Spy Shadow

Chapter 772 The largest force

The scene had been alerted, and when he saw Jiang Tengkong, Oda immediately came up to him.

"what happened?"

Jiang Tengkong spoke very calmly, but everyone who knew him knew that their section chief did not like to show his emotions or anger, and the more calm he was, the more dangerous he was.

Oda carefully replied: "The military commanders suddenly took action. Their operators were disguised and looked like people on the road. Captain Kawaguchi didn't notice. They came to Captain Kawaguchi's car. Someone quickly smashed all the car windows, and then Other military commanders threw grenades into the car."

Oda is an old man from the Shanghai Special Higher Education School. He was there during Kitagawa's time.

After so many section chiefs, Jiang Tengkong frightened him the most.

Each section leader has his own characteristics, such as Beichuan Ming. He likes layout. He likes to read China's "Three Kingdoms" the most. He thinks strategy is the most important. During Beichuan Ming's period, he deployed a large number of hidden agents in Nanjing. Unfortunately, they were all killed by Chu Lingyun. Found it.

Mitsui is good at internal fighting and very skillful, but his agent ability is not as good as Kitagawa's.

As for Nagyun, let alone him. He might have the ability to be an agent, but he was too poor at politics and was fooled around by Jiang Tengkong.

There are so many section chiefs, Jiang Tengkong is the only one who has strong professional ability and is very skillful.

"Where are the people from Kawaguchi, just watching their captain being killed?"

Jiang Tengkong continued to ask, and Oda hurriedly replied: "Kawaguchi's men were nearby, and they launched a counterattack at that time, but the military commander was prepared in advance. Their firepower was very fierce. Our people were suppressed by the firepower. Those military commander agents I took the opportunity to run away.”

"What about you? What were you doing at that time?" Jiang Tengkong looked at Oda.

Oda's heart tightened. This was the question he was most afraid of. As expected, the section chief asked it.

"I fell into the trap of the military commander and wasted some time on the road. Please punish me by the section chief."

Oda didn't dare lie, let alone conceal it. If he lied and concealed his mistake, it would be a bigger mistake, and he would probably be dead by then. It was better to admit his mistake proactively.

"Speak clearly." Jiang Tengkong glared at Oda.


Oda lowered his head and started talking about the newsboy and ended with the nails on the ground.

"Section Chief, the newsboy must have been arranged by the military commander. We will investigate through him. Whether it is the newsboy or the newspaper office, the military commander will definitely leave traces. Maybe we can find them, as well as the nails on the road. If they throw nails, they will definitely leave traces. If someone sees it, I will check it immediately and I will definitely find them."

In order to reduce his own responsibilities, Oda immediately took the initiative to ask for help to investigate the follow-up.

"This is what you said. If you can't find the person, remove him and investigate."

After Jiang Tengkong finished speaking, he went to look at the charred car. Two people could indeed be seen inside, but they were completely burned out of their human appearance and it was impossible to tell who they were.

There were many people at the scene. Kawaguchi had been in the car the whole time. He couldn't escape before the car was bombed. The body in the back seat must be him.

Jiang Tengkong came to confirm Kawaguchi's death so that he could report to the Chinese.

Oda was dumbfounded.

He took the initiative because he wanted the section chief to think that he was very active and performed well, so that he would not be punished.

Unexpectedly, the section chief actually issued a military order to him.

If no one can be found, not only will the captain's position be lost, but he will also be investigated.

This time he really shot himself in the foot, and Oda felt bitter.

Military agents are not so easy to catch. If they can be found, the former Nagumo and Mitsui will not be blamed by the chief section chief. Nagumo ran to No. 76 because he was forced to use the power of bandits to stand up.

As for Mitsui, he was directly deceived by the chief section chief.

It's a pity that the words have already been spoken. The section chief gave him the opportunity, and he cannot refuse, otherwise he will be dismissed and investigated now.

Next, he would take it one step at a time. It would be best if he could catch the military commander. If he couldn't, he would admit his mistake to the section chief. After all, he was the section chief's man. He had been following him for so long, so he had no credit but hard work.

Now the section chief said this out of anger. If he begs for mercy after a while, he might be spared.

Loach knew that the operation was successful and returned to the war situation team.

The team leader was not there, so Chu Lingyun went to Shiyuan Trading Company.

There were two people sitting opposite him. Tian Junliu had an unhappy look on his face and was talking about the navy.

"After occupying the Bataan Peninsula, the Philippines has actually been occupied by the empire. Now the U.S. troops in Manila are surrounded by naval groups. There is no possibility of escape. They may surrender at any time."

Those red deer in the navy won another battle.

Tian Junliu belonged to the traditional army, so naturally he couldn't see the navy's repeated meritorious service, especially after the navy's meritorious service, the base camp had to mobilize troops from him to support him.

During this time, he had allocated a lot of troops. The strength that belonged to him went to help the navy, so he was naturally unhappy.

It's a pity that there are orders from the base camp and he must obey them. He also takes the overall situation into consideration.

"Although we can win, it will completely offend the United States. Unless we can defeat the US fleet, it will be impossible for them to negotiate peace with us."

Next to Tian Junliu was Hebian Zhengsi, saying worriedly.

Itagaki left long ago, and a new chief of staff was assigned to the base camp, but Tian Shunliu was not interested in him. After the efforts of him and Hiroshi Ishihara, Hebian was finally transferred more than two months ago.

Today, the riverside is the chief of staff of the dispatched army.

Hebian had a tacit understanding with Tian Junliu before, and he had a deep relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi. The two of them were the most comfortable working together.

With Hebian's help, Tian Junliu's work became much easier.

Many trivial matters can be left to Hebian to deal with, while he concentrates on military affairs.

"In the final analysis, fighting is about resources and confidence. The empire does not have the advantage in this regard. The navy is victorious now, but once they fail, it will be a huge disaster for the empire. Saijo made a bad move and shouldn't have done it so early. Attack the United States."

Chu Lingyun sighed, and the riverside nodded immediately: "That's what I mean. Compared with the United States, our foundation is still quite different. The next step is to see whether Germany can defeat Russia. If Germany fails, the impact on the empire will be extremely great. big."

The whole of Japan is gambling, but not many can see it so clearly from the riverside.

Many people were blinded by the apparent victory. They really thought that Japan was number one in the world and was not afraid of any enemy.

"Ishihara-kun is right. Saijo ignored him and His Majesty the Emperor was deceived by him. Now we can only hope that the navy can always win and make sure nothing goes wrong."

Tian Junliu sighed, he didn't like the navy, but now that the empire was firmly kidnapped by the navy, the navy must not lose.

If they lose, it is equivalent to the empire losing.

There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned. Japan is an island country. Without naval protection, the mainland may be attacked at any time.

By then it won't matter how successful they are in China, the army will still be finished.

"Stop talking about this, General Tian Jun, General Hebian, you will stay for a few more days when you come back this time. There has been no major war recently, so you can have a good rest."

"No, we were originally going to Hangzhou this time. Hebian said that since we were going to Hangzhou, we might as well come and see you in Shanghai, so we simply stopped here."

Tian Junliu shook his head, while Chu Lingyun was moved in his heart.

A commander-in-chief and a chief of general staff, if they go to Hangzhou together, there must be something very important.

"It's a pity. We need to get down to business first."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that if Tian Junliu didn't stay, he couldn't force them, let alone ask them what they were going to do.

Just because you don't ask, doesn't mean you can't get results.

"How many days will you go this time?"

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to ask, not asking about military information, only whereabouts. It had nothing to do with the military, but through many details, he could tell what Tian Jun and Hebian were going to do.

"I estimate that in about a week, the river will be separated from me after that."

Tian Junliu replied softly that this time they were going to inspect the preparations for the Zhejiang-Jiangxi battle, because Sangben failed to detect the traitor, and until now Tian Junliu did not know who the traitor was.

In order to keep it secret, this time he secretly joined forces with Hebian and mobilized more than 200,000 troops.

No one said anything about this battle, including the division commander who initially accepted the order to mobilize troops and did not know the real battle plan. Tian Junliu wanted to see how the traitor could detect the information.

"I wish you all the best."

Chu Lingyun raised the teacup, and Tian Junhe raised it at the same time, replacing the wine with tea, and drank together.

Tian Junliu and Hebian Shosi stayed in Shanghai all day. After meeting Ishihara Hiroshi, they immediately went to Hangzhou.

"Chu Er, immediately monitor the recent detailed chats in the literary society. The Japanese army will make a big move in Zhejiang. Focus on monitoring the recent movements of the Japanese army."

Back at the war team, Chu Lingyun immediately called Chu Yuan. Even in the office, Chu Lingyun always called Chu Yuan by his new name.

This is to avoid being noticed by others by saying "Shunkou".


Chu Yuan took the order, and as soon as he went out, Loach walked in.

"Team leader, Kawaguchi was successfully sanctioned and burned to death. Rose has sent a telegram to confirm this."

"Very good, Loach, go and help Chu Er monitor the recording of the literary club."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Compared to the upcoming war, sanctioning Kawaguchi was nothing more than a trivial matter. During this period, Chu Yuan had been listening to the recording, but because they were talking about trivial matters, he only listened to it briefly.

"Listen to the recording?"

Loach knew that Chu Er was Chu Yuan, and Chu Yuan was the one to listen, so why did he let him go?

"There will be a war soon. The Japanese are very strict about keeping secrets this time. Go and listen clearly."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Loach understood the importance of the matter and left immediately.

Chu Lingyun sat at the table and thought.

It was definitely a big war, otherwise Tian Junliu would not be allowed to go out with Hebian. If it was an ordinary matter, just go to Hebian, Tian Jun would not have to go there in person.

Moreover, Tian Junliu said that they would separate when they arrived in Hangzhou.

Chu Lingyun estimated that they separated to inspect the frontline troops. This battle was most likely to be in Zhejiang. He currently had limited information and could not give reminders for the time being. He would need to find ways to spy on more information.


In the literary club, Yamashita and others quickly stood up. In order to find out information, Chu Lingyun personally came to the literary club to chat with them.

He is here to guide these people into saying what He wants.

"Everyone sit down. It's been peaceful recently. There's no fighting. Is everyone okay?"

Chu Lingyun smiled and pressed his hands. After sitting down, Yamashita immediately replied: "It's okay for now, but two of my regiments were transferred away by General Tian Jun. I don't know what to do with them."

Yamashita was a little dissatisfied. After all, he was the division commander. He transferred his people but didn't tell him what to do.

But he didn't dare to express it. Tian Junroku was not only the commander-in-chief, but also the honorary president of the literary society, and he had a very close relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi.

He did not dare to speak ill of Tian Junliu in front of Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Since General Tian Jun needs it, don't bother."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head, feeling more certain that Tian Junliu was going to make big moves recently, and even people at the foot of the mountain would be mobilized.

Miyamoto is away and his division is closer to Hangzhou. Maybe his division will also be mobilized.

"Miyamoto doesn't seem to come here often recently."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, Yamashita was slightly startled, and immediately replied: "Miyamoto has received the order, and they are about to leave for Ningcheng."

Yamashita knew the order Miyamoto had received, and Miyamoto had also complained that he had been mobilized and mobilized troops, but he didn't know what to do.


Chu Lingyun's eyes narrowed, and he probably guessed what Tian Junliu wanted to do.

Last month, Tokyo was bombed by the US military, which had a great impact and shock on the Japanese.

The plane that took off from the aircraft carrier did not return to the aircraft carrier. Instead, it flew to Quzhou, Lishui and other places in China and landed there.

In order to prevent China and the United States from continuing to use this kind of shuttle bombing, Japan intends to completely occupy these places and not give the US military any chance to bomb Japan through China.

After all, it's not far from Japan.

"Forget it if you have a mission."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. After chatting for a while in the literary club, he found that many people had been transferred, which made him more sure of his guess.

The current attack time is unknown, and the mobilization of troops is unclear, but Japan's combat intentions have been discovered by Chu Lingyun.

After returning, Chu Lingyun immediately reported this information to the headquarters.

As soon as Boss Dai arrived home, Secretary Qi came over with a telegram. After reading the telegram, he didn't even have time to pack his things and immediately went to see the old man.

The third theater in Zhejiang belongs to the Guo Army. There are five group armies stationed there, a total of twenty-two armies.

Japan deliberately kept its troop deployment secret this time. If they were attacked by the Japanese without realizing it, they would probably suffer heavy losses.

This is an urgent military situation and must be reported immediately.

You don't just have to wait for someone to know about a war before it starts. All arrangements, pre-war preparations, material supplies, etc. must be made in advance.

Although the information is not detailed yet, at least it is known that Japan is preparing to attack Zhejiang and the area.

If prepared in advance, Japan will not be able to carry out a surprise attack.

"Let Chu Lingyun investigate the details as soon as possible."

The old man said immediately after reading the message that Boss Dai was speechless.

This is the order every time. Do you really think Chu Lingyun can control the Japanese war?

Well, it is indeed possible. After all, Tian Shunliu and Ishihara Hiroshi are so good that they wear the same pants.

It's not difficult to find out something.

But Boss Dai guessed wrong this time. Tian Junliu was very strict. When he met Chu Lingyun, he didn't reveal any information. He didn't even tell Chu Lingyun what he was doing in Hangzhou.

Not saying this is not because of distrust. On the contrary, he trusts Ishihara Hiroshi very much. It is precisely because of trust that he does not say anything.

The confidentiality of this operation is very strict. If there are still leaks, it can help him narrow down the scope of the traitors.

Anyone who is not involved in this situation knows that it is not a good thing, but a bad thing.

If you know something, you will be suspected.

Tian Junliu was purely doing it for the good of Ishihara Hiroshi. Ishihara Hiroshi was in business and was not in the army, so there was no need to know his plan.

This does not affect their relationship.

Chu Lingyun understood this. If Tian Junliu really didn't trust him, he would never come to Shanghai specifically to meet him.

For several days, Chu Yuan and Ni Loach heard a lot of information about the transfer of military officers.

In addition to the literary society's own officers, there are also other transfers.

Most of the people in the literary club are pure soldiers who like to talk. They are not agents. Even if they have a sense of confidentiality, they forget it all when they get to the literary club.

In their hearts, the literary club is an absolutely safe place and a place they can absolutely trust.

They have never thought about the problems with the literary society. This is a place that many officers of the Imperial Army envy. Many people who want to join the literary society have no chance. Now is not the beginning. The literary society can only recruit unsatisfactory officers.

Ishihara Hiroshi worked step by step and developed the literary society into a major force in the military.

It can even be said to be the largest force.

There are many similar organizations in the military, such as the famous Sanwuhui. They are indeed very big. Now that Saijo has become prime minister, his influence is even greater.

But they were already divided among themselves.

Saijo was not the founder of the Sankara-kai. He joined later. In addition, the members of the Sankara-kai were at odds with each other over various philosophies. They were able to stick together when they were at low levels. Now some of them even no longer interact with each other, just like enemies.

The most typical one is Ishihara Nimaru. The conflict between him and Saijo has long been made public.

The literary club is different. No matter who you are or how high your rank is, you must be obedient in front of Ishihara Hiroshi.

Ishihara No matter what your ideals and beliefs are, you can do things according to your own ideas, provided that it is beneficial to the empire.

If it is beneficial to the empire, Toru Ishihara will support it.

Ishihara Toru is not in the military and does not have any say in military affairs. He allows people in the literary society to do whatever they want. What Ishihara wants is influence and benefits, and these benefits can feed back to them.

Under this benign development, the literary society showed great unity.

There are no conflicts among us. Even if there are some people who have different ideas, Hiroshi Ishihara will mediate them and prevent them from falling out. Besides, everyone is not too high-ranking to make the final decision on major matters.

He can't even go up and down, because Toru Ishihara is watching.

This greatly avoided infighting in the literary society. Moreover, they were not together and were very scattered, so there was no chance of infighting.

Everyone worked hard to perform, hoping to let Ishihara Hiroshi see their abilities and be promoted earlier, so they had no time to fight with their own people in the literary club.

This is what Tian Junroku admires most about the literary club. Ishihara Koichi proposed that he be the honorary president of the literary club, and he immediately agreed.

The future of the literary society will definitely be stronger than that of Sanwu Society.

With people from the literary club around, no one would dare to do anything against him even if he retreated later.

Otherwise, there are so many people in the literary society who can tear these enemies to pieces.

It won't take too long, at most ten years, for the Literary Society to truly become the number one force in the empire.

Especially Tian Junliu, if he does well in the position of commander-in-chief, he will have the opportunity to compete for the prime minister in the future and achieve the perfection of his life.

In the war situation team, Chu Lingyun listened to the reports from Chu Yuan and Ni Loach while looking at the map.

Many Japanese troops were mobilized in the direction of Jinhua and Quzhou, and orders were also received in Jiangxi. The 34th Division of Ohgahara was on guard to the east.

The warning is not to send troops, which shows that Tian Junliu is worried about the enemies in the east.

Important towns east of Nanchang include JDZ, Shangrao and other places.

Among them, Shangrao is more important. It is currently the headquarters of the Third Army. Chu Lingyun connected the Japanese army's movements on the map into a line and roughly guessed Tian Junliu's battle plan this time.

Occupying more places where planes can take off will not give Americans the opportunity to use Chinese aircraft to take off and land in China to bomb the mainland.

The last time Tokyo was bombed, the impact was indeed too great.

Chu Lingyun guessed the strategic purpose, but it was far from enough. It would be better to know the time and direction of their attack and other detailed information.

At Shiyuan Trading Company, Shanxia was kneeling and sitting opposite Chu Lingyun.

"There is no need to worry about you. After all, General Tian Jun is the honorary president of our literary society. He will not use the strength of our literary society to gain credit for himself at any time."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, Shanxia came to visit himself. He was sent out to two regiments this time. His division was not large, with a total of three regiments and several direct brigades.

Shanghai is not a war zone, and it does not require a strong division to protect Shanghai.

Those divisions with strong combat effectiveness were either transferred to Nanyang or were on the front line, always preventing the Chinese from counterattacking.

"I understand, but we don't know anything this time, so we're still a little uneasy."

Yamashita responded hurriedly. If he hadn't been able to contact his subordinates, he might not know where they were now.

He was unsure, so he went to Ishihara Trading Company today to ask Ishihara Hiroshi, but it turned out that Ishihara Hiroshi also didn't know Tian Junliu's plan, and he was just trying to comfort him.

"How about your logistics supplies?"

Chu Lingyun suddenly asked, and Yamashita nodded immediately: "It's quite sufficient, but the rice is a bit lacking."

Fine grains are too expensive, especially rice. The price has not dropped, making Chu Lingyun a lot of money.

Now Abe is in charge of the Liaison Department. The previous agreement between Chu Lingyun and Maeda has long been invalidated. Abe even encouraged Chu Lingyun to increase the price of food.

For Abe, the more Hiroshi Ishihara earns, the more benefits he can reap.

If Hiroshi Ishihara has no money, how can he help the people of the literary agency run it?

This is currently his largest customer. Now that Abe's business has grown, he looks down on some small businesses and leaves them to his servants to handle.

Abe is really making the best use of everything he has in Shanghai.

It's easy to become an official. If you have the money, you can become an official. If you don't have the money, you have to wait in line even if you have the qualifications and abilities.

Abe is focused on money, and this original intention has never changed.

"I have it here. I will transfer some of it to you immediately and send it over first. I will also ask Miyamoto. As for the others, forget it for now."

Chu Lingyun replied that he had plenty of food and it would be nothing to give Shanxia some.

Miyamoto is also the division leader of the Literary Society. He is also participating in the war this time. He cannot favor one and give him what he deserves.

The other members of the literary club are too scattered, most of them are company captains, and above them there are brigade commanders, detachment captains, and even division commanders.

If you give it to them, do the people above want to give it to them?

There were too many people, and it was impossible for Chu Lingyun to take care of all the food, not to mention that the food would be needed soon, so he had to ensure that there was enough food.

"Thank you Ishihara-kun, I will send a report to Miyamoto right away."

Yamashita stood up and bowed. Ishihara Trading Company had a radio station. He sent a report directly to Miyamoto from Ishihara Trading Company, and it didn't take long for him to receive a reply from Miyamoto.

Miyamoto was very grateful to Ishihara Hiroshi for providing him with food. He did not have enough rice, and there would be a war in a few days. It would be best if Ishihara Hiroshi could provide him with some rice.

Miyamoto is the division commander and has already arrived at the front line. He doesn't know the entire layout, but at least he knows his next battle plan.

Tian Junliu would not even hide this from the division commander.

All those participating in the war do not know the deployment of others, but they know it very well.

"Miyamoto's division has been temporarily organized into the Thirteenth Army. The battle time is on the 14th. Ishihara-kun, Miyamoto hopes that we will deliver the food before the 12th. Time is a bit tight."

Yamashita whispered that Miyamoto sent a telegram and did not hide anything at all. He directly stated the time of the battle.

Chu Lingyun successfully obtained the time.

"I will immediately have the food loaded into trucks and sent to the front line immediately. The same goes for you. General Tian Jun will be in charge this time. Since you are not participating in the war, there is no need to ask him about the specific situation."

Chu Lingyun ordered, time is available, the next step is the direction of the battle and the main strength of the troops.

The strength of the troops is not difficult to check. Japan's troop deployment movements are not small and cannot be hidden from the Guo Party. What Chu Lingyun has to do is to help them determine the final number of people and the direction of the attack.

These are important military information.

Even if it cannot help win the battle, it is still a success if it can reduce the losses of the Guo army. This is not just about saving one person. A piece of information may save the lives of hundreds or even tens of thousands of people.

This batch of food was not given to Chu Lingyun for nothing.

First, Miyamoto and Yamashita had to write him a note. It was a normal purchase in the army, and the account would be recorded on their division's head.

Chu Lingyun knew that the base camp had no money, and he would definitely not get the money back.

But as long as the accounts are there, they can't afford to let go of the money. With the greed of the high-ranking officials in the base camp, if they knew that Ishihara Hiroshi had released food again, they would probably be eager to release more.

Asking for money from others certainly doesn't motivate them.

But what if you help yourself?

Once the money becomes theirs, let’s see how they react. No money? The Navy will give you less, not yet, we will find a way to raise it ourselves.

The Army occupies most of the territory in China and Southeast Asia.

They can get the money by finding ways to search for it, and then as soon as it is removed from the books, the money will fall into their pockets openly.

Anyway, Hiroshi Ishihara was there to help them find out. Even if someone wanted to investigate, Hiroshi Ishihara would have to be checked first.

Ishihara Hiroshi is in Shanghai, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and Shanghai is his territory. Who dares to investigate?

And for them, those who are not afraid of death can come. Even if the emperor knew what was going on, he would not be able to make a big move.

The convoy soon headed to Zhejiang, and Chu Lingyun specially asked Fang Shiyi to escort it.

He was strutting all the way, just to let people know that Shiyuan Trading Company was sending food to his people.

Sure enough, after each division discovered the grain delivery convoy of Ishihara Trading Company, they reported to Tian Jun six dozen times, hoping to get Ishihara Trading Company to provide a batch of rice.

They don't have enough rice at all, so they need to use pasta to supplement this battle.

But what the Japanese like to eat most is rice. If rice can be enough, they will never eat pasta.

At this time, Tian Junliu was in Hangzhou, and Hebian went to the front line.

Divisions, brigades, and detachments all sent telegrams requesting food, hoping to provide them with rice as soon as possible.

Tian Junliu frowned.

He knew that Ishihara Hiroshi had rice in his hands, but he couldn't get paid for the rice. Ishihara Hiroshi had already helped him once last time, so he was embarrassed to continue talking.

After all, rice is the most expensive now and is very profitable. Taking away the rice is equivalent to making Toru Ishihara make money.

Even if the base camp can use other things to offset it, Ishihara Hiroshi will still suffer a lot of losses.

"Someone, send this telegram."

After hesitating for a while, Tian Junliu decided to ask Ishihara Hiroshi.

Not one of the troops asked, everyone was asking, why did Toru Ishihara send so much rice to the two regiments of Miyamoto and Yamashita? It made so many people jealous.

However, Tian Shunliu understood that he could not blame Ishihara Hiroshi. He was the one who helped his literary society, so he should be treated as such.

Tian Junliu's telegram quickly reached Chu Lingyun.

After reading the telegram, Chu Lingyun had a smile on his face.

Tian Junliu couldn't hold it anymore and wanted rice. Wouldn't he give them so much this time so that the Japanese soldiers could continue to eat and fight?

However, each army can provide a portion.

The number is not large, it is enough if they fight for a short time, but definitely not enough for a long time.

"Send a report to the ministries and ask them to prepare to receive rice."

Tian Junliu breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Ishihara Hiroshi's reply. As long as Ishihara Hiroshi is willing to help, even if the amount is insufficient, he can explain to his subordinates.

He helped and asked for rice, but the quantity was insufficient because there were too many people.

They were able to survive the war by sparing themselves a little, eating rice during battles and steamed buns during non-combat periods.

Tian Junliu immediately sent the requirements of various ministries to Ishihara Hiroshi. Unknown to him, Chu Lingyun learned the detailed deployment of the front line based on this demand list.

Ishihara Trading Company wants to deliver goods and needs to know where they are.

Time and deployment were all available. As for the weapons and equipment, part of them was obtained through monitoring in the literary agency, and the rest was calculated based on the regular reserves of the Japanese army.

Now that the information is in hand, it will be up to Guo Jun to fight this battle.

Chu Lingyun sent the detailed telegram to Boss Dai on the third day. This was to protect himself. He would not send it until the convoy set off. Even if Tian Junliu wanted to check for leaks, he would not be able to find it.

What he knows, the delivery person also knows.

Boss Dai was relieved when he got the message. It was Chu Lingyun who finally got the detailed information as requested by the old man.

With the information available, the military commander has made great achievements, and the war has nothing to do with them.

If the battle is not successful, that is the responsibility of the frontline generals.

Boss Dai is not optimistic about whether they can win this battle. According to Chu Lingyun's intelligence, the Japanese army dispatched more than 80 brigades this time, totaling more than 200,000 people.

With so many elite Japanese troops, it would be difficult for the Third Theater to stop them.

If they can't stop it, it depends on how much territory they can hold. At least they can't let the entire territory be occupied by the Japanese, otherwise a large number of officers in the third theater will be punished.

"Niang Xipi."

The old man cursed immediately after reading the message. He was indeed a little depressed.

The Americans bombed Tokyo. The Japanese came to cause trouble for the Americans. Now in order to prevent the Americans from having more air force bases, they came to attack them.

As expected, even persimmons are soft when pinched.

A weak country can only be bullied.

The third theater is preparing for war. With detailed information, the commander of the third theater breathed a sigh of relief. They had previously detected many Japanese soldiers. This time they had more detailed information and were able to make more targeted arrangements.

It was just a layout. Seeing the enemy's military deployment, everyone in the third theater was helpless.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for two rewards of 1,000 starting coins, and thanks to Sunshine_Xiaoyu and Ye Biling for their 100 starting coins each.

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