Spy Shadow

Extra 5: Reunited again

Chu Lingyun was in China for three months and secretly reached more than 20 cooperation agreements with Xu Xiansheng.

Part of the agreement has already been implemented to help them sell more things to the outside world and obtain the much-needed foreign exchange. Some cooperation projects are operated through Mr. Huo and directly send them some foreign exchange.

Taipei, airport.

Zheng Guangtao stood in the center, waiting for the plane to arrive.

His uncle has passed away long ago. Now he is the highest-ranking and most influential person in the Zheng family. He is beside the eldest son and is mainly responsible for internal intelligence and screening work. It is not war time, but intelligence is still important, especially The eldest son is a person who attaches great importance to intelligence.

Zheng Guangtao is now in his sixties and is no longer the young man he was before.

But his attitude towards Chu Lingyun has never changed. Chu Lingyun has always been his most admired boss and idol.

No matter what field he is in, his idol is the best and strongest.

The plane appeared at the airport, and Zheng Guangtao immediately stood up straight.

He was accompanied by more than twenty old people.

They are all people from the former inspection room. The name of the inspection room has been changed a long time ago, but the people have not dispersed. They have continued Chu Lingyun's strategy back then. When they get older, they will retire and give opportunities to young people.

The number of people in the inspection room is no longer what it was before, but the combat effectiveness is indeed quite strong.

The plane landed slowly, and everyone, led by Zheng Guangtao, walked forward together.

Soon Chu Lingyun appeared at the door of the cabin. This time he was sending his parents back to China. When he came out, his parents and sister had stayed in China. His sister would stay with her parents in China for a while, and then return to the United States after her parents fully adapted to life in China.


Seeing Chu Lingyun, Zheng Guangtao greeted him respectfully. At this time, Zheng Guangtao looked a little older than Chu Lingyun, and he had a lot of white hair on his temples.

"Why are there so many people here?"

After getting off the plane and seeing many familiar faces around him, Chu Lingyun couldn't help but ask.

"They haven't seen you for a long time. When they know you are back, they all want to come and pick you up."

Zheng Guangtao smiled and replied that this time it was indeed everyone who knew Chu Lingyun was back and came here specially.

In fact, only representatives came to the airport, and more people were waiting.

The last time Chu Lingyun came back was when the old man left. It had been more than five years ago. No one, including Zheng Guangtao, had seen Chu Lingyun in more than five years.

"Go back and talk."

Chu Lingyun nodded. This is the airport, not a place suitable for chatting. Everyone gets on the bus together. Taipei has developed well in the past few years. The welfare benefits of the inspection office have always been very good. Basically every family has a car.

There are enough vehicles to pick people up.

Chu Lingyun has a residence in Taipei, but there were many people here this time, so he did not go home directly. Zheng Guangtao took him to the place where the inspection office used to be.

The current office location has been changed a long time ago, but Zheng Guangtao did not throw away the old location. Instead, he bought it and converted it into a senior citizen club in the inspection room. All retirees can come over at any time to play ball, chat, or do other entertainment projects.

Zheng Guangtao kept all of them, including the previous auditorium.

"Director, please."

Arriving at the door of the auditorium, Zheng Guangtao made a gesture of invitation. Chu Lingyun glanced at him and walked in directly.

There were people inside, and there were quite a few of them, three to four hundred people.

There were two people in front. When they saw Chu Lingyun coming in, they immediately rushed to greet them.

"Team leader."

The two people at the front shouted happily, Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen were both there.

Chu Lingyun was even more surprised, and Zheng Guangtao came from behind and said softly: "It's your birthday in two days. I contacted Director Zhao and the others and it happened that you were going back to Taipei to celebrate your birthday. "

There were nearly four hundred people, and except for the old employees in the inspection room, the rest were all members of the war situation team.

The war situation group of 500 people at that time had more than 400 people left after the war. In subsequent wars, some people stayed in the country or encountered

Unexpectedly, only about 300 people retreated to Taipei.

Over the past thirty years, many people have passed away one after another, and now there are only more than a hundred people from the war team still alive here.

The situation in the inspection room is slightly better, but the benefits are limited.

The inspection office was established late, but when the candidates were selected, there were still many older people, such as Jia Changguo, who was initially selected by Chu Lingyun himself.

He passed away eight years ago.

The rest of the inspection room, those who were still in Taipei, basically all came here. I am talking about those subordinates when Chu Lingyun was here.

Zheng Guangtao did not notify those people after Chu Lingyun left.

"Team leader."


The rest of the people got up one after another. They had some mobility difficulties, but even if they were in wheelchairs and being supported, they still had to come here today.

Chu Lingyun walked over slowly and looked at each of them carefully.

He remembered everyone's names and could tell their past events, but these people in front of him were all old.

Especially the old men in the war situation group. They were all heroes of the Anti-Japanese War and had been lurking in Shanghai with him for eight years.

How many eight years are there in life?

They dedicated their best youth to the country.

"Is your leg an old injury from the past?"

When he came to an old member of the war situation team and saw that he could no longer stand up, Chu Lingyun couldn't help but ask.

He had been injured before, having been shot in the leg.

"It's because of that time. I didn't expect you to still remember it, team leader."

The person who was asked by Chu Lingyun replied excitedly. In fact, he was one year younger than Chu Lingyun, but he looked much older and could not walk normally now.

"How is your life lately? Are there any difficulties?"

"No, we live well."

The man in the wheelchair shook his head hastily. The people in their war situation group were doing well.

They have always belonged to the eldest son, who has never treated them badly. Moreover, when Ni Loach was the director of the intelligence department, he established his own industry just like the inspection office.

These industries have caught up with the development of welfare and are very profitable. Their retirement life will be comfortable with food and clothing.

"That's good."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. In fact, Ni Loach, a member of the old war team, had always been involved. If anyone had difficulties in life, Chu Lingyun did not need to tell him, Ni Loach would help solve the problem himself.

Today's loaches are also rich.

Chu Lingyun shook hands with everyone and spent a lot of time.

No one knows when we will meet next time after this meeting.

In other words, it is almost impossible to gather so many people at once. As time goes by and as they grow older, there will be fewer and fewer people alive in the future. Without any of them, it is impossible to gather again.

Even now, many people are gone, but Zheng Guangtao is very careful. Those who leave deliberately put their photos on the chairs to let Chu Lingyun know who they are.

There are a few exceptions that have gone abroad and cannot come back this time.

Today is either a meeting or a meeting.

By the way, to celebrate Chu Lingyun's birthday in advance, Zheng Guangtao had already booked a hotel. A large hotel was all booked by him.

This hotel is the property of their inspection office, and no one can say anything about it if it is not open to the public.

"Team leader, I'd like to toast you."

In the hotel, after Zheng Guangtao, Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen toasted with wine, Yu Huaqiang took the initiative to pick up the wine glass.

He also lost contact with the organization for a period of time, but fortunately he regained contact with the organization not long ago, so that he and Cuihua would not become disconnected kites.

But being away from home for more than thirty years is not a good feeling.

They miss their hometown all the time and want to go back and see it.

In this regard, they are not as good as Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli was alone. After Kubo's death, he had no worries. After contacting the organization, he tried his best to return to the country. Now he is traveling around the country and living a very relaxed life.

"Okay, drink less."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. He knew Yu Huaqiang's situation best. It was not easy for Yu Huaqiang to be disconnected for so long.

Whether it is Chen Zhanli or Yu Huaqiang, it is all due to Chu Lingyun that they can regain contact with the organization.

Chen Zhanli can go back, but it is not convenient for Yu Huaqiang.

But it won't be long before Yu Huaqiang will have the opportunity to go back. After working for the organization for so long and struggling for so long, their most basic request is to go home and see them. Chu Lingyun will find a way to help them realize this.

Yu Huaqiang's drinking capacity was average, which Chu Lingyun had known for a long time.

In fact, Chu Lingyun doesn't drink much now. As he gets older, his alcohol capacity will decrease, not to mention that Chu Lingyun is not a person who likes to drink.

Chu Lingyun tasted every glass of wine.

Even so, he drank a lot in the end, and everyone at the table came to toast. Even the eldest son sent someone here specially.

The eldest son is very busy himself and has no time. Chu Lingyun will go to his place tomorrow.

"Hanwen, how many more children are there outside?"

When they went back, Shen Hanwen and Chu Lingyun were in a car, and his words made Shen Hanwen chuckle.

"Not recently. I'm getting older and it's hard to give birth."

"No, what happened to Portugal?"

Chu Lingyun glared at Shen Hanwen, and Shen Hanwen was very surprised. He didn't expect that the team leader knew everything about him outside.

At the beginning of this year, he did give birth to a child in Portugal.

"With so many children, do you want to form your own United Nations?"

When Chu Lingyun asked again, Shen Hanwen hurriedly shook his head: "No, I'm going to follow you here. The United Nations is definitely not possible."

"Twenty-five now, you can form a team to play football. Forget it, I won't talk about you."

Chu Lingyun shook his head again. Who would have thought that Shen Hanwen, who was unwilling to start a family at the beginning, would become the same person with the most children.

Twenty-five children, more than he, Ni Loach, and Chu Yuan had together.

Chu Lingyun succeeded in standing at the top through marriage and equity exchange, but he had only just entered. Shen Hanwen was awesome. His children had all kinds of skin colors, and it was a mixed bag.

But Shen Hanwen is rich and has no problem raising these children.

Since he likes it, let him go. Shen Hanwen does things in a measured way. Every woman is given enough benefits. The children are protected. No one has any requirements for him. If he really meets the kind of person who wants to marry him, Shen Hanwen Chinese will definitely run.

It was useless to chase him. Anyway, Shen Hanwen lived everywhere and rarely stayed in one place for a long time.

This time I am returning to Taipei, and I don’t know where I will go next.

"Team leader, don't worry, I won't give birth anymore."

Shen Hanwen chuckled, while Chu Lingyun was speechless. Shen Hanwen said this ten years ago, but the result was that he never controlled it and had more and more children.

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