Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1933: Do not believe, but doubt

Remember [] for a second,!

As a result, there were more slander surrounding Shao Yunyun in front of the prince.

He doubted that Shao Yunyun had colluded with the fourth prince, and whether he had already invested in the fourth prince. Otherwise, why would the fourth prince ask for a reward for him if he was so good? This is too unreasonable...

The prince does not believe this.

No one else knew, but he knew very well that the fourth prince almost killed Qiao Xuan, and it was impossible for Shao Yunyun to turn to the fourth prince. Furthermore, he can trust his character, he is not that kind of person.

However, he may not be completely satisfied with himself, because he will not let him take revenge on the fourth prince. Although he does not say it, he has a grudge against himself, and he may not be angry and accept the kindness of the fourth prince...

The prince still can't figure it out, isn't the Qiao family good? It's all in the past, why is he so persistent and so preoccupied with a woman?

In a word, the prince does not believe these words, but he has doubts in his heart.

After the princess learned about the incident in the court, she was also very angry, and said to the prince: "What is Shao Yunyun thinking? How can this good fourth prince speak for him? It's too strange! Now that we are far away, let's also I don’t know what he did and thought over there, and I don’t know if it’s still the same Lord Shao!”

"But if he still remembers the prince in his heart, and such a big thing happened, he wouldn't think about taking the initiative to tell the prince first, so that the prince has a bottom line?"

"Look at the concubine, don't worry about the prince too much, such a narrow-minded person is not worthy of the prince's mind at all. He is just a minister, and the prince is in front of him, where can he make his temper? Will it be spring again soon? The crown prince will definitely be able to pick out a few better ministers!"

Even the Crown Princess said the same, and the Crown Prince was even more dissatisfied with Shao Yunyun in his heart.

Thinking of what the princess said, she couldn't help but smile. Yes, it will be spring again soon, Daqin has never lacked talents...


Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun's life was much easier, which was a complete psychological relaxation.

No worries, full of energy.

Qiao Xuan went to Liuhe Fort again. Song Shi, Liu Fu, Yang Mu and the others were very fast, and the road connecting the outside had been repaired.

Song Shi and the others are very experienced, and know that their master has always attached great importance to the basics of road building. They have also tasted the benefits themselves. There is a good road, and there are too many benefits in the future! Therefore, a lot of money and manpower can be invested in this road.

Qiao Xuan's carriage passed by. The ground was flat and spacious enough. Although it was a little farther than the rugged trail, it saved a lot of trouble of climbing the mountain. The carriage was still much faster than walking. Saved at least half the time.

The original bandit cottage Liuhebao has become Liuhezhuang today, and it is basically impossible to see what it used to be.

Most of the buildings and defensive gates on the mountain have been destroyed, and spacious and neat courtyards are being built.

If Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun come to inspect in the future, they can stay here for a few days.

The terrain is high, and you can have a panoramic view of everything around you.

The manor at the foot of the mountain is also under construction, and it can be seen that the prototype is in full swing.

The servants' residence, warehouse, tool room, storage yard, transparent workshop for processing medicinal materials, and a wide field for drying medicinal materials are lined up one by one.

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