Spy Shadow

Chapter 23 Preparing for arrest

Chapter 23 Preparing for arrest

Saleswoman Yuan Li is not from the Military Intelligence Department.

In order to prevent the spies from becoming suspicious, Chu Lingyun did not replace all the salespersons here with their own people, mixing old and new ones. The people sent by the Military Intelligence Office were mainly responsible for records, not sales.

Many old customers will remember their salesperson and rashly replace them all. Most people will not care, but spies may become suspicious.

Chu Lingyun wanted to ensure everything was perfect, and no detail could be missed.

The woman bought her things and left quickly.

"Captain, is there something wrong?"

After the woman left, Shen Hanwen came to Chu Lingyun and asked carefully.

Chu Lingyun nodded: "Yes, the target has appeared, it is this woman. Let the brothers follow. Remember, it is better to be lost than to wake up. We must find out where she is now."

Shen Hanwen was startled. The target appeared. Is it the woman just now?

But she didn't look like her at all. Compared with the women he had seen before, she was a completely different person.

But since Chu Lingyun said yes, he didn't dare to refute it. Before Chu Lingyun came to see the cosmetics, he didn't even know what was going on. Later it became clear that the captain had accurately found the Japanese spy through several cosmetic scents in the spy's house. Cosmetics used by spy women.

I have never even heard of this kind of ability.

"Captain, I'll go and watch it myself."

Now that the captain said she was the target, he would only obey orders. Shen Hanwen hurriedly changed his clothes and ran out quickly.

Chu Lingyun did not refuse. Among the members of the third team, Shen Hanwen was a scout. His ability to mark people was not inferior to those of the intelligence team.

More than two hours later, Chu Lingyun appeared at the intersection of Eternal Street.

"Captain, it's confirmed that she lives at No. 56."

Shen Hanwen wiped the sweat from his forehead and came out to report to Chu Lingyun. This female spy was extremely cunning and had strong counter-investigation capabilities.

If they hadn't made arrangements in advance and were cross-tracking, they would have almost lost track of them.

"Okay, let's hold on here first and arrest him as soon as support arrives."

Chu Lingyun arranged seven team members in Wanhui Mall. These team members have now been brought out by him, and there are eight people including him.

These two spies have been awakened and are most likely in a dormant state.

They had a radio station. Chu Lingyun didn't want to continue to play a long-term role and decided to arrest him first.

Both he and Wang Yuemin are in urgent need of a worthy achievement.

"Ling Yun, have you really found it?"

Half an hour later, Wang Yuemin personally brought two other action teams and members of the intelligence team to Wangu Street, which was enough to show how seriously he took this case.

"Go back to the webmaster. I'm sure they've been found. I've personally confirmed it, and both targets are at home now."

Chu Lingyun stood up straight and reported quickly that the spy was indeed cunning. This time she went out to buy cosmetics. Although she was herself, she was disguised.

Fortunately, Chu Lingyun was personally present at the scene. No matter how skilled the makeup artist was, there was no way he could hide from his fiery eyes.

"Okay, okay, great."

Wang Yuemin said three good words in a row and was extremely excited. He turned around in a circle. Wang Yuemin immediately gave Wang Jialiang and the other two captains a stern order: "For the next actions, everyone will follow Chu Lingyun's arrangements. Whose When someone has a problem, who am I to blame?"

Wang Yuemin brought out the entire action team. Except for the absence of the leader of the action team, everyone else came.

Including the more than 20 people from the intelligence team, there are more than 70 people in total. To arrest two Japanese spies, this formation is definitely enough.

"Yes, Station Commander, I promise to obey Captain Chu's orders."

The two leaders of the action team immediately stood up straight and saluted. Wang Jialiang felt a little sour, but he also said that he would definitely obey Chu Lingyun's order.

"The target is most likely to have a radio station. After you capture the person, you must quickly find the radio station and code book. In addition, the target may have a powerful grenade. Remember to pay attention and never give them any chance to resist."

Chu Lingyun was not pretentious. As soon as Wang Yuemin gave the order, he made arrangements.

The people in the action team are the main force, and the main attack force is his third team. When encountering this kind of opportunity to make meritorious deeds, Chu Lingyun will definitely consider his own people.

"Knock on the door later, remember what you said?"

Chu Lingyun looked at the security chief who was waiting aside. Before Wang Yuemin arrived, Chu Lingyun was not idle and investigated the situation here.

Wangu Street is not a place where rich people live together like Jinsan Lane, but it is not a slum area either. Most of the people living here are middle-class people.

House No. 56 is rented out. It has been rented out for a long time. Someone has just moved in recently, and it is a couple who moved in.

After showing the photos to the security chief, it was determined that they were the two people who originally lived in Jinsan Lane. Their current names are Zhao Yuanming and Sun Li.

The security chief also confirmed through neighbors that both of them are currently at home.

"Remember, remember, sir, don't worry, I will definitely do it according to your arrangements."

The security chief hurriedly bent down to reply. He was not an ordinary citizen. He had heard of the Military Intelligence Agency, which was a powerful military organization that supervised the police and the army, and that killed people first and then gave them real power.

In the past, this was Jin Yiwei, with great power.

The security guard didn't dare to make any mistakes in their instructions.

"Go ahead."

After making sure it was correct, Chu Lingyun winked at the security guard. The security guard stood up straight, adjusted his mood, and led someone to knock on the door.

Shen Hanwen and Zhong Hui were following him. As soon as the door opened, they would take action first.

The other team members are hiding in the dark, ready to take action at any time.

"Stationmaster, I'll go over and keep an eye on you."

After they were in place, Chu Lingyun said to Wang Yuemin, and Wang Yuemin took his arm: "You don't have to go, just wait here with me."

During the arrest operation, danger may arise at any time. Watanabe Ichiro has a grenade in his hand, not to mention his line.

Wang Yuemin was doing this for Chu Lingyun's sake, for fear that something might happen to him.

Chu Lingyun understood what he meant and was pulled directly by Wang Yuemin. He thought it was impossible to go over and could only stay and wait together.

"Open the door, open the door."

The security guard knocked on the door hard and his tone was very harsh, which was in line with his usual image.

Chu Lingyun had told him that he should look like him now as he usually does.


A female voice came from inside. Shen Hanwen and Zhong Hui looked at each other and frowned.

The best result is for the man to come and open the door, so that they can control the man immediately, and it will be much simpler and easier to catch a woman.

If a woman opens the door, they will have to make certain changes in their actions. They can only wait until they get in before looking for an opportunity to take action.

"It's me, Chief Wang, open the door quickly."

The security chief yelled loudly. He, the security chief, was the leader of this area, and ordinary people would not dare to offend him.

The woman inside came to the door, looked outside through the crack in the door, and then opened the door.

"What are you doing waiting around?"

Wang Baochang looked impatient and strode in. Shen Hanwen and Zhong Hui, his followers, followed him in.

"Bao Zhang Wang, what can I do for you?"

The woman had lost her disguise now. Because she lived in a different place, she didn't wear much makeup and she looked not as beautiful as when she lived in Jinsan Lane.

However, the fragrance on her body was still so obvious. Wang Baochang took two greedy sips with a wicked smile on his face.

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