the war, the information he has provided over the years is priceless.

Which war didn't have Chu Lingyun's shadow?

The more important the battle, the more important the intelligence. In several battles in Changsha, Chu Lingyun provided very important intelligence, and even personally blew up his own merchant ship to cut off the Japanese army's ammunition supply.

Over the years, countless people have been indirectly rescued by Chu Lingyun on the battlefield.

There are at least tens of thousands of people.

It was equivalent to him saving an army.

"I understand, this matter is not urgent. Now it just gives Ling Yun a reason not to go to Japan again."

The old man smiled and said, Ishihara Hiroshi can no longer go to Japan. Saijo does not dare to assassinate him now, but their conflict is deeper. Saijo is a person who does not act according to common sense. Who knows what crazy actions he can do.

"Thank you for the appointment."

Chu Lingyun hurriedly thanked him. Even if the old man wanted to force him to get married early, he couldn't do it. This was not something he could decide.

Moreover, Hiroshi Ishihara's identity is becoming more and more important. Although this identity cannot prevent the war, it has the opportunity to create disputes within Japan.

This time it was reflected. Yamashita Changli lost more than 700 people, plus 3,800 escorts, a total of more than 4,500 people.

The main reason was that Hamasaki was in a hurry to break out and was surrounded by heavy troops from Yamashita. Those who broke through suffered more casualties.

There are also those who died in the Liaison Department, and counting the former Security Headquarters, there are almost 5,000 people.

It also caused discord between the prime minister and the base camp, which had an even greater impact.

In the past, Hiroshi Ishihara provided intelligence and supplies, but now he can directly affect the situation of the war. It is impossible for the old man to do anything detrimental to Chu Lingyun unless he is stupid.

The old man gave Chu Lingyun great recognition. He will remember the merit first and then we will reward him based on his merit together.

The three of them chatted for more than an hour.

The old man usually doesn't have that much time, so you can see how happy he is about this time.

In Chongqing, Secretary Liang received an encrypted message from Mr. Ke.

Mr. Ke asked him to send out a copy of the recording. There was not much in this recording. It was the content of the chat with Wen Jitao when he went to the training base during the New Year.

During the special training of the Operations Division, I went there twice in He Nian.

He had not been there during the war situation group. The war situation group was under the direct control of Boss Dai and he did not interfere too much.

Secretary Liang didn't know who to give it to, so Mr. Ke asked him to put it in the designated place at the designated time and leave immediately after putting it away.

This recording was requested by Chu Lingyun.

Mr. Ke also had a copy, so Chu Lingyun didn't need to listen to anything else, mainly the conversation between He Nian and Wen Jitao.

He wanted to see if he could hear anything about Boss Dai's hoeing plan from these conversations.

If not, he would find a way through other channels.

Secretary Liang would strictly carry out Mr. Ke's orders. He did not ask who he wanted to give them to. Mr. Ke didn't say anything. It must be kept secret. He was not qualified to know.

Life is not easy for the comrades here in Chongqing. The comrades on the surface are surrounded by spies, from the Central Command, the Military Command, and other miscellaneous people.

It's even harder in the dark. Zhongtong has been investigating them and has encountered danger several times.

Fortunately, Mr. Ke gave them the information in time and avoided big losses.

Small losses did occur. In the past few years, three comrades were arrested, two died, and one rebelled because he could not bear the punishment. However, he did not cause any harm. Secretary Liang got the news and evacuated all relevant personnel in time.

For this reason, Zhongtong investigated another traitor.

The result was nothing.

The person in charge of the investigation is Bao Shengqun. He was the one who leaked the information. It is surprising that he was able to find out through the investigation. Old Ghost Xu is different from previous years. Now he is less and less passionate about work and focuses all his energy on making money.

If this continues, he may not be able to serve as director for long.

Secretary Liang personally went out with several copies of the tapes, while Feng Ruoxi was responsible for protection and vigilance.

The place where the things were placed was very hidden. After placing the things, Secretary Liang left immediately.

Secretly, Feng Yong kept watching them.

After confirming their departure, Feng Yong took the tape away, turned around and got into the car.

Not long after, the tape was in Chu Lingyun's hands.

In Chongqing City, Chu Lingyun has more than one house. He has several safe houses with all kinds of equipment.

Ishihara Trading Company can smuggle a lot of things, so he has no problem preparing some for himself.

Feng Yong and Ran Wu were outside, while Chu Lingyun was in the basement listening to the recording carefully.

What I'm hearing now is the situation at the first training base in the New Year.

He Nian attaches great importance to this group of people. He personally selected them and asked Wen Jitao to train them, and then broke into the territory of the Red Party, hoping that they would make great contributions to him in the future.

Even if you can't do very well, you can't be worse than the Intelligence Department.

He Nian has a competitive temperament. He doesn't want to compare with others. He only needs to be better than Xu Yi.

He can do what Xu Yi can do.

"Director, please sit down."

Wen Jitao's voice first appeared in the recording. The bug was installed very covertly, and it was installed underground, right in the crack of the foundation.

Later, a sofa was placed there, making it even more secluded.

Secretary Liang followed Mr. Ke's instructions and did not place a bug before confirming that there was someone in the office.

Prevent them from checking in advance and discovering the presence of bugs.

Wen Jitao did check, but only once. It was a routine behavior, as they would do wherever confidentiality was required.

This is a police training ground that has been idle for a long time. No one knew they would come here before, so the inspection was just a matter of course.

“It’s pretty nice here.”

New Year's greetings came from the headphones, and the two seemed to sit down and start talking.

It didn't last long, just over forty minutes in total, mainly Wen Jitao's report and New Year's greetings.

During the whole process, there were not many New Year greetings, just a few words of encouragement and inquiry. After that, the New Year greetings left. Wen Jitao returned to the office to continue working after sending off the New Year greetings.

Chu Lingyun listened to this content carefully twice.

He didn't miss every word, every detail.

It's a pity that nothing useful was obtained, but the situation of the lurking personnel in the Operations Department was revealed a lot during this conversation.

Chu Lingyun was not discouraged, rested for a while, and continued to listen to the second recording.

The second one was on the sixth day of training, and New Year greetings came again.

The content this time is very long, more than an hour.

Still in Wen Jitao's office, the first twenty minutes were filled with Wen Jitao's reports, and he didn't say much in the New Year greetings.

"The training is good, and the code names are good. However, it is easy for people to guess the number of people with such code names. Select a few people among them and give them two code names to confuse the public."

He Nian finally made his comment, and Chu Lingyun immediately paused and listened to the recording again.

Two code names?

The code names of the twelve zodiac signs are indeed easy to make people suspicious. There are twelve people in total, but the problem is not too big. The twelve people were not sent to the same place. Moreover, the code names are very confusing. If they don’t catch everyone , no one can be sure of the real number.

Maybe there are sixteen, maybe twenty, I deliberately let you think it is twelve.

This is a guess based on normal circumstances. Their secret has been exposed long ago, and no matter what confusing code name they use, it will be useless.

What Chu Lingyun paid attention to was the two code names mentioned in He Nian.

He had been working with He Nian for a long time, and he had never seen He Nian ask someone to use two code names.

There are many people with two code names, let alone two, with three, so he has multiple code names.

One is connected with the Nanjing organization, one is connected with the Shanghai organization, and the one connected with the military command has a new code name.

Chu Lingyun listened to this sentence three times and continued to play the recording.

"Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I will give half of them an additional code name immediately."

Wen Jitao flattered him. Ke Gong already knew the codename he added, and he also knew who had two codenames. It was useless at all.

"In addition to the code name, let them make some changes. There are four points that must be remembered. First, use farm tools to erase the marks on the hands. You must be able to use various farm tools. There are many mud legs there, making it easier to hide your identity."

"Second, we must pay attention to the accent and it must not conflict with their new identity, otherwise it will become a fatal flaw."

"Third, the people in their new hometown must tell them that the money must be given to them every penny, regularly. If you dare to eat this money, don't blame me for being unkind, I will kill you directly you."

"Fourth and most important, we must tell them not to take the initiative to join the Red Party, but to let the Red Party develop them, they must be very excited, but hesitant. If their family members are in Guotong District, if they are not at all Agreeing without hesitation may arouse suspicion in the review. Don't underestimate the Red Party, they are making very fast progress."

He Nian said continuously. Chu Lingyun listened to this passage three times again and recorded it in his notebook.

Chu Lingyun knew him very well, and his New Year greetings were not that detailed, and he would not consider it so comprehensively.

Why did he make such an instruction?

These requirements are very detailed and very important. If you do them well, they will be of great help to the hidden people and will not be easily noticed.

"Director, you are so awesome. You are so considerate. Don't worry, I will arrange them well and ensure that there will be no mistakes in these aspects."

Wen Jitao exclaimed, he was really shocked, Chu Lingyun could hear it.

Wen Jitao also knows He Nian well. He has been with He Nian longer than himself.

"Haha, I learned it too. Let them work hard and make great contributions. The rewards will definitely be great in the future. When the Red Party is eliminated, everyone will be able to become a school officer when they come back."

As soon as he finished his New Year greetings, Chu Lingyun paused and listened to his words again.

He Nian said he learned it, but who did he learn it from?

Not Boss Dai, and no one else could teach New Year greetings. Chu Lingyun's heart moved and he read out his previous explanation again.

First of all, the first one is that military unified agents are soldiers, and their shooting ability is not bad.

Both long guns and short guns have been trained, and the training time is very long.

Frequently holding and shooting guns can easily leave marks on your body.

The most common thing is the shoulder. The rifle needs to be carried. The more times it is carried, the shoulder will have obvious marks. This mark is somewhat similar to the shoulder pole, but there is still a slight difference, which can be seen by experienced people.

The second thing is the calluses on the hands.

No matter how light or heavy it is, it is invisible to the naked eye and can be felt by touch.

Using farm tools to erase these traces is a very good method, but it takes time.

These people must learn to use all farm tools. They do not directly join the Red Party when they arrive. They have enough time to train and completely cover up their traces.

Could it be that He Nian learned this from a German instructor?

The Operations Department is not responsible for lurking. There are very few lurking personnel in the Operations Department. Previously, there were only Zhang Acheng and others. They were Chu Lingyun's subordinates. Chu Lingyun had already made arrangements for them.

The second point is the accent, which I can think of in the New Year.

The third point is the concealment of identity. Juntong has done this before, and there is nothing unusual about it.

The key lies in the fourth point.

This arrangement of He Nian is not in line with his temperament. He Nian's temperament has always been carefree. He likes to go straight to work and tell lurking people not to join actively. Moreover, when someone comes to develop, he cannot show a positive attitude and even considers his family. reasons to refuse.

This is not something you can think of during the New Year.

Chu Lingyun played the words that He Nian said several times in succession, lowering his head and thinking.

If New Year greetings were indeed learned from the Germans, it would not be surprising to make such an arrangement.

The Germans also know the Red Party well, and their experience in intelligence work is far greater than that of the original Military Intelligence Office.

During the Military Intelligence Department, Guojun's intelligence work had just started, and there were many flaws and loopholes in the work.

It is conceivable that the headquarters has been broken into by spies.

Chu Lingyun thought for a while and continued to listen to the recording.

What followed were various explanations by Wen Jitao. He Nian was very satisfied with Wen Jitao's work and said some encouraging words in the middle, but did not mention the arrangement of the agents again.

There are not many useful things, but it is really related to the weeding operation, and any bit is extremely important.

Chu Lingyun is good at subtleties. He suspects that the New Year's greeting arrangements were learned from German instructors. If this is the case, let the comrades of the Fourth Army conduct a detailed investigation and find people with similar arrangements to his. Maybe they can find the traitor. .

Chu Lingyun sent a report to Ke Gong, using the latest code book.

After receiving the call back, Chu Lingyun left the secret room and told Feng Yong and Ran Wu: "Take the contents out of the city and hide them. Don't leave them here."

There is a radio station and equipment for listening to tape recorders.

In this era, it is all high-tech equipment.

You definitely can't throw it away, and you can't keep it here. Although it is underground, there is no one living here. Once it is exposed, the damage will be huge.

After Chu Lingyun leaves, Feng Yong and the others will arrange many booby traps in the secret room.

Regardless of whether it is a thief or a search, anyone found entering will be immediately blown to pieces and all traces will be erased.

In Yanzhou, Mr. Ke looked at the new message in front of him.

He also has the tapes, which are more complete than what Chu Lingyun has in his hands. He has listened to them all.

However, he didn't understand He Nian that well, and he didn't understand it as clearly as Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun suggested that he investigate the traitor sent by Boss Dai and start from several aspects.

First of all, they may be pretending to be farmers, just like the black tiger who was found before, pretending to be illiterate and deliberately not being promoted.

Secondly, there will be calluses on their hands, but they are left by farm tools to cover up the traces of their gun use. However, farm tools and guns are different after all. If you look carefully with experienced people, you may be able to find abnormalities.

The last and most important point is that they have joined the party, but their hometown is in Guotong District. When they joined the party, they were worried about their family members and did not agree immediately. They agreed to join after a while, and may ask to keep their identities confidential. Good at protecting your family.

There are a lot of people conducting investigations based on these three points, but they finally have a direction. Unlike before, there was no direction at all and a large-scale investigation had to be carried out. In that case, everyone was suspected, so it was better not to investigate.

"You are so considerate."

Ke Gong sighed, Chu Lingyun listened to the recording and concluded that the method He Nian taught Wen Jitao was something he learned from the Germans, and asked them to conduct a targeted investigation.

With these three points, although the number of people is still large, it is much better than a comprehensive investigation.

Especially the last point, there are people who consider their families when developing, but there are not many of them. Screen them out first, and then focus on the investigation. If the traitor is really like this, he can definitely be found.

After Mr. Ke sorted it out, he immediately sent the investigation methods to Minister Yang.

At the Fourth Army Headquarters, Minister Yang was busy. After receiving Ke Gong's message, he immediately translated it himself.

"That's great, you are worthy of being Mr. Ke."

Minister Yang clapped his lap happily after reading the telegram. The telegram sent by Ke Gong could not be said to be Chu Lingyun's idea. Ke Gong could only say that it was his own guess.

It's not okay to mention Comrade Rabbit. If you mention it one more time, it may bring more danger to Chu Lingyun.

Intelligence work should leave no traces or flaws as much as possible.

Ke Gong told Minister Yang that after a long investigation, several judgments were finally made and they would conduct a detailed investigation.

First, select the comrades who have joined the party in recent years. They may be illiterate or poorly literate at first. They will definitely be able to do farm work and have traces of farm work on their hands.

It is not a party member who takes the initiative to join, but a party member who is discovered by comrades to have potential and development.

This was the case for Heihu at the beginning. He did not take the initiative to join the party because he was worried about the safety of his family. After that, he agreed to join the party after repeated persuasion.

No one has noticed this. There are many similar people. I didn't expect Ke Gong to notice it.

With the investigation direction in hand, Minister Yang was very motivated. He immediately transferred the files and personally led people to search.

Chongqing, a pharmaceutical factory outside the city.

The pharmaceutical factory is now very prosperous. It has been bombed many times. Because it was built in the mountains from the beginning, the bombing did not have any impact on the production of the factory.

There were also spies who came to do damage, but the factory was very strictly controlled and only used old workers. Strangers would be carefully interrogated as soon as they arrived here. The spies failed to cause damage, but instead killed a few people.

There is garrison protection here, and several commanders have all sent people.

Each person is responsible for an area and usually does not interfere with each other. If anyone dares to target the pharmaceutical factory, they will immediately join forces.

The pharmaceutical factory is the pocketbook of these generals, and it is also a life-saving thing. They attach great importance to the safety here.

"Boss, now we have stored more than 60,000 new medicines and they are ready to be launched at any time."

Yu Hanlin took Chu Lingyun and said as they walked that the new drugs here have the same technology as the United States and are authorized.

Compared with sulfonamides, the output of the new drug is very low, and it still needs to be used together with sulfonamides for the time being.

China has millions of troops and tens of thousands of new drugs are simply not enough.

"Don't stop research and development, continue research, strive to expand production, and package new drugs as soon as possible."


Yu Hanlin was stunned for a moment, and then he was surprised. The new drug was going to be packaged, which meant it was about to be launched.

After so long in production, the new drug is finally ready for sale.

He knew very well how money-hungry the laboratory was. The boss, if it were anyone else, would not develop new drugs if Sulfonamide was so profitable. In their opinion, it would be a pure waste of money.

However, the disadvantages of sulfonamides are also obvious. The new drug is much stronger than sulfonamides. Once it is launched, it will definitely save more people.

The new drug has been launched in the United States, and it will be launched here too.

More than 60,000 pieces are a bit small, but they must be released.

There is no shortage of sulfonamides in the military. Nowadays, sulfonamides can be purchased in many civilian pharmacies. This is due to Chu Lingyun.

Even if the price is higher, at least it can save lives.

Many people in the military have developed resistance to sulfonamides, especially veterans, who are all elites.

If injured again, the sulfonamides will most likely not be able to work on them.

When new drugs come on the market, the lives of such veterans can be saved, while sulfa is reserved for new recruits who have never used it.

Sulfa has side effects and risks. There is nothing we can do about it. When the production of new drugs is insufficient, we can only give priority to those who need it most.

After releasing more than 60,000 pills, the next batch of medicine will not be that easy.

The U.S. government has great potential to interfere. Next time, it will need to discuss with the U.S. before making sales.

Regardless of the outcome, China will definitely keep a group of them.

Chu Lingyun's bottom line is to keep at least half and provide the remaining half to the allies.

It is impossible for Americans to take away all the medicines developed and produced by the Chinese themselves.

The quantity is small and packaging does not take long and can be completed in one day.

The packaging is five pills per box, one hundred boxes per box, more than 60,000 pills totaling more than one hundred boxes, which is really not a lot.

Yu Hanlin was in charge of packaging, and Chu Lingyun did not stay in the pharmaceutical factory, but returned home.

Chu Ya was not in Chongqing, but signed up to go to the front line to express condolences to the soldiers on the front line.

She went to Changsha, and Chu Lingyun specifically entrusted General Xue to help take care of her.

The bodyguards will follow, and with General Xue taking care of her, Chu Ya will be fine in Changsha.

"Mom, I'm back."

Arriving at the school outside the city, Chu Lingyun saw her mother at a glance, picking up the vegetables outside the school.

Students are on vacation, and now only a few students are making up classes. They are rare and relaxed.

"Ling Yun, come here, let me take a look."

He Wanrong was very happy to see her son. Chu Lingyun approached and found that her mother had a lot of white hair on her head.

Mother, like father, devoted their entire lives to their students.

"Not bad, not thin."

He Wanrong said with a smile, for the mother, the greatest satisfaction is that her son has not lost weight. They can't take care of her son when he is away from home, and his work is so dangerous, so they usually don't dare to ask.

No one can understand this kind of suffering.

"Where's my dad?"

"Your dad is out and will be back in a moment."

He Wanrong took her son into the room. It had not been bombed in the past half a year, and the security had been greatly improved.

There are not many students, and there are air-raid shelters, so Japanese planes will not waste their shells here.

"Mom, this is a gift for you."

Chu Lingyun took out some cosmetics and clothes she bought. They were not from big brands and her mother would not use them.

Mother likes little things like this the most.

Sure enough, He Wanrong happily tried on the clothes after seeing them, but they were usually reluctant to buy them themselves.

Even though they have a lot of money in their hands, they will keep accounts of every penny they spend, and they will have to give Smith an explanation in the future.

Neither of them knows until now that their sons provided the money to build the school.

Half an hour later, Chu Yuanchen returned home, and Chu Lingyun felt sour again when she saw him.

My father also looked old and wore patched clothes.

Materials are scarce and prices have risen sharply. They are usually reluctant to buy clothes. When they have money, they either buy paper, pens and books for students, or help students solve their difficulties.

Not taking enough care of yourself makes you look older.

"When did Ling Yun come back?"

Chu Yuanchen was also very happy to see his son. He immediately put down the things in his hands and looked at his son carefully at close range.

Their son is fighting for the country and is away all the time. They can't help, but they will never hold him back.

On weekdays, they never took the initiative to contact Chu Lingyun, let alone go to Juntong.

"I just came back for a while, Dad, this is for you."

Chu Lingyun took out another gift. His father didn't use cosmetics, but he liked drinking tea. Chu Lingyun would bring him some tea leaves every time he came back.

It was okay when I was in Ningcheng. I never stopped drinking tea at home.

Of course, it's not a good tea either.

Some are local teas sent by grateful students, and some are bought by themselves, mainly cheap ones that can be drunk.

"Okay, it just so happens that I'm out of tea."

Chu Yuanchen was very happy, and He Wanrong showed distress, but said nothing.

Chu Yuanchen's tea leaves ran out three months ago.

Fortunately, my son brought a lot of it this time, so he will probably be able to drink for a long time.

"By the way, last time Xiaoya came back and said that Smith had contacted you and wanted to build a Chinese school in the United States. Is it true?"

After Chu Yuanchen made tea, he immediately asked Chu Lingyun.

Chuya did tell her parents about this, and the couple were very interested.

Smith is indeed a good man and treats the Chinese as his own people.

The couple are college students, literate and understand foreign languages. They know that the Chinese in the United States are not doing well. People there look down on the Chinese and often bully the Chinese.

Chu Ya said that the new school could have thousands of students, and the couple immediately couldn't sit still.

It's a pity that they couldn't take the initiative to contact their son, and they didn't ask until Chu Lingyun came back today.

"It's true. Smith is very powerful now. He became the governor."

Chu Lingyun smiled and replied, the one who knows them best is himself, and the students are their weak point. As long as this big killer weapon is used, the parents will obey obediently.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun is not cheating. He will really build schools in the United States and recruit all poor Chinese students.

No tuition fees, scholarships available.

The investment to open such a school is not small, but this little money is no problem for Chu Lingyun.

It will be safer for parents to come to the United States and avoid the whirlpool at home.

"Is Smith governor?"

The couple was very surprised. They knew the American system. The governor was really powerful and was considered a big shot in the United States.

"Yes, he saw that many Chinese were in a bad situation, so he wanted to help them, but he couldn't go too far, and he needed someone he could trust to help him, so he thought of you."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. With the Chinese Exclusion Act, Smith really couldn't do much.

"Thank you for his trust."

Chu Yuanchen was very touched that Smith became the governor and was thinking of them.

It's a pity that they don't know when Smith's school will be built, and they can't accommodate the students here.

They have been taking root here for seven years and have sent away batch after batch of students.

This is equivalent to their home.

"Dad, don't worry. I sent a telegram to Smith. He said that the school will definitely be built. He is working hard to help us cancel the Chinese Exclusion Act. When the school is completed, you will be hired as the principal immediately."

"Great, that bill really should be cancelled. We are allies now."

Chu Yuanchen nodded immediately, and showed worry after saying: "Although there are more students over there, we can't give up on this school. The children here are counting on these two schools to change their destiny. Ling Yun, can you talk to Smith? Sir, please tell me that the funding here should not be stopped, and I will definitely help him find a reliable principal."

It was done, and Chu Lingyun didn't even ask, so her parents agreed to go to the United States.

They relaxed, and Chu Lingyun felt more relieved.

And just as he guessed, parents really don't trust these two schools. The schools can always exist and will never disappear. They will continue to operate schools under the current system in the future.

"Dad, you are worrying too much. Mr. Smith has never thought of giving up here. He said that the school is a century-old project and it cannot be stopped once it has started. He will continue to support this project until he can no longer support it."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and the couple became even more excited.

Thanks to the Sword of the Divine Court for the 700 starting coin reward, thanks to the alliance leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, and thanks to Silence myself for the 500 starting coin reward, a 12,000-word chapter, and there will be an update today.

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