Remember [New] for a second,! Afterwards, it was the turn of the Fan family, and everyone cheered up.

Qiao Xuan was not polite and chose first.

She is really not greedy, she wants 60,000 mu of fertile land, and five good and average shops.

Payment at market price.

There are many mountains and fields in Anze Prefecture, and there are very few fertile fields in a row, so the price is higher than that of neighboring counties. Qiao Xuan chose the best one, 10 taels of silver per acre of fertile land, 60,000 acres is 60,000 taels.

Plus five shops, a total of 6,000 taels.

But because the state government still owes her 500,000 taels of silver, the money is directly deducted from the arrears, and Qiao Xuan doesn't need to take out a tael of silver.

Even after deducting the 66,000 taels, the state government still owed her more than 400,000 taels, and Shao Yunyun paid her back again, owed a total of 400,000 taels.

These things are public, and the yamen and the local people have nothing to say.

Even if Qiao Xuan took all the fertile fields and shops of the Fan family in one fell swoop, the government still owed her. Her willingness to "share the blessings" with everyone is extremely generous.

In addition to fertile fields and shops, there are also many rare antiques, which are also auctioned together.

The large households who are eligible to participate in the auction have already discussed plans in private, so the whole process is very friendly, and basically everyone gets what they want.

All are happy.

At this point, the entire Anzezhou City was finally completely safe.

Shao Yunyun deliberately set aside three days to rest and accompany Qiao Xuan and An An. The family of three went out of the city to stroll around their Zhuangzi fields, and climbed the mountain to enjoy the scenery, accompanied by A Ye, Sun Bai and others.

This time, everyone is exhausted, but not everyone can take a good rest!

Sun Bai, Sun Qian, and Zheng Sangge deeply felt that the shortage of manpower was a big problem. Originally, the number of yamen in the prefecture was not full, so they asked a local from Hang Xingshan to discuss together, reported to Shao Yunyun, and posted a notice. According to the standard Conditional selection and recruitment of yamen officials.

Prepare to recruit another fifty people.

Together with the existing yamen, we must practice well!

In Anzezhou, the bandit anger is still too heavy. Coupled with the special geographical location, it is unclear whether there will be desperadoes fleeing here in the future. If it is coming, it is to be arrested, and the manpower must be sufficient!

Shao Yunyun looked at the official account and felt that he could afford it, so he nodded.

Who doesn't know that the officials and servants of the yamen are Xiang Momo? Young and middle-aged people compete to sign up to participate in the selection.

The city of Anzezhou was very lively for a while.

There are new recruits in this room, and the yamen are not Although the three bandit villages of Minjiazhai, Liuhebao and Hutouzhai have been breached and have undergone some dismantling, but It's not enough.

Shao Yunyun ordered the three bandit villages to be carefully inspected, and all the buildings, including the basement, were demolished, and all the posts, fortresses, and passes were destroyed.

In short, to completely destroy these three places.

There is absolutely no chance of any resurgence in the future.

Qiao Xuan was so itchy, she pestered Shao Yunyun in every possible way and agreed, she also wanted to go see it!

Shao Yunyun refused at first, but reluctantly said that she was "nonsense", what's so good about the gangster stockade? His wife is getting more and more capricious.

But his refusal failed to last for two days. In the evening, the soft words were gentle, the warm fragrance and nephrite in his arms, and under the lingering offensive of thousands of beautiful scenery, Shao Yunyun quickly changed his tune.



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