Spy Shadow

Chapter 1061

The headquarters has been built a long time ago, and until now, everyone is gathered here.

Many people came to the headquarters for the first time and were full of praise for the place. Shuicheng Jun decorated it with great care and used all good things inside, including many luxury goods.

The renovation of the entire headquarters cost tens of millions of yen.

Small conference room, everyone sits together.

Just like the previous literary club, there was no rostrum or speech box. Everyone knelt down casually to shorten the distance between each other.

Many new members are looking forward to it. They have never met the president, but they have heard his name many times.

During the war, the president was extremely powerful. He could be said to be the most powerful person in the empire.

After the defeat, many of the original big shots met a miserable end. For example, Tojo and the others were all executed, but the president was fine. Not only did he save his life, but he also reopened Genjin Shrine and pushed Takemoto to the position of head of the special search department. in an important position.

A capable person is a capable person, and he can turn over again as long as he has a chance.

The door was opened, and Shuicheng Jun opened it and stood aside respectfully.

Everyone stood up immediately, and there was only one person who could make Jun Shuicheng have such an attitude, their president Hiroshi Ishihara.

The person who came in was indeed Ishihara Hiroshi.

Hiroshi Ishihara is not yet forty this year, so he is very young. It is even more difficult to fall into a relationship at such a young age.

"Ishihara-kun, please."

Shuicheng Jun pointed to the center. The futon there was different from other places. It was not only larger, but also brightly colored, dark yellow.

Chu Lingyun was not polite, walked over and sat down directly.

Mizunoshi Shunze sat next to him. Takemoto was not here today. He had a mission and could not leave. However, he had met Ishihara Hiroshi yesterday and talked about future development.

Takemoto's current task is to maintain the special search department well and let Inoue take over in the future.

The Special Investigation Department needs to be in their hands and cannot be left to outsiders.

Currently, the Special Investigation Department is their sharpest sword.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

Chu Lingyun sat down first. Others did not dare to sit down before he sat down.

"Some of you are my old friends and know me very well. They followed me when I was in China and understand my style and requirements of doing things. I am very happy to have many new friends today. I believe you are in other places. He has heard of me and knows me to a certain extent.”

Chu Lingyun said slowly, and some people couldn't help but nod.

If they join the Yuanshen Society, they will definitely inquire about the situation in the society, and the president is the top priority.

But no matter how much they know, they only listen to what others say and have no real interaction with them, so they still feel a little guilty.

"You already know our social rules. These are the basic principles. No one is allowed to violate them. The social rules are not static and will be changed according to the situation in the future. What I want to say today is, don't think that you can do things that are not stipulated in the social rules. Even if there are no regulations, if you go too far and harm the interests of the Yuan Shrine, you will still be severely punished. "

What Chu Lingyun said is that you must abide by the society's rules and pay more attention to other aspects.

The final right of interpretation rests with me. If there are no social rules that make me angry, I can still deal with you.

Many people were shocked to see that Hiroshi Ishihara was as powerful as the rumors said.

With this addition, they need to pay more attention in the future, otherwise they may be unlucky without even knowing the reason.

Nowadays, few people dare to underestimate Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Our recruitment requirements are very strict. If you can stand out among so many applicants and become one of our own people, I believe that you are all very good talents. Don't be afraid of your abilities being buried. Show me your abilities if you have them." Come out, our Yuan Shrine only provides key support to people with strong abilities."

The meaning of Chu Lingyun's words is more obvious. If you want to get help and be promoted quickly, then use your full strength to serve the Yuan Shrine.

It is to let them truly regard Yuan Shrine as their home and do their work wholeheartedly and seriously.

Shuicheng Jun said nothing, he already knew this.

The name has changed, the system has changed, but the core essence has not changed.

As before, Ishihara Hiroshi also asked them to be sincere, consider everything in the interests of Genjin Shrine, and do things on this basis.

This is normal, they join Yuanshen Society because they want a better future.

If you don't perform and don't give, why should you be given resources and support to be promoted?

It's just that unlike the literary club before, there is a contribution level as the most intuitive data. Once the contribution level is reached, you can be directly promoted.

"As for your performance, we will evaluate your performance regularly and then give you scores. The higher your score, the more resources you will get. We will eliminate a few of those with the lowest scores every year. I still say, Yuanshen Shrine does not want mediocrity, let alone mediocrity. For those who have different thoughts, it is best to say hello in advance so that we can get together and disperse. Don't wait until something happens later and everyone turns their backs, which will be ugly then. "

Although Chu Lingyun did not use contribution points, he introduced a new points system, which was similar to contribution points. .

And they have been eliminated at the bottom, forcing them to work hard and do things for the Yuan Shrine. Otherwise, if they are expelled, their career will not only be affected, but also more embarrassing.

"President, could you please ask me what are the items and conditions for our scoring?"

One person asked carefully. Chu Lingyun looked at him and nodded with a smile: "This is a good question. It mainly focuses on your contribution to the society. When you are outside, you have done things that are meaningful or have a good impact on the society. Likewise, If you bring disgrace to the club, points will be deducted. The basic score for each person is zero. Shuicheng Jun will tell you in detail how to add and subtract points. "

Naturally, Chu Lingyun had the final say on how the scores were calculated. Shuisheng Jun knew this a long time ago and admired Ishihara Hiroshi very much.

This is not a contribution system, but it is better than a contribution system.

If you want high scores and receive support, you must do better. In the past, you could exchange for what you wanted if you had contribution points. Now, you have to work hard to perform and strive to make your scores higher.

Only if you are higher than others can you get the greatest support from the society.

For example, if you want to be promoted, but your level is very high, then you need to get the first score to help you. If you fail to reach it this year, your score will be cleared next year, and you need to start working hard again.

This forces them to do it as quickly as possible, and his competitors are not only outsiders, but also internal members.

Of course, if he does really well and has the opportunity, even if his score is not the highest, he will still be helped.

The premise is that the score cannot be too low. A low score proves that you are not as hardworking as others. If others work harder than you, you will get fewer resources. In the end, you can’t blame anyone. Others do better than you.

In this way, members can work hard and reduce some of their efforts.

Previous contributions can be accumulated over time and can be redeemed whenever you want.

There are also disadvantages. For example, if you fail to get the results you want several times in a row, some members can't help but feel discouraged. At this time, their flexibility comes into play. If you pass the assessment and recognize your hard work, you can be given additional rewards.

Don't let your efforts go to waste.

In short, if you want to get more, you need to do more.

"New members, please introduce yourself."

After Chu Lingyun finished talking about the things that needed attention, he asked the new people to introduce themselves.

New members all know that this is a very critical step, and some of the old members received special care because they introduced themselves well.

They made preparations in advance.

The first person immediately started talking about himself. What he said was indeed good, and it could be seen that he had done his homework.

He is not the only smart person. Everyone has done their homework, and it depends on who does it more carefully and conscientiously.

And this time Chu Lingyun will not introduce himself to them to make arrangements. There was no system before, but now that there is a system, let's follow the system.

Let them introduce themselves so that Chu Lingyun can get to know each of them in detail.

Just looking at the profile is not enough, you can have a deeper understanding through their self-introduction.

"This will be everyone's new home from now on. You can come here when you have nothing to do. There will be someone on duty here every day."

After everyone was introduced, Chu Lingyun stood up. Shuicheng Jun will be in charge here. There are two parts to the members' scoring. Shuicheng Jun is responsible for the visible part, and Takemoto is responsible for the secret part.

The agents trained by Kubo have not graduated yet, and some will be allocated to Takemoto after graduation.

They are not part of the special search department, and they only investigate the situation at Yuan Shrine to prevent anyone from cheating on the score.

This kind of thing is normal and inevitable, and it is necessary to take precautions.

Time passed slowly, and Qi Limin was very busy now.

He was given a new task from above.

Ask him to find out the details of the battlefield. How can he find out? The Secrecy Bureau didn't make any arrangements before they were there. It's even harder now.

But it was impossible not to check, so he had no choice but to send someone over.

The second step is to find out the situation in the mainland and Russia. The mainland is okay. Although many hidden agents have been lost, there are still people who have survived after all. Let them do the task. It is too difficult in Russia.

Qi Limin simply had no suitable solution.

He could only send people again, and sending people like this was purely harmful. Qi Limin didn't care about it at all, and just let his men die. Anyway, it was them who died, not him. At least he could give an explanation to his superiors.

"Hasn't the team leader replied yet?"

Zhong Hui found Loach. He looked nervous and anxious.

Qi Limin actually sent him to lead a team to Russia. Wouldn't this cost his life?

He doesn’t even speak Russian, so what can he do when he gets there?

While looking through the list, Qi Limin discovered Zhong Hui. When Zhong Hui was transferred to the prison, he knew that someone helped him find his way and wanted him to go to the prison to take care of his own people.

After receiving a lot of benefits and having a deputy position, Qi Limin didn't care.

This time he wanted to send someone to die, so he naturally thought of this person.

He was hesitant at first.

Zhong Hui followed Chu Lingyun in the early days, but never followed him later. However, thinking that he had been at Shanghai Station for a long time, Qi Limin finally decided to let him go.

Since he is not one of his own, he will not feel bad if he dies.

He did not dare to reuse people who had followed Chu Lingyun at will, for fear of falling into Chu Lingyun's counter-intentional schemes.

After receiving the order, Zhong Hui immediately became anxious and immediately went to find Chu Lingyun. As a result, the people in the inspection room told him that their director went to Japan and did not say when he would return.

Unable to find Chu Lingyun, he had no choice but to find Loach.

Loach said he would report to the team leader, but in fact he didn't mention it at all.

Qi Limin's sudden order became a very good opportunity for him to make a move. How could he miss such an opportunity.

"Don't worry, the team leader is busy over there. Don't worry, he will never sit idly by."

Ni Yao comforted Zhong Hui, could Zhong Hui not be in a hurry? Qi Limin asked him to leave tomorrow. If he really went out, there would be no chance for him to come back.

"Director Zhao, Brother Zhao, please tell me something quickly. We have to leave tomorrow and we don't have time."

"Okay, you wait, I'm going to send an urgent telegram now."

Ni Loach comforted him and ran to the telecommunications team to send a telegram. In fact, he did not send any telegram to Chu Lingyun at all.

It didn't take long for him to come back with a message.

"The team leader has made arrangements for you. You should leave immediately for Hong Kong and hide there for a while. When the team leader comes back to help you solve the problem, he will transfer you directly to the inspection room."

"Why don't you just transfer me there?"

Zhong Hui's eyes widened, and Loach's expression darkened: "Are you really not understanding or are you pretending not to understand? Now the team leader and Qi Limin have completely turned against each other. If he issues this order, either you will not be able to pass, or what will come is your body." , If you want to die, I will do it for you now."

"Brother Zhao, it's my fault, don't be angry, I understand, I will go to Hong Kong right away.

Zhong Hui had no doubts about Loach's explanation. It was true that once the team leader transferred someone, it was impossible for Qi Limin to agree. Even if he was forced to agree, he would secretly attack him.

The team leader is not here, and it is important for him to save his life now.

Hong Kong is the territory of their team leader. Once in Hong Kong, Qi Limin can't do anything to him.

"Go ahead, I'll make arrangements for you."

Ni Loach smiled and said that Zhong Hui was disobeying orders and absconding. After arriving in Hong Kong, Ni Loach had a hundred ways to kill him.

But the best way to die is by accident.

This is not difficult. Loach cannot be as perfect as Chu Lingyun, but he still has the ability to create some minor accidents.

Zhong Hui doesn't know that his life has entered a countdown.

Qi Limin wanted him to die, and Loach didn't want him to live either. He had no ability to resist at all.

The next day, the Bureau of Secrecy.

Qi Limin's face was ashen. Several people he sent to Russia and others had arrived, but Zhong Hui, the team leader who had been temporarily arranged, did not come.

He asked someone to call, but no one answered the call at Zhong Hui's house, so he had no choice but to send someone directly to his house to find someone.

"Secretary, no, Zhong Hui ran away and didn't come back yesterday. All the valuables in the house are gone."

Soon the person who was sent came back to report. Qi Limin was startled and slammed the table angrily: "Asshole, how dare he? I have to dig three feet to find him."

If Zhong Hui refuses to accept the order, he is a traitor to the Secret Bureau and must be punished.

Without Zhong Hui, he could only temporarily appoint another person as the team leader and send them there first. This was a task from above and he had to do it.

Whether there are any results will be discussed later.

Even if he doesn't do anything, the higher-ups won't let him go.

It is not difficult to investigate Zhong Hui. It is certain that he has run away, but no one knows where he went.

Two days later, Qi Limin received news that Zhong Hui had appeared in Hong Kong, and he ran there.

Qi Limin was so angry that he took pictures of the table and directly arranged for people to go to Hong Kong secretly to punish Zhong Hui.

In Hong Kong, Zhong Hui was in a rental house and he didn't dare to go out.

He understood that Qi Limin would not let him go after he ran over, and Ni Loach also told him to keep a low profile first.

He applied to hide in Chu's company, but Loach refused and scolded him.

Loach asked him if he was being stupid?

Now that he is running away and going to Chu Company on his own initiative, he wants to involve the team leader first. Is there no way to help him deal with it?

The director cannot stand above Ming, otherwise how can he help him operate.

Hiding in the Chu Company would not give Qi Limin a reason to go to Wang Yuemin rather than hiding in the Chu Company.

There is no other way, Zhong Hui can only visit his old leader Wang Yuemin.

Wang Yuemin had already received the report from Ni Loach and arranged for him to stay at this place.

In fact, it is the best choice for Qi Limin to send people to punish Zhong Hui with a borrowed knife, but Ni Loach will not do this. Zhong Hui knows too many things. Faced with the threat of death, he dares to say anything. Ni Loach will not take this risk. .

The place where he is hiding now is very safe. Wang Yuemin made arrangements for him carefully, just to prevent Qi Limin from finding him.

"Has the food been delivered?"

Outside the house, someone asked him immediately after the food delivery person came out.

"Sent in."


The person who asked the question did not speak. In order to avoid being found by the people sent by Qi Limin, Ni Loach arranged for Zhong Hui not to go out casually, otherwise he would not be blamed for being assassinated.

There is an old department over there in Loach, who is responsible for this operation.

It had been three days since Zhong Hui had moved in. Ni Loach sent his capable men over to observe the situation.

See if Zhong Hui eats the food he sent.

After three consecutive days of observation, the garbage thrown out by Zhong Hui contained leftovers. Since he had never been out, Loach's old team could confirm that Zhong Hui had eaten their food.

The food delivered this time had extra ingredients for him.

Not poison, but sleeping pills.

This is Hong Kong, not Taipei. It would be much easier to cause an accident and kill Zhong Hui.

At two o'clock in the morning, the two came outside Zhong Hui's house.

Zhong Hui lived in a building with a lock inside, but this did not trouble them.

One person quickly opened the door, and the two of them sneaked in quietly.

The two left half an hour later, not forgetting to erase all fingerprints.

They used to be professional agents, and even if they no longer work, they still have the same ability to act, but decades have passed and all these abilities have been forgotten.

Zhong Hui died, died in the bathroom, was electrocuted.

On the surface, it seemed that he accidentally got an electric shock while taking a shower. There was no trace of anyone else in the room. It was also an accident when he was discovered. As for the police station, they had already informed him that they would treat it as an accident and close the case directly. .

Loach thought about letting Zhong Hui disappear directly, but that might arouse Qi Limin's suspicion.

Even if Zhong Hui runs away, Chu Lingyun can still bring him back, but if he keeps missing, Qi Limin might think of something.

Qi Limin was very suspicious, and in order to avoid accidents, he finally decided to let Zhong Hui die unexpectedly as planned.

Originally, he was allowed to die in Taipei, but now it is changed to Hong Kong, which is more beneficial to Loach.

"Dead? Are you sure?"

It was already three days later when Qi Limin received the news. He was stunned and asked in disbelief.

"Our people went to see it and were sure it was Zhong Hui. According to our people's investigation, Zhong Hui was unwilling to go to Russia to perform a mission and wanted to ask Chu Lingyun for help in transferring him. It happened that Chu Lingyun went to Japan, so he went to find him. Zhao San later fled to Hong Kong.”

"After arriving in Hong Kong, he found the house arranged by the old officer Wang Yuemin. Wang Yuemin arranged for him. Zhao San sent someone to deliver food to him. But one day he took a shower by himself and electrocuted himself."

The person who reported it was a little gloating. Zhong Hui was afraid of going to Russia and did not hesitate to escape, but unfortunately he still could not escape.

Sure enough, if the King of Hell asks you to die at the third watch, you will not survive until the fifth watch.

"Don't let them come back first, and find out the true cause of Zhong Hui's death."

After thinking about it, Qi Limin ordered that Loach's worry was not unreasonable, and a normal death also aroused Qi Limin's suspicion.

If Chu Lingyun hadn't left early and didn't know the mission he had received, Qi Limin would have thought more.

"Yes, seat."

The director is suspicious, and there are no accidents among his men. Just check, but it will only waste a few more days.

But in his heart, this was just an accident, and the director was just overthinking it.

In Tokyo, Chu Lingyun has received Ni Loach's message.

Zhong Hui died in an accident.

Ni Loach reported all the causes and consequences, but did not say that he was the one who killed Ni Loach. Chu Lingyun understood that this was not an accident.

When it's time to take action, Loach never shows mercy.

Not to mention that Loach didn't like Zhong Hui in the first place. He always thought he was a traitor and didn't follow him to take over his position.

Chu Lingyun did not blame Loach. After all, Zhong Hui's existence was indeed a huge hidden danger.

Loach would never give up such a good opportunity.

The fact that Loach didn't report it at the beginning proved that it was impossible for him to keep Zhong Hui anyway.

However, this incident made Chu Lingyun a little embarrassed.

His heart is still not hard enough. If he were hard enough, he would have dealt with Zhong Hui, and he would have to let Loach help in the end.

It is actually good to have someone who is very flexible and can do the dirty work for him. Chu Lingyun can save a lot of energy and trouble.

Chu Lingyun has not left Tokyo for the time being, but Mike is busy every day.

The U.S. military is ready for full-scale intervention. South Korea's performance during the war made the United States very angry. As a Chinese saying goes, "A Dou cannot be helped."

This was the case with the Kuomintang before, and it is the same with the current South Korean army.

They were beaten and retreated steadily, losing large areas of territory.

If the fight continues like this, they may have to go into exile overseas.

If Guo Jun hid in Taiwan, where could these people hide?

Chu Lingyun didn't go to see Mike, but he knew very well what happened to Mike.

He has more than one spy.

Thomas is still here.

"The general is cursing people every day now. He wanted to intervene early, but the old guys in Congress are still discussing. The general said they can continue the discussion. They can discuss it until the end of the war. What's the use of him going there then?"

Thomas was reporting the latest situation in front of Chu Lingyun.

"That's what they are, don't worry about them."

Chu Lingyun shook his head slightly. South Korea's performance was not good. It was only a matter of time before the US military fully intervened. Now the United States is wooing other countries to build momentum for its participation in the war.


Thomas lowered his head and replied. He didn't dare to resist Chu Lingyun now. If he wanted to continue to live a good life, he must hold Chu Lingyun's thigh tightly.

After Thomas left, Chu Lingyun wrote down the key points of his report today.

In a few days, all the information will be consolidated and sent to the country.

As the war continued, Taipei became more lively. Some people were even discussing the strength of both sides in this war, comparing them with them, and comparing them with the Red Party.

Many people concluded that neither army on either side could compare with them.

The data was pretty good, and it was the same when they compared the organizations. No matter how they calculated it, they were the winners, but the result was that they were losing ground.

Some officers even set up a sand table for simulations.

They were divided into two sides and fought back and forth on the sandbox. At one point, the Korean supporters even fought back.

Reality always likes to give them a slap in the face.

As time went on, South Korea and the US military continued to retreat and lost more territory.

Every time their deductions were wrong, many people were angry and yelled.

I really don’t know how the Koreans fought. Any other pig would have been better than them.

The scolders seemed to have forgotten that they themselves were even less good at the beginning. They were victorious in every deduction, but they were a mess when fighting, no matter who could run faster.

Those who stayed behind were the faster ones, while the slower ones were caught or died.

Qi Limin finally looked better when he came back from the old man's visit.

The people he sent to the battlefield got some information. Although it was not particularly important, the information was very accurate. It meant that a certain place was about to be attacked and might not be able to defend it.

The results were as he reported and he was praised.

The intelligence department did not make preparations in advance and was very weak there. The people above did not blame Qi Limin. They did it first and then gradually expanded it. If they can get these small pieces of information now, they will have the opportunity to get big information in the future.

"Director, the new investigation results are out. Our people went to check the scene and found nothing."

His subordinates came over to report, and then Qi Limin remembered that it was about Zhong Hui.

He read the investigation results carefully and then nodded: "Since it is really an accident, let's withdraw our people."

Now the Secret Bureau is short of manpower, especially experienced old agents. There has been nothing going on in Hong Kong recently, and he already has his subordinates there. This time, he sent people to investigate because he suspected that there was something hidden behind Zhong Hui's death.

Since it was determined to be a pure accident, there was no need to continue investigating.

Qi Limin was indeed very careful. The devil was one foot higher than the other, but this time the loach completely suppressed him. In this duel, Qi Limin lost completely.

Loach has solved the biggest hidden danger, and Qi Limin doesn't even know what happened.

There are more than one hidden dangers, so Loach is not in a hurry. Give him time to take his time and solve them one by one.

Now the others need to be appeased.

Such as Du Boyong.

"Did you kill Zhonghui?"

Du Boyong took the initiative to contact them. After the successful bribery last time, in order to prevent the need to rescue people again in the future, Loach did not break this thread.

The person who contacted Du Boyong was Chu Yuan, but Chu Yuan was not using his original appearance.

"His death has nothing to do with us. Qi Limin wanted him to die, but he didn't want to go and went to Hong Kong to join his old chief. We don't know where he went. We just gave him money and nothing else."

Chu Yuan shook his head. Loach did it, but he would not admit it.

He also has this ability to tell lies with open eyes.

"It's really not you?" Du Boyong was still confused.

"You idiot, he has already gone to Hong Kong. Do we need to kill him? Besides, what benefit will killing him bring to us? Or do you think we can directly influence Qi Limin and arrange a mission for him to die, or do we Can Wang Yuemin kill him?"

Chu Yuan couldn't help but cursed. In fact, they could indeed do this, but this time it was really an accident.

"It's okay if it's not you."

Du Boyong breathed a sigh of relief and thought about it carefully. What the other party said made sense. Zhong Hui's death would not be good for them. Moreover, the order was indeed given by the director.

If they really wanted the director to do anything, why would they have bothered so much before?

"But I warn you, don't play any tricks. If anything happens to me, what you did will be exposed immediately."

Du Boyong was not stupid, especially Zhong Hui's death reminded him.

Regardless of whether they did it or not, you must leave a way out to prevent them from being silenced afterwards.

"Don't worry, we don't want you to die. There will be things we need you to do in the future."

Chu Yuan smiled, Du Boyong nodded lightly, and the meeting between the two ended quickly.

Stabilize him first. As for his warning, Chu Yuan has no worries. Ni Loach can definitely solve this kind of thing.

In terms of clever ideas, ten Du Boyong are no better than one finger of a loach.

In Hong Kong, the alchemists are getting busier.

He is seizing time to purchase various medical supplies, including gauze bandages, surgical equipment, and the most important medicines.

This is Chu Lingyun's request.

Coupled with the cotton-padded clothes and other daily necessities prepared before, Fang Shiyi probably guessed that the boss was preparing for war?

But there is still such a big war in front of us. The Guo army is hiding on a small island and the navy is not strong.

Besides, you don’t need so many cotton clothes to beat them.

It's not cold here.

Although Fang Shiyi didn't particularly understand, he would definitely comply with Chu Lingyun's request.

At the same time, Mr. Huo contacted the British side and tried to order a batch of second-hand warships. These warships would be shipped soon. This was what he did after meeting with people in the organization.

Mr. Huo is a patriotic businessman who is very willing to serve the organization and the country.

Nowadays, efforts are being made in all aspects, and all comrades believe that the country will become better and stronger in the future.

In the capital, Mr. Ke received a long message.

Password No. 11, double password, first translate the first layer of password, and then translate it.

Even if it is a double password, he and Chu Lingyun's passwords are changed frequently, basically every three months. If they contact each other more frequently, they may be changed every one or two months.

The password is different every time, giving no chance to decipher it.

The message contained Chu Lingyun’s analysis and summary.

It is a fact that the United States has intervened. Although South Korea is currently weak, the United States has great potential for war. They have not officially launched their force yet. Once fully involved, the North will be defeated.

The U.S. imperialists are ambitious and will be eyeing us. Once they invade the north, they are likely to provoke and try us.

Chu Lingyun suggested that preparations be made in advance. The cotton-padded clothes he had prepared before would be sent over again at this opportunity. These cotton-padded clothes were kept as the organization's war preparation materials and could be used at any time when needed.

6666 monthly votes will be added. I wish my friends once again that everything will go well in the future. Thank you all.

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