Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1903: Disperse wealth and disaster

Remember [New] for a second,! "The surname Shao can beat Hutouzhai by surprise. It's impossible to use this same method in Minjiazhai and Liuhebao. What chance does he have! When he is dead, who knows what our Fans have done? what?"

Master Fan Er suddenly said, "I said why do you keep asking about those..."

Master Fan smiled bitterly and slowly shook his head: "Since Master Shao took office, which one is an exaggeration? Besides, hundreds of bandits and their families were escorted out of Anze Prefecture, which many people saw with their own eyes. , how did you make it fake?"

"I also heard that Minjiazhai and Liuhebao are now being stalked by the government, and those bandits dare not even go down the mountain. The strength of Master Shao is not something we can know at all."

"Take 10,000 steps back and say that even if he loses in the end, then Minjiazhai and Liuhebao will definitely not be able to get any advantage, at least one loses both. At that time, can the imperial court not send troops to take advantage of the situation to destroy them?"

"Okay, even if the imperial court doesn't come, Minjiazhai and Liuhebao are not on the right path. Our family is on a pirate ship. If we think about it, will they agree? Will we have to be threatened by them for a long time in the future? Guarantee that the court will never suppress bandits, and dare to guarantee that this matter will never be exposed? Once exposed, our family will be exiled!"

"It's like hanging a knife over our head!"

There is a limit to everything. In the past, even if the Fan family had deals with the bandits, it was only a matter of time. Both parties were cautiously maintaining a certain distance. The Fan family was also careful enough that they did not leave anything behind hand.

But Fan Ruyin, an idiot, led wolves into the house and sought skin with tigers!

The most annoying thing is that she still doesn't think she is wrong! She also felt that she was doing it for the Fan family's sake.

It would be fine if she just said so hard. If she really thinks so, Master Fan feels that he really wants to split up.

Even if you suffer a little loss, you have to divide it.

Mrs. Fan was speechless and didn't make a sound for a while.

Fan Ruyin was terrified, looked at her mother, looked at her brothers, and felt uneasy.

After a long time, Mrs. Fan said solemnly, "If you report to the official, can the government not pursue it?"


"Shut up!" Master Fan reprimanded Fan Ruyin, and wanted to laugh at her mother's naivety, thinking of good things.

"How could the government not pursue it? Mother must know how big this is! But if we make atonement for our sins, even if the government pursues it, it's just, it's just giving up more property and taking a few slaps, it's better than destroying the whole family. much stronger."

Fan Ruyin hurriedly said: "How can this be done! In this way, can the Fan family be considered one of the three major families in Anze Prefecture? Then Master Shao will definitely open his mouth!"

Master Fan gave her a cold look: "Tong bandit is a big crime of exile and even beheading. You still think about the names of the three major families? Your life is gone, what do you want these false names and things outside your body? At that time, even this false name and this external thing will not be able to keep it!"

Fan Ruyin's face turned red and white, and her heart stinged fiercely.

No matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn't say any more. He didn't even dare to look at Master Fan again.

Master Fan Er glared at her fiercely, gritted his teeth in pain, and said, "I agree with eldest brother..."

if not?

After a long time, Mrs. Fan let out a long sigh: "Forget it, I don't care about this matter, let it be up to you! I only have one point. Your sister is spoiled, and she cannot be made to suffer."

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