Spy Shadow

Chapter 702 Saw him

Chapter 702 Saw him

Mrs. Liu was taken into the torture room.

The interrogation of Boss Dai was over. After General Liu gave his explanation, he immediately interrogated Yan Yuanchao. Yan Yuanchao was much tougher than him, but he still couldn't withstand Boss Dai's punishment.

Boss Dai also had a lot of damaging moves.

He deliberately looked for Yan Yuanchao's weaknesses, and finally discovered that he was particularly afraid of seeing that kind of dense thing.

It was easy to handle now. Although there were not so many pictures in this era, Boss Dai had a way to make them on the spot for him, and Yan Yuanchao gave up everything before even an hour.

He closed his eyes to no avail. Boss Dai ordered someone to open his eyelids and force him to look.

Yan Yuanchao vomited several times on the spot, but finally couldn't bear it anymore and confessed and surrendered.

As for whether what he said was false information, Boss Dai was not worried.

It's not that easy to deceive them with a fake surrender. They have many ways to verify the authenticity. The intelligence department is not a charity. I will believe you whatever you say.

If you dare to lie, you will be punished even more.

The only worry is whether he has fully explained everything.

But as long as he confesses, even if he conceals something, there will be a way to make him vomit it all out later. There will be more than one interrogation. If he is found to have concealed something, the subsequent punishment will not be less.

Yan Yuanchao is indeed a Japanese agent, but he is not a special agent.

Like Lin Lemei, he belongs to the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has no military rank, but his rank is not low. If compared with the military, his rank is equivalent to that of a colonel.

To be able to contact such an important figure as General Liu, the level must not be too low.

The Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been very active recently, using its connections to make arrangements everywhere, not only in China, but also in some places abroad.

"Ling Yun, have you got anything new here?"

When he heard that Chu Lingyun was escorting Mrs. Liu back for interrogation, Boss Dai hurried back to the torture room.

The gains from this case have been considerable, and he is preparing to report to the committee. The results this time will definitely satisfy the committee.

Next, Vice Minister Yang will die, and the other two families will not survive.

For those people who have been active in the past two days, Boss Dai is going to find two more examples to let everyone understand that the current military unification is not the past, and no one can point fingers at them.

"One thing, boss, I heard they have recruited them all."

Chu Lingyun was the first to congratulate, while Boss Dai laughed, his pride undisguised.

This case was indeed handled beautifully. In just two days, the irrefutable evidence that General Liu had passed away was captured, and General Liu's informants were also captured.

At the same time, the Liuzhou leak case was solved. This case that he personally supervised can be said to be a complete success.

"That's right, this guy didn't come late, but he has many targets. However, only General Liu got on the ship. Of the other three people he contacted, two refused and one considered it."


Chu Lingyun understood that this person who was considering it was finished, and he did not reject it on the spot. Even if he didn't have Tongri, he would have had such an idea.

After the old man found out, it was not that he had no future, even dismissal would be frivolous.

The greatest possibility is to find a reason to execute such a wavering person who may vote for Japan.

This kind of thing is often done during New Year greetings.

"Want to hedge his bets and dream."

Boss Dai said coldly that he was a die-hard anti-Japanese faction, or that he fully supported the commission. His power came from the old man. He would naturally do whatever the old man liked.

Those who considered it were screwed, and the two who refused actually didn't end well either.

The Japanese came to them, why didn't they report it?

If you report it earlier, wouldn't you be able to know the identity of this spy and avoid causing greater losses?

They will not be executed, after all, they firmly rejected the temptation of the Japanese, but they will definitely not be able to do important work in the future and will pass the time on idle jobs.

"I suspect that General Liu didn't do everything. Mrs. Liu should know something, so I captured her and brought her back for interrogation."

"Not all moves?"

Boss Dai frowned and looked at Mrs. Liu who was hanging up and shaking all over.

This possibility is not impossible.

General Liu knew that he had no chance of survival, and he wanted to save his family and would not drag them into trouble. Besides, he was not tortured, so it was normal to hide something.

"You will be tried first."

Boss Dai sat down, but he did not leave and watched Chu Lingyun interrogate.

Mrs. Liu is an insider. General Liu has not mentioned this before.

They have two sons, two daughters, and four children.

The two sons and one daughter are already married, and only the youngest daughter is with them. It was their youngest daughter that Loach used to threaten Mrs. Liu.

"Mrs. Liu, you are a person who has seen the world. Don't take chances when you enter here. Tell everything you know honestly. Otherwise, these instruments of torture will make you unforgettable forever."

Chu Lingyun asked, and Mrs. Liu burst into tears: "I really don't know anything. I am a woman, what can I know? Please spare me."


Chu Lingyun stopped talking nonsense and whipped Mrs. Liu on her body. Her soprano was very shrill.

Within half an hour, Mrs. Liu could no longer bear it and confessed.

She persisted for a long time, and some professional agents did not last for such a long time.

Mrs. Liu did know about it, and she even had a share of the credit for General Liu being dragged into the water.

General Liu was initially hesitant to accept money from the Japanese.

When Mrs. Liu learned that the Japanese had sent a lot of money, she immediately agreed. If you have money, you are a fool. Besides, who doesn't know how powerful the Japanese are now? How long can Principal Chang persist?

Maybe one day, Chongqing will be occupied by the Japanese.

The sooner they defect to the Japanese, the sooner they can occupy important positions in the new government. As long as they have money in the future, what can they do?

Mrs. Liu is more greedy for money than General Liu.

Not only did she take the initiative to agree, but she also helped General Liu find new downlines, hoping to attract more people.

She was responsible for the removal of Vice Minister Yang.

When she was playing cards, she heard from Mrs. Yang that Deputy Minister Yang was reprimanded by the superiors and was very dissatisfied. The Yang family was not loyal to the country. She immediately asked General Liu to take the initiative to go to Deputy Minister Yang for a drink.

In the end, Vice Minister Yang was successfully removed.

In addition to Vice Minister Yang, Mrs. Liu also has five targets, two of which she has already persuaded and are now blowing off her men, hoping to make Japanese money together.

Everyone’s money is the same, and gold bars don’t distinguish between countries or each other.

Mrs. Liu had a good idea. If the Japanese came over, she would ask General Liu to provide more important information. Firstly, he could make money, and secondly, he could gain good popularity with the Japanese.

If Chongqing cannot hold on, they will stop following Principal Chang and serve in the new government in the future.

With these great achievements they have made, they will definitely gain a higher position under the new government.

Pulling people in now will be their strength in the future.

Mrs. Liu is very ambitious and wants General Liu to form a small faction that will have a big say in the new government in the future. Even in the future, General Liu will have the opportunity to climb to a higher position.

What Wang Chuanhai can do, why can't General Liu do it?

I have to say that Mrs. Liu's dream is indeed very good. It is a pity that she will not have the fate of such a wife in her life.

"Bring up the surname Liu again."

Mrs. Liu was taken to the cell, Boss Dai was very angry, and General Liu suffered for his concealment.

After being beaten half to death, ask him what he will say now.

Comparing Mrs. Liu's confession, it was finally determined that he did not dare to hide anything anymore.

This couple knew some sense of propriety and did not bring their children in, but their children were also doomed. Their parents were traitors, and their fate was not much better.

The next day, Lin Shi was called over by Judge Xu.

In the study, Judge Xu is making tea.

"The commissioner has said that except for Minister Yang, the other two families will be handed over to us for trial, but I need to recuse myself."

"That's great, father-in-law, we must not let them off lightly."

"Don't worry, I've seen the evidence of their crimes. Their crimes are so heinous that the gods can't save them this time."

Judge Xu snorted coldly. The case was transferred very quickly. Judge Xu was no longer worried, but he knew better.

That classmate Lin Shi was far more powerful than he imagined. No wonder he dared to take action against these three families.

Yesterday, several big bosses issued warnings at the same time, and almost everyone who targeted Chu Lingyun for this matter stopped.

With such a background, who should you be afraid of?

"Go back and thank your classmate properly. If it hadn't been for him this time, we would have been in big trouble. Those people are so courageous that they can do anything."

Judge Xu was very lucky that Lin Shi didn't really have any background.

Although his parents are of ordinary status, he has a good friend and a good brother, and he is the kind who can help him.

If it weren't for Chu Lingyun this time, their family would have faced huge humiliation.

"Okay, I'll go find him when I get back."

Lin Shi responded that he had also heard the news, and all those who originally went to sue Chu Lingyun were warned.

Those who warned them were all big shots.

Chu Lingyun is indeed better at it than him. If he encounters this kind of thing, he will definitely be overwhelmed and unable to resist it at all.

Chu Lingyun settled everything in two days.

He didn't know yet that Chu Lingyun didn't ask for help. It was Chen Mutu and others who took the initiative after hearing about it.

"This matter is over. Although he is a member of the military commander, he is him, and the military commander is the military commander. Do you understand?"

Judge Xu warned, and Lin Shi understood what he meant.

When dealing with Chu Lingyun, you can do whatever you want without worrying about his status as a military commander.

But we must not get too close to Juntong.

It sounds contradictory, but it's true.

Just treat individuals and units separately.

Boss Dai took all the information and went to report to the old man.

In such a short period of time, not only were people arrested, but more clues were obtained, and many people with ulterior motives were found.

The old man gave him great recognition for his work achievements.

When Boss Dai came out, he had a smile on his face.

The status of the military commander is already unbreakable. If the old man hadn't tried to balance the situation, the military commander would have trampled the central commander under his feet.

Just like Dongchang and Jinyiwei before.

Boss Dai didn't care. As long as the position of military commander was stable, what would happen if there was a competitor?

With comparison, it is easier for the old man to see their power and importance.

And after this incident, everyone will have a clearer understanding of military unification in the future.

Don't provoke them, you can't afford the consequences.

Just for trying to attack Chu Lingyun's classmates, they were retaliated so badly. Who dares to look down on them?

This action just allowed them to get to know the military commander again.

At the hot pot restaurant, Lin Shi took Xu Meijun to treat Chu Lingyun to dinner.

Booking the venue again, but not now. Chu Lingyun had just done such a big thing, and his enemies were not just the Japanese.

"Ling Yun, I won't say thank you anymore. You saved my life and Meijun's life this time. We, husband and wife, toast you."

Lin Shi raised his glass. The food was ordinary, but the wine was good.

This glass of wine can be worth a table of food.

This jug of wine was an old wine that Judge Xu had treasured for many years and was reluctant to drink. This time, he specially gave it to Lin Shi to thank Chu Lingyun for his help.

"I won't drink your wine, my sister-in-law and I will drink it."

Chu Lingyun laughed, and Xu Meijun was also amused by him and hurriedly drank the wine in the glass.

This wine has been sinking for decades. It has a rich aroma and is indeed very delicious.

"Sister-in-law, Lin Shi hid you very well before and didn't let us see you until the wedding day."

Chu Lingyun continued to joke. He had never asked Mr. Ke, but he was sure that Xu Meijun must be one of his own.

She is one of her own, and there is no way she would let those three bastards do something bad that would disgrace her reputation.

For women, once their reputation is ruined, life is worse than death.

"No, I didn't hide it."

Xu Meijun was a little shy and hurriedly lowered her head.

She was also afraid of what happened this time.

Fortunately, Lin Shi's classmates were very powerful, and they went against several big shots over their affairs. This time, she did realize the authority of the military commander.

In the past, she was more worried about Zhongtong.

She heard Teacher Liu say that the Central Government was their biggest enemy, and many comrades died at the hands of the Central Government, so she had to be vigilant at all times, and she must not be discovered by the Central Government.

Especially those books cannot be kept at home.

But in her previous understanding, both the Central Command and the Military Command were agencies that caught Japanese spies and the Red Party.

This time the military commander helped her come forward, and she finally understood that the military commander was not only good at catching the Japanese, but also stronger internally.

"Sister-in-law, when are you going to have a baby?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile, Xu Meijun lowered her head.

"Don't worry, let's give it a few years. We're still fighting at the moment. Let's wait until we win."

Lin Shi hurriedly replied that he had a special status and how could he dare to have children at will.

"That won't work. I'm still waiting to claim my godson or daughter. I want it as soon as possible, and the war won't affect me. I can't just say that we won't have children even if there is a war. Then in a few decades, will there still be China?"

Chu Lingyun shook his head slightly, he understood Lin Shi's concerns.

Doing covert work is like walking a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will be shattered to pieces. If you have a child, if you are exposed in the future, it will only harm him.

Lin Shi's consideration was right, but it didn't need to be so extreme.

You can have children, but Lin Shi will not be exposed so easily under his protection. Moreover, Lin Shi has matured a lot now. The organization does not allow him to engage in intelligence work, so the risk of exposure is very low.

"We really didn't think about it..."

"It's okay, Ling Yun said so, let's just think about it."

Before Xu Meijun finished speaking, she was interrupted by Lin Shi. Chu Lingyun was not an ordinary person. If she kept insisting in front of him, it might arouse his suspicion.

Chu Lingyun knew that he liked children very much.


Xu Meijun replied obediently that she didn't understand why Lin Shi suddenly changed his mind, but she had to obey Lin Shi's arrangements for everything, whether it was at home or organizational requirements.

"I'm going back tomorrow."

Chu Lingyun suddenly said that he came back this time for Lin Shi. There were many things in Shanghai that he needed to go back to deal with.

Wang Yuemin punished the traitors, but something happened again.

Ding Mo was very difficult to deal with. He used the traitor as bait to lure Wang Yuemin into being fooled. Wang Yuemin did not calm down and asked Liang Yu to punish him, resulting in the loss of several more people.

Now Wang Yuemin gave up temporarily and waited for Chu Lingyun to go back to help.

"It's so fast, can't you stay a few more days?"

"no way."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. He came back this time and it was longer than planned. There were many things in Shanghai that he needed to deal with personally. Boss Dai was worried about his financial future and urged Chu Lingyun to go back.

"Well, you are in enemy-occupied territory, so be sure to pay attention to your safety."

Lin Shi understood that Chu Lingyun was doing it for work. He was doing things that benefited the country and the people. He was in enemy-occupied territory and provided intelligence to the Fruit Party.

Lin Shi admired this very much about Chu Lingyun. He was never afraid of any difficulties. He always dared to do things that others did not dare to do, as long as it was beneficial to the country.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Early the next morning, he came to He Nian and Xu Yi's office again.

This stay was not long, and I stayed in each office for almost half an hour. Finally, I said goodbye to Boss Dai and headed to the pier.

"Old Xu."

As soon as Chu Lingyun left, He Nian arrived at Xu Yi's office.


Xu Yi was not surprised by the arrival of the New Year. Today Chu Lingyun took the initiative to ask him for help again.

Xu Yi was very happy to be able to help Chu Lingyun.

It was Chu Lingyun who helped him in the past. He didn't know how many favors he owed. He was in the spirit of not burdening himself with too many debts. Anyway, he owed so much. It didn't matter if he owed more. If anything happened, he would just go to Chu Lingyun.

Xu Yi was actually very happy that Chu Lingyun could come to him twice in a row this time.

But the second favor is not that easy to help.

"Ling Yun is looking for you because of Chen Shu, right?"

He Nian took the initiative to ask. Chu Lingyun went to his place first and asked him to help deal with Chen Shu. It would be best to get rid of Chen Shu completely.

Chu Lingyun discovered last time that Chen Shu had no intention of giving up.

Chu Lingyun did not want to keep someone who was a threat to him. Boss Dai missed Chen Shu's old feelings and appreciated his abilities and talents, so he did not remove his rank.

In this case, Chen Shu may be activated at any time.

Especially when another incident occurred at Tianjin Station, Han Xianghui obviously lacked control over Tianjin Station. If Han Xianghui is withdrawn, Chen Shu is very likely to return to Tianjin Station.

By then, it will be even harder to deal with him.

"Yes, I'm looking for you too, right?"

Xu Yi nodded generously. With Chu Lingyun, his relationship with He Nian is now more harmonious.

Boss Dai once said that military commanders have the three sharpest knives.

These three swords are him, He Nian and Chu Lingyun.

What happened this time was that the three swords struck together, letting others see the power of the military commander. Now the three of them joined forces again to deal with one person.

This person is still within them.

Chen Shu is actually a knife, a very sharp knife.

It was just that Chu Lingyun slapped the tip of the knife away, but after polishing it, he could still exert a strong fighting power.

Xu Yi understands this. Chen Shu has resentment towards Chu Lingyun, and the two of them will definitely have a fight in the future.

Chu Lingyun planned ahead and wanted to kill Chen Shu before he got up.

Xu Yi agreed. He had nothing to do with Chen Shu. Chen Shu had high eyes and had not taken him seriously before. How could Xu Yi be on good terms with him.

As for New Year greetings, let alone New Year greetings, he is definitely on Chu Lingyun's side.

"Looking for it, I will definitely agree, what about you?"

He Nian nodded, while Xu Yi rolled his eyes: "Why, you have known me for many years, but you have so little confidence in me. Who is Chen Shu? Ling Yun is one of our own."

"Haha, with your words, I feel relieved."

He Nian is indeed worried that Xu Yi is unwilling to help. After all, Chen Shu is not an ordinary person.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. He has a certain weight in Boss Dai's heart.

The assassination of Wang Qianhai had made so many mistakes without being punished. If it had been anyone else, he would have been executed long ago.

Boss Dai leaves no waste behind.

Since Boss Dai is still willing to keep him, it will be much more difficult for them to deal with Chen Shu than to deal with the three families.

Unless Boss Dai is completely disappointed with Chen Shu and no longer wants to keep him, with Boss Dai here, ordinary mistakes will not bring any harm to Chen Shu.

"Do as Ling Yun said. This time the three of us will join forces to saw off the old and poplar trees."

"Okay, let him saw it."

He Nian happily responded that Xu Yi was smarter than him, and since Chu Lingyun was not around, it would be difficult for him to completely trample Chen Shu to death.

With Xu Yi's help, He Nian has more confidence.

Shanghai, war situation group.

Chu Lingyun came back with Loach and Shen Hanwen, and the happiest person was Zhu Qing.

The Shanghai District failed to punish the traitors and suffered losses. It wanted to ask the war situation team for help, but Chu Lingyun was not around. Zhu Qing understood his abilities and did not make the decision without permission.

He has people, but if he cannot use them rationally, he is likely to suffer losses just like Shanghai District.

Zhu Qing was completely relieved when Chu Lingyun came back.

"Ding Mo deliberately let the traitor lead people around the concession, specifically looking for places where people were renting, and checking door to door. District Chief Wang couldn't hold back and asked Liang Yu to take action, but he fell into Ding Mo's trick."

"If the patrol hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid their losses would have been even greater."

Zhu Qing reported the details to Chu Lingyun. The traitors in Shanghai were strictly protected by Ding Mo. Ding Mo acted even crazier after discovering that those arrested last time were ordinary gangsters.

He was taken around the concession every day, looking for people he knew.

In fact, the traitor had already helped Ding Mo find two people before.

Those two people were people he had met in Shanghai, and he found them through information purchased from the patrol.

When Ding Mo led people there, there was no one in the hiding spot.

All those who had met the traitors had been with the Loyalty and Salvation Army and had not returned to the city.

Liang Yu's precautions in advance played a big role.

Like Loach, he is very cautious in doing things and does not easily take risks. Where there is danger, he would rather cause trouble than eliminate the danger first.

"Doesn't District Chief Wang know it's a trap?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a frown. Even if Wang Yuemin didn't know, Liang Yu could definitely see it. It was so obvious that he was using traitors as bait to lure them into taking the bait.

"I know, but he couldn't hold it back."

Zhu Qing smiled bitterly and said, what District Chief Wang wants is that in the concession, everyone is the same, it is not his own territory, it just depends on who is stronger.

He really didn't take Ding Mo seriously and sent thirty good soldiers, including snipers, to kill the traitor in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Ding Mo had already considered this. Even though the traitor wandered around at will, his route was always planned in advance.

Liang Yu had just found his pattern and made arrangements in advance when he was discovered by Ding Mo.

Fortunately, Liang Yu was cautious enough. When Ding Mo transferred people, he also noticed that there was a fight between the two sides. Liang Yu came to set up an ambush point, and he brought few people with him, so Ding Mo was not fully prepared.

In the end, three people in Shanghai were killed and four injured, and they took advantage of the chaos and escaped when the patrol came over.

No. 76 lost two people, but not as much as the losses in Shanghai District.

"No. 76 is also making progress, and we cannot underestimate any opponent."

Chu Lingyun sighed. The main reason for this incident was that Wang Yuemin was too impatient and wanted to punish the traitor as soon as possible.

Ding Mo grasped this mentality of his and made arrangements for various possibilities.

Liang Yu's idea is good, but it is within people's expectations.

If he hadn't been careful and discovered Ding Mo's people in advance, the losses this time would have been even greater.

When fighting the enemy, especially here, you must not be careless at any time.

Don't think that because the concession is not the territory of the Japanese, you can just go ahead and do it.

The concession is not their territory, nor is it our territory.

Moreover, the concession did not exist for long. In the future, whether it is the war group or the Shanghai District, the living environment will be even more difficult.

With the concession, at least the Japanese can't do whatever they want. Without the concession, even if they investigate bit by bit, they can bring great harm to the war situation team and Shanghai District.

"I know, District Chief Wang has stopped his actions now and is ready to wait for another opportunity later."

Zhu Qing did not dare to say that Wang Yuemin was actually waiting for Chu Lingyun to come back and wipe his butt.

It's not appropriate for him to say this, but the team leader can think of it anyway.

"Is there nothing going on here?"


Zhu Qing immediately shook his head. He was relatively stable and not aggressive enough, but he had no problem maintaining his integrity.

If you strictly follow Chu Lingyun's requirements, nothing will happen.

"I will communicate with District Chief Wang. Don't rush to punish the traitor. Once he has lost his value, he will be easily dealt with."

Chu Lingyun understood why Wang Yuemin was so anxious.

This traitor has met many people in Shanghai, more than twenty in total.

If he doesn't die, more than 20 people will stay in the Loyalty and Salvation Army and will have no way to return to Shanghai.

It's okay for a short time, but over time, their return will be a trouble, and it's not that easy to lurk, especially their identities, which will need to be dealt with again.

It is not that simple to have a clean identity that will not be noticed by the Japanese.

It was Loach who helped before, but it still took a lot of effort to get everyone to have a suitable latent identity.

Wang Yuemin was reluctant to part with the identity they had finally obtained, so he was eager to execute the traitors.

The traitors in Shanghai District will not be able to act easily for the time being.

It was even more unsuitable for Feiniao to take action. Feiniao was not good at action. From the beginning, Chu Lingyun had no intention of letting him do anything related to action.

The role of the flying bird is to obtain internal information on No. 76.

In the literary club, people inside were very happy to see Toru Ishihara, who had not been here for a long time.

Since Toru Ishihara is not here, some people are not so diligent in coming, but smart people still come every day. Even if Toru Ishihara doesn't come, it's okay to let him know that he has a literary club in his heart.

This time, Hiroshi Ishihara helped everyone get promoted or promoted.

Many people got what they wanted.

It's a pity that people's desires are never satisfied. In the past, I only thought about being a Major, but when I became a Major, I would think about the Lieutenant Commander again.

In the past, I only thought about being a squadron leader. After becoming a squadron leader, I will definitely have expectations for the position of group leader.

No matter who it is, this is the case.

Chu Lingyun is not afraid that they have desires. Only by having desires can they be better controlled by him.

Shuicheng Junzheng was in the literary club. After he was promoted to the chief of staff of the alliance, he did not stay in the alliance for a long time.

There is a wing commander at the top and a combat staff officer at the bottom, so he doesn't need to do much.

Besides, he was in Shanghai and was under the jurisdiction of the Security Command. Not only were they run the Security Command, at least many of its senior officials were from literary societies.

Including the commander.

He doesn't need to worry about anything. Taking advantage of the time now, he can come to the literary club more often, communicate with the members of the literary club, and manage his own network.

He is recognized as one of the three elders of the literary society.

There were more than three of them in the literary society at first, but they were the most active, Shimakura Takemoto plus him.

Compared with Shimakura Takemoto, his biggest disadvantage is his military rank.

At first he was just a major.

And Shimakura was the lieutenant colonel a long time ago. Takemoto knew Toru Ishihara earlier than him. His position in the military police headquarters is very important. Ishihara Toru helped him operate early and became the lieutenant colonel.

He was the only one who was promoted to lieutenant colonel after adjusting his position first.

Takemoto was promoted to colonel a few years earlier than him. It would take some time for him to be promoted to colonel.

"Ishihara-kun, you are back."

Hearing that Ishihara Hiroshi was coming, Shuicheng Jun ran out immediately.

There are only three people in the literary club who have separate offices, the president Tomotaka Hosokawa, the honorary president General Matsumoto, and the vice president Hiroshi Ishihara.

The three offices are closed all year round, but Ishihara Hiroshi's office is still somewhat useful. After all, Chu Lingyun comes there at least a few times a month.

"How's it going in the literary club lately?"

Chu Lingyun used business as an excuse to go out, but now that Fang Shiyi was cooperating, no one dared to say anything.

He is the boss, wherever he wants to go, anyone who messes around will be fired, or thrown into the Huangpu River to feed the fish.

"Everything went well, but there were some adjustments in Wuhan, and our people were not affected."

Shuicheng Jun is very familiar with the members of the literary club and knows everyone's situation and name.

It was already early April. Chu Lingyun was moved when she heard that there were transfers in Wuhan, but she did not ask.

He has monitoring recordings from the literary agency.

Someone has been recording, and if you want to know what they talked about, just go back and look through the records.

Important information is hidden in some of their daily conversations.

"Is Shimakura in Shanghai?"

Chu Lingyun asked, Shuicheng Jun nodded immediately: "Yes, I'll call him and ask him to come over."

"By the way, call Takemoto, Ikegami, and Yamaguchi."

Chu Lingyun nodded. He was talking about the earliest group of old people in the literary society. At that time, there were not many people. Not counting Hosokawa Tomotaka and General Matsumoto, there were not even ten people.

These people have now received generous rewards.


Shuicheng Shun felt relieved. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. If Ishihara Toru was just called Shimakura, he would feel that Ishihara Toru valued Shimakura more than him.

Shimakura was the first to be promoted to colonel and has been serving on the military staff. Next, he is likely to be promoted to general.

Once promoted, Ishihara Hiroshi will definitely find a more suitable position for him and will not let him continue to stay in the staff department.

Guaranteed update.

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