Spy Shadow

Chapter 395 Beautiful yearning

Chapter 395 Beautiful yearning

There is no use regretting now, he can only pray that Lu Zhiwen can wake up soon.

I also hope that after experiencing this life and death, he can understand that life is priceless and confess honestly in exchange for a way to survive.

In the General Affairs Department, Bao Shengqun came to the big office for inspection as usual, holding a tea cup.

The people in the General Affairs Section are not responsible for intelligence, but they are very well-informed. If there is any trouble in the department, they will know it very quickly, and they will know it in very detail.

Old ghost Xu is so aloof that he has no idea that his so-called secrecy is a joke.

Except for a few strictly leaked and controlled actions, there are basically no secrets in the office.

Especially what happened here.

"I didn't expect Team Leader Zhan to be so tough that he beat someone to death. I heard he was a coolie who didn't know anything, so he beat him to death like this."

Seeing Bao Shengqun come in, the other people didn't pay attention. It was time to chat and talk.

Bao Shengqun was very kind to them. He never put on leadership airs and was very protective of them. In more than half a year since he came to the General Affairs Section, Bao Shengqun had already won their hearts and minds.

Everyone was very convinced of this team leader and thought they were lucky to have such a team leader.

"Isn't he afraid of retribution?"

One person frowned and said that the Party Affairs Investigation Department is not all devils. These people who work in other departments and have no contact with intelligence still have kindness in their hearts.

"Retribution, people like him don't have this in their eyes. They just want to climb up so that they can make more money."

Another person said disdainfully that the method was too cruel and was actually unpopular internally.

In particular, it is even more unacceptable to use torture to kill innocent people.

If you are really a Red Party member, then you are an enemy and you can be beaten to death. If you treat a coolie like this, God may take you away in the day.

"With so many people tortured, the infirmary is very busy again."

Bao Shengqun continued with a smile, and a team member immediately agreed: "Isn't it right? Dr. Liu in the infirmary is so busy that his feet don't even touch the ground. Team Leader Zhan and the others made the fight comfortable, but they exhausted Dr. Liu."

Dr. Liu is one of the three doctors in the infirmary. It seems that he was the one to treat the torturers this time.

Doctor Liu knows the situation best, and from him we may be able to find out the true situation of the Red Party.

But Bao Shengqun couldn't ask directly, let alone send someone to ask.

"Xiao Ma, go buy some more snacks and fruits and send one to the infirmary."

Bao Shengqun took out two dollars and handed it to a young team member.

Xiaoma was very clever and the most gossipy, so he asked him to go deliver something to the infirmary, and he wouldn't come back if he wasn't there chatting for an hour and a half.

As for delivering things to the infirmary, Bao Shengqun is not afraid.

After He Yadong's incident happened, Bao Shengqun often asked his team members to send snacks to other departments, including the Intelligence Department and the Operations Department, to whomever worked hard.

Almost all departments in the department have received his gadgets.

A little snacks and fruit are nothing. In his words, since the general manager is everyone's steward, he must take good care of everyone.

There won't be any suspicion in delivering something to the infirmary this time.

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Xiao Ma happily took the money, grabbed a companion and ran out, while Bao Shengqun returned to the office and looked out the window.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xiao Ma to come back from shopping. He went to the infirmary first and stayed there for a full forty minutes before returning.

How can it take so long to give something away? You must be chatting there.

After waiting for him to come back for a while, Bao Shengqun came to the big office with a cup and ate snacks with everyone.

"Team Leader Zhan may not be able to do what he wants this time. I heard Dr. Liu say that the red party member may not wake up. Team Leader Zhan was too anxious. The red party member was forcibly transferred just after the rescue, which aggravated the injury. Dr. Liu comforted Zhan Team leader, the Red Party has a 50% chance of being revived, but in reality it’s only 30% at most.”

Sure enough, after arriving, he heard Xiao Ma talking happily, and Bao Shengqun felt happy in his heart.

If the Red Party dies, Zhan Wei's work this time will be in vain.

He was not the one who caught the person, and there was no confession. Once the Red Party members died, he would gain nothing in the future.

This incident alarmed Director Chen, and I'm afraid Old Ghost Xu will also be scolded.

He instinctively thought of how to speed up the death of the Red Party, but he immediately remembered the warning he had given him before.

Forget it, it doesn't matter whether he kills or not, as long as the result he wants appears.

This is important news, two dollars well spent.

Knowing that their accomplices were seriously injured, the red party members would probably be even more anxious. It would be great if they could make Old Ghost Xu look embarrassed like they did last time.

That time when the false air defense alarm occurred, Old Ghost Xu was so frightened that he hid at the Air Defense Command, which has become a laughing stock for many people.

Being tricked by the red party, he was so frightened that he ran away first, but in the end it was a lie, and Old Ghost Xu was thrown into the house in disgrace.

Jiang Wan, the section chief, almost didn't get fired directly. If it weren't for the temporary lack of suitable manpower, and Xu Laogui himself was deceived, I'm afraid he would not be the deputy section chief exercising the rights of the section chief, but would actually be removed. .

In the afternoon, Zhan Wei came to the infirmary again.

"Team Leader Zhan, good news, the Red Party has woken up."

As soon as Zhan Wei arrived, he received extremely exciting news. He was 50% sure that he had woken up. This red party member was really lucky.

Dr. Liu himself was also surprised. He who thought he would not wake up did not expect to wake up so quickly.

"Very good."

Zhan Wei quickly walked into the treatment room inside, where Lu Zhiwen was lying on the bed with water hanging on him.

His body was so weak that he could barely turn his head and see the person coming in.

He understood that he could not die and was saved.

But now he can't speak. The other party can't get any useful information from him. He will not betray the organization, let alone his trust.

"Can he talk?"

Looking at Lu Zhiwen, Zhan Wei asked Dr. Liu.

"How is that possible? He is in very poor health right now. Not to mention talking, any big movements can cause his wounds to recur and he may die from blood loss."

Dr. Liu immediately shook his head. He was a cruel person. His tongue was very sensitive, and he could bite so much.

He actually admired such people.

"Then when will he be able to speak?" Zhan Wei asked again

"Team Leader Zhan, don't even think about talking. He bit off half of his tongue. He can't speak a word until he recovers. Even if he recovers, he may not be able to speak clearly. He will be able to write in about five days. You can ask again then. .”

"No, five days is too long. Can you let him write earlier?"

After five days, the day lilies were cold, and Zhan Wei couldn't wait that long. Even now, he suspected that Lu Zhiwen's upline had run away.

Damn the Military Intelligence Department, if they hadn't been robbing people and I had been keeping an eye on it, I would have definitely been able to catch Lu Zhiwen on the line, and possibly even the more important Red Party members.

His original great achievement was ruined by people from the Military Intelligence Department. He really wanted to kill Xu Rundong.

"It's difficult. Let's try our best. If he wakes up early and the treatment effect is good, we'll see if he can write in three days."

Dr. Liu understands that information is timely, but he will not be too full of words.

"Okay, please, give him the best medicine."

Zhan Wei said politely that if he wanted to get the needed information as soon as possible, Lu Zhiwen must be able to write, and the only person who could allow him to write as soon as possible was a doctor.

"You two take good care of him."

Before Zhan Wei left, he told the team members who were guarding him that Lu Zhiwen was a repeat offender and that there would be people guarding the place 24 hours a day, with a minimum of two people.

"Yes, team leader."

As soon as Zhan Wei left, the two of them sat there chatting again. In their opinion, there was an immobile person lying on the bed. There was basically nothing to do except watch the drip bottle and notify the doctor.

Lu Zhiwen was lying on the bed. He was conscious and could hear all the conversations just now clearly.

He didn't know that he had arrived at the Party Affairs Investigation Office, but it was obvious that the other party had not given up, even if he could not speak, and wanted to make him confess in writing.

The punishment was really painful, and he didn't know if he could endure it until the end.

But he will never compromise with his enemies.

Time passed slowly, and finally, when the two guards came outside, Lu Zhiwen opened his eyes, with determination flashing in his eyes.

It was difficult for him to move now, but his mouth could move. He reluctantly opened his teeth and stuck out his tongue forcefully.

The tongue he had bitten off had stopped bleeding, but it was still very swollen.

And any movement would cause severe pain that stabs the heart.

Just moving his tongue made his whole body tremble with pain, and sweat continued to flow from his forehead.

Finally, he stuck out his tongue and bit down on the previous wound again.

The heart-wrenching pain almost made him scream. He tried not to make any sound, but he was too weak at this time, and even with all his strength, he could not bite his tongue.

Again and again, four times in a row, he finally bit the previous wound, and blood continued to overflow again.

During the whole process, he didn't make any sound.

The blood kept pouring out and flowed into his throat. This time he finally couldn't bear it anymore and choked and coughed.

"Go and see what's going on?"

His coughing alarmed the people outside, and one person said to his companion. The companion reluctantly came to the door. They were eating outside, and he didn't want to come over at this moment.

After just one glance, he turned back.

"It's okay, just a little coughing."

His companion came back unfazed, but Lu Zhiwen's throat was blocked by blood and he couldn't breathe.

His consciousness slowly became blurry, and he thought of his hometown, his parents and younger brother, and those simple hometown people.

He thought of the excitement he felt when he first came into contact with the Red Party theory. He finally found the light in his heart. This was the ideal worth pursuing throughout his life.

He thought of his comrades, the comrades who studied and lived together, Lao Hu, and Lao Peng.

Lao Hu once promised him that when he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely take him to Yanzhou, the holy place in his heart, to have a good look there.

That is paradise.

There is no exploitation or oppression, and everyone lives a happy life with plenty of food and clothing. People there have happy smiles on their faces all year round, and their lives are extremely satisfying.

This is the life he desires most and wants most.

It's a pity that he can't see it anymore. Everything can only exist in his imagination. With the yearning for Yanzhou and the yearning for a better life, his consciousness gradually dissipates. In the haze, he sees a group of people waving to him. Everyone was singing and dancing, with smiles on their faces.

He ran over quickly and joined this happy family.

"Why don't you cough anymore?"

The team member who was eating chicken legs outside asked strangely. There was a cough just now, but it will disappear now.

"Isn't it good not to cough? Eat quickly."

The companion next to him didn't pay attention at all. The two of them shared a roast chicken. Unfortunately, there was no wine. It would be great if they had some wine and peanuts.

The meat on the bones was eaten clean, and the two of them washed their hands with satisfaction.

After washing his hands and coming back, he walked to the bed and saw Lu Zhiwen on the bed. He stayed there for an instant.

Lu Zhiwen's mouth, neck, and body were all covered with blood. The blood had dried up, but Lu Zhiwen's face was pale and he looked lifeless.

The team member reached for his nostrils with trembling hands.

He quickly retracted his hand, and there was no breath from his nose. With the last bit of luck, he touched Lu Zhiwen's forehead.

This forehead has begun to feel cold.

"Quickly, inform the team leader that something happened and Lu Zhiwen is dead."

He shouted in panic, and his companions were also stunned. They hurried over to take a look. When they saw Lu Zhiwen on the hospital bed, his face also turned pale.

Zhan Wei was in the office and was stunned when he received the call.

He hurried to the infirmary, and when he arrived, Dr. Liu had already covered Lu Zhiwen's head with a quick white cloth.

"Dr. Liu, no, no chance?"

Zhan Wei asked tremblingly. Dr. Liu sighed, shook his head and said, "He bit his tongue again, bled excessively, and suffocated to death."

Dead, really dead.

Damn the Red Party, why are there so many people who are not afraid of death? Isn’t it good to live?

Ants are greedy for life, so why are they always seeking death?

The key is that once he died, there was no progress on his side. This time he finally found a red party, but he was arrested by the Military Intelligence Department. The person was given to him alive, but now he is dead.

He has no credit and all the responsibility lies on his head.

"Damn it, you two come here."

Zhan Wei yelled angrily, and the two guarding team members lowered their heads and walked carefully to his side.


Two consecutive slaps, extremely loud, made Zhan Wei's hands numb. The two of them stood there without daring to move, and bloodshot eyes oozed from the corners of one person's mouth.

"What's going on? What do you think of people?"

Biting your tongue cannot kill anyone. Even if Lu Zhiwen bites his tongue again, he can still be saved as long as he is discovered in time.

He regretted it extremely now. Lu Zhiwen had a history of biting his tongue. Why didn't he do something to protect him, such as blocking his teeth and restricting the movement of his hands and feet?

This was the second time he regretted it, and he wished he could slap himself twice.

"Team leader, we were watching, but who would have thought that he bit his tongue again, and he didn't make any sound, and we didn't notice it either."

One team member bravely explained that he did not dare to say that the two of them had eaten secretly just now.

If the team leader found out, they might all be shot.

Doctor Liu shook his head slightly. He knew very well what the two people were doing just now. This was the infirmary.

But he would not report this kind of thing. Telling him would not do him any good. Offending people, people in the intelligence department, even ordinary team members, might bring disaster to him in the future.

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