Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2110: Embarrassing in public

Chapter 2109 Make a fool of yourself in public

Qiao Xuan quietly cast her supernatural power, and the root of a plant quickly swelled and grew larger, extending flexibly like a snake.

Seeing the opportunity, Qiao Xuan urged her violently, the snake-like tree roots were churning and stirring in the ground, and the horse with its head was walking, when the horse's hoof suddenly slammed, making a shrill neigh, and raised its front hooves sharply. He overturned Li Sutou who was caught off guard.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly someone stepped forward to control the horse's control horse, and supported Li Catou's support.

Shao Yunyun quickly exchanged glances with Jia Heming, and he was happy in his heart, but he still had some concern on his face, and he also stepped forward to ask.

Li Zhetou made such a big ugly move in public!

Especially, in front of Sun Meng.

Moreover, he is eager to take revenge and vent his anger, thinking that he has the upper hand and is proud of himself.

"You—" He glared at Shao Yunyun fiercely, apparently blaming Shao Yunyun and others for this.

However, he couldn't speak the accusations.

Because all around him are his own people, and there are no people from Anzezhou City.

It is impossible for the people of Anzezhou City to do anything in this situation!

But he's just outraged, what's wrong?

Shao Yun thought that he deserved it, and sighed lightly: "Li Zhetou is careless, why don't we take a car. Maybe this horse is not accustomed to the situation and suddenly has a bad temper."


Li Zhetou was so stunned that he vomited blood! He prided himself on being strong in martial arts, and he had planned to perform well in front of Sun Meng, but he didn't have a chance to perform, but he made a fool of himself first.

Not only is it ugly, but the injury is quite serious!

His right foot was severely sprained, his right arm appeared to be broken, and half of his body was in severe pain.

He originally wanted to reject Shao Yunyun's proposal, but there was no way for him to continue riding with his appearance.

Moreover, it is not enough to have to rest quietly in bed for ten days and a half for a month.

But so unlucky!

This broken place in Anzezhou is really not a thing, it is born to defeat him!

Li Zhutou had an angry look on his face and asked someone to help him onto the carriage, and Sun Meng was also full of displeasure.

He felt very unlucky.

Disadvantage of apprenticeship.

Immediately very depressed.

All the way, his face was gloomy, and in the end he didn't bother Shao Yun anymore.

After staying at the inn, he said he wanted to rest and asked Shao Yunyun to leave. He didn't bother to go to the evening reception, so he just let him go.

Shao Yunyun couldn't wait ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and didn't force it.

Shao Yunyun discussed with Jia Heming and others for a while, and ordered the patrols in the city to be strengthened.

Qiao Xuan had already returned at this time, and she led An An out with a smile as if nothing had happened, "My husband is back!"

An An has now officially opened, and usually goes to school with Jia Heming's son and the sons of several scribes.

But because of the people coming from Liu Zhifu, Shao Yunyun was worried that they would be targeted and what would happen to them, so the class was suspended for the past few days. Wait until they leave before continuing to school.

Seeing his wife and children, Shao Yunyun's eyes softened instantly, and he led them into the house one by one.

The three of them chatted and laughed for a while, and Qiao Xuan ordered someone to set the lunch, and they ate together.

After dinner, An An went to read a book by herself, and Qiao Xuan casually asked how the people from the provincial capital were? Shao Yunyun sneered and smiled: "It's an idiot, but it's a headache when an idiot is stupid. Fortunately, two idiots fell and injured one, and they can only lie down and recuperate these days, and can't do anything."

(End of this chapter)

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