Spy Shadow

Chapter 382 Helping in times of need

Hasegawa led people to the room where Chu Lingyun was assassinated by Jiang Tengkong. There was only a gun left here, nothing else, and there were two bullets left in the gun. Looking at the rifle with the muzzle worn off, Hasegawa felt that a Chinese was looking at him sarcastically.

The people who assassinated them used their guns.

"Team leader, according to the store owner, someone booked all the rooms facing the street. There were about ten of them, and they all left afterwards."

The subordinates came to report that the person who assassinated Jiang Tengkong must be Chinese, but they have not yet found out who it is.

The military intelligence department is most likely to carry out the assassination at this time.

It's a pity that they don't have any photo information of Ni Loach and others, including Chu Lingyun, they only found a young photo from when they were in school.

Ni Loach publicly shot a Japanese spy, but at that time his people did not dare to secretly take photos to avoid being discovered.

The people brought by Chu Lingyun rose too fast, and they only found out their names. Similarly, the Military Intelligence Office now has no photos of Mitsui Amu and him.

The names registered in the hotel could not be their real names.

"Hirota, if it were you, would you be able to survive if you assassinate here?"

Hasegawa asked suddenly, holding a gun and gesticulating downstairs.

They checked the gun and found no useful fingerprints. The other party must have fired the gun with gloves on, or wiped it carefully when evacuating.

"Team leader, if it is a stationary target, my subordinates are sure of killing it with one hit. If the moving target is not fast, I am also very sure." The team leader of the intelligence team, Hasegawa brought his confidant Hirota Hirota from Tohoku. He replied hurriedly.

As agents, their marksmanship has never been bad.

"You're right, and I'm sure that cars can't run fast here. Why was Team Leader Jiang Teng only injured and not killed?"

Hasegawa said slowly, this is a rifle, not a pistol.

The accuracy of the rifle is much better than that of the pistol. Moreover, it is the gun of the empire. He has very strong confidence in his country's gun.

It's not difficult to get a headshot from such a close range.

"Team leader, you mean that Team Leader Jiang Teng did it on purpose?"

Hirota Hajime hurriedly asked, being the captain of the intelligence team is not an idiot, and Hasegawa understood what was going on as soon as he asked.

"Let's go back and ask."

Hasegawa walked out. He was ordered by Mitsui Amu to investigate the attack on Jiang Tengkong. After receiving the order, he hurried to the scene of the incident. He had not seen Jiang Tengkong and his men yet.

Hasegawa led people to the hospital. Several of Jiang Tengkong's men and the captain of the action team were there.


Asked about the situation, Hasegawa frowned. According to Jiang Tengkong's men, the bullet almost hit Jiang Tengkong's head.

He just moved his body in the air and escaped this disaster.

After being shot, Jiang Tengkong turned over and got out of the car. He was very experienced. Jiang Tengkong is a veteran intelligence agent and once served as a military attache to the Lieutenant Colonel. It is not surprising to have such a reaction.

Several people agreed that Hasegawa had no choice but to go back and report to the section chief.

In the office, Hasegawa told Mitsui Amu the results of the investigation in detail.

"What do you think of this matter?" After listening to the report, Mitsui Amu asked softly.

"Section Chief, I still suspect that Jiang Tengkong is acting. He knows his situation and wants to use this method to save his life.

Hasegawa insisted on his own idea. Although there was no evidence, it was enough to have doubts when doing intelligence work, and then he would add evidence to his doubts.

"Jiang Tengkong is not an ordinary person. Even I can't handle him without evidence."

Mitsui Amu said lightly, Hasegawa was slightly startled, and immediately understood that the section chief believed his suspicion, but real evidence was needed to deal with Jiang Tengkong.

After all, he was the leader of the operation team, and Jiang Tengkong didn't have a backstage. Without a backstage, he wouldn't have been able to become a military attache, let alone make such a big mistake and only be demoted to Shanghai.

After serving as the leader of the action team, he was even promoted to the chief section chief

Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel again.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to find the evidence."

Hasegawa said hurriedly, Mitsui Amu nodded and signaled Hasegawa to leave.

After he went out, Mitsui Maki thought quietly. Is Jiang Tengkong acting?

There is a possibility that although the torture plan is not good, it is very effective. If he is acting for a show and the assassin is really the Military Intelligence Department, then Jiang Tengkong's identity is worthy of scrutiny.

After thinking about it, Sanjiang Amu found some information.

This is the record of Jiang Tengkong's first trip to Nanjing to assassinate Chu Lingyun. It contains detailed accounts of each survivor's return.

According to what they said, the former leader of the operation, Kobayashi Kobayashi, did not trust Jiang Tengkong. He had always treated Jiang Tengkong very seriously since he left Shanghai, and Jiang Tengkong had no chance of leaving.

The subsequent escape was a narrow escape, and Jiang Tengkong himself was slightly injured.

This record shows that there is nothing wrong with Jiang Tengkong.

Mitsui Amu found the records of this operation again. Jiang Tengkong brought twenty people, which was a very large number. Moreover, he learned the lesson from the failed assassination of Kono Kobayashi. After arriving at the place, he broke it into pieces and only investigated Chu Lingyun. whereabouts.

He used a stupid method. He sent people to guard the intersection outside the Military Intelligence Office, found Chu Lingyun's vehicle, and recorded his travel patterns.

The early stage went well. Although the manpower required to guard the intersection was greater, and with so many passing cars, they didn't know which ones belonged to the Military Intelligence Department. However, after investigation, Chu Lingyun's vehicle was still found.

Unfortunately, they were discovered by the Chinese before they could take action.

Jiang Tengkong was very careful. After arriving in Nanjing, he never stayed in the same place permanently. As soon as he gathered all the team members, he would immediately change his residence.

When all the team members were called together for the last time, Jiang Tengkong found that one team had not arrived and evacuated immediately.

His caution saved him, and no sooner had they left than the Chinese found the place.

Afterwards, the Chinese pursued and intercepted them. After losing many people, he finally escaped from the city with the remaining people and left Nanjing immediately.

In this operation, Jiang Tengkong lost two of his closest men. Just looking at the records, we can't see any problems.

Jiang Tengkong is a villain who is afraid of death. He has no consciousness of dedicating himself to the empire and is more like a politician than an intelligence officer.

Mitsui Amu doesn't like such people because he himself is a politician-type soldier.

He knew very well that even if Jiang Tengkong surrendered to him, he would not work desperately for him like Hasegawa. At most, he would only support him. He is such a person himself, and he does not need similar people under his subordinates.

That's why he didn't accept Jiang Tengkong's surrender, but wanted to get rid of him.

From the current point of view, Jiang Tengkong doesn't look like he is acting. He is always on the verge of death no matter what time. It's just that he is very careful, never fights desperately, and does anything to survive.

Such people are indeed more likely to survive.

But he didn't stop Hasegawa's investigation. Hasegawa would get the best results from the investigation. If the investigation couldn't come out, it would have nothing to do with him, so he wouldn't have any influence.

Mitsui Amu will weigh the pros and cons of anything, and he will only support it if it is beneficial to him or does not affect his own interests.

At Nanjing Railway Station, Chu Lingyun returned.

"Master, why are you here?"

Among the people who picked him up, Chu Lingyun saw an unexpected person. Chang Jianfeng came unexpectedly. He hurriedly walked over and whispered.

"I'm fine at home. I heard you were coming back today, so I came to pick you up.

Chang Jianfeng smiled. It had been almost a week since he came back, but his father still refused to see him, which made him very uneasy.

He originally had a talkative person like Chu Lingyun by his side, but Chu Lingyun suddenly went out to perform a mission. During the two days without Chu Lingyun, he really lived like a year.

Today he asked specifically. Knowing that Chu Lingyun would be back in the evening, he offered to pick him up.

The person responsible for taking care of him did not dare to make the decision and reported it to Virgo. Virgo thought for a long time and finally agreed.

At present, the relationship between the eldest son and Chu Lingyun is very good. In the eyes of outsiders, the eldest son is indeed indifferent to the old man and does not even see him. Many people believe that the old man will not pay attention to the eldest son in the future.

There were quite a few people surrounding the Second Young Master, and even more people were optimistic about the Second Young Master.

But who is Virgo? He knows many secrets that others don't know.

In the future, the only person who can win is the eldest son, definitely not the second son. History has already proven that Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms did an even better job.

The eldest son treats Chu Lingyun differently, and it is a good thing for him. He will not stop him. Since the eldest son wants to pick up someone, let him do it. The old man just doesn't agree to see him and does not restrict his freedom.

However, the eldest son has a special status, and many people came to pick him up today to protect him.


Chu Lingyun thanked him softly and hurriedly took the eldest son into the car. He was not suitable to be seen outside for a long time.

"Ling Yun, what mission are you performing this time?"

After returning home, Chang Jianfeng asked immediately, and Chu Lingyun smiled slightly: "It's not a big task. The Japanese were defeated in my hands. They couldn't beat me head-on, so they tried to get rid of me with dirty assassinations. I This past assassination was a revenge assassination."

"Have you ever been assassinated?"

Chang Jianfeng's eyes widened. He had never heard Chu Lingyun say this before.


Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded, but these two were not considered real assassinations. The first time Jiang Tengkong informed him in advance, and this time Jiang Tengkong led the team himself, and all his actions were transparent.

This kind of assassination poses no threat to him.

"You are still good. If you don't push the Japanese to a certain level, they won't use such a dirty method as assassination."

Chang Jianfeng sincerely admired that making the enemy pay for the assassination proved that the enemy attached great importance to it, which was a kind of pride.

Chu Lingyun was just a deputy section chief, and even a team leader when he was assassinated. However, the Japanese tried so hard to get rid of him, which showed how powerful he was.

"Where are Teacher Chu and Mrs. Chu? Are they safe?"

Chang Jianfeng suddenly asked, since the enemy is targeting Chu Lingyun, the people around him will also be in danger. Teacher Chu is a good person, and it will be bad if the Japanese attack him.

"Don't worry, they are all fine and the Japanese will not find them.

"That's good."

Chang Jianfeng nodded lightly. He had met Chu Yuanchen, but he only knew that Chu Yuanchen was currently working as a principal in another place. He didn't even know where he was.

Looking at it now, it was clear that Chu Lingyun was protecting him intentionally.

Although he could understand it, Chang Jianfeng felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that such a thing had been hidden from him.

"My eldest son, your relationship with my father is different. If you are willing, I can take you to see my father at any time."

Just by looking at his appearance, Chu Lingyun understood what he was thinking. After he finished speaking, Chang Jianfeng's expression softened a lot.

If you are willing to take him to see Teacher Chu, you don't want to keep it a secret from him. It seemed that Chu Lingyun believed in him very much.

"No need for now, I will visit you in person when I have the chance."

Chang Jianfeng smiled and nodded. Chu Lingyun stopped dwelling on this topic and took the initiative to ask Chang Jianfeng some other interesting things.

Especially the things about childhood made Chang Jianfeng laugh. Early the next morning, Virgo knew what happened last night.

The eldest son had not smiled during Chu Lingyun's absence for a few days. When he came back, he made him laugh for a long time. Virgo was very satisfied.

The icing on the cake is not as good as giving someone timely assistance. The relationship that Chu Lingyun has established with the eldest son at this time is a relationship that cannot be compared or matched by others in the future.

After returning, Chu Lingyun came to Chang Jianfeng's place and didn't even return home.

At noon, Chu Lingyun accompanied Chang Jianfeng to dinner. The food today was very rich, and there was wine on the table. The two of them had a few sips.

"Chief Chu, I have your phone number. General Chen called in person." Just after dinner, his subordinates came over quickly to report that General Chen, whom Chu Lingyun knew,

There is only one, Chen Mutu.

"Master, I'm going to take a call first."

Chu Lingyun stood up, and Chang Jianfeng nodded. After he went out, he immediately asked: "Which General Chen is looking for Chief Chu?"

"General Chen Mutu."

The subordinate who reported the matter respectfully replied that the man in front of him was no ordinary person, he was the old man's eldest son. In the past, he would have been the crown prince.

Unexpectedly, Chief Chu could get along so well with the eldest son, and even often ate together.

Others don't have this treatment.

"General Chen Mutu."

Chang Jianfeng's brows jumped slightly. He knew that Chen Mutu was his father's favorite general and confidant, and his position was very important.

How could such a person know Chu Lingyun, a lieutenant colonel?

The difference in status between the two people is too great, and Chu Lingyun is not in the military, and he, a lieutenant colonel, has only just been promoted.

Not long after, Chu Lingyun returned after making the phone call.

"My lord, I'm sorry, General Chen wants to talk to me about something. I need to go out and I'll be back in a while."

It was indeed Chen Mutu who was looking for him. Chen Mutu originally called the Military Intelligence Department, but Chu Lingyun was not there and was on a mission and would not go back soon.

There was no other way, so he called Director Dai.

Chen Mutu personally called Chu Lingyun, and Virgo naturally would not stop him. Chen Mutu rejected his idea of ​​calling Chu Lingyun in person and asked for the call here.

"Okay, go ahead."

Chang Jianfeng nodded. He wanted to go with him and meet his father's favorite general, but at this time even his father didn't see him. He rashly went to meet his father's general, fearing that his father would have more ideas.

He suppressed the impulse and personally sent Chu Lingyun to the door. He watched Chu Lingyun get into the car and leave. He stood for a while until Chu Lingyun's car disappeared, and then returned to the living room.

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