Remember [New] for a second,! Mrs. Fan was startled and blurted out retort: ​​"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Her reaction could not be considered slow, but Mr. Fan had already determined the answer, and his heart felt cold.

Under Mr. Fan's stern questioning and cross-examination, Fan Ruyin first revealed that he made a mistake and said the wrong thing. Mrs. Fan couldn't make it back. It's okay to tell you! Think of a way to solve this problem, and both the glory and the loss will be lost!"

Mrs. Fan was too lazy to speak, and let Fan Ruyin speak.

Fan Ruyin was reluctant at first, but she couldn't resist, and said hesitantly and half-concealed.

After being pressed and questioned by Master Fan step by step, he finally had to reveal everything.

Master Fan Er was startled, angry and afraid, pointed at Fan Ruyin with wide eyes and shouted, "You, you, are you brave enough! Which of those mountain bandits is not a ruthless person, even we dare not directly What kind of dealings do you have with them, and you always avoid them carefully on weekdays, but you are better, take the initiative to rush to find the door! You fat sheep delivered to the door, people will not kill you and kill anyone!"

"You still have the face to cry, I think you are going to kill our whole family!"

Fan Ruyin was wronged, embarrassed, frightened, and frightened. Her brother was so ruthless and heartbroken, she covered her face and cried loudly: "How can you blame me for this? Well!"

"That dog officer can't possibly let our Fan family go, don't think too much of it! I just want to strike first and be stronger!"

"You don't need to put money on your face," Fan Er became even more angry. "If you don't admit it when you did something wrong, you get credit instead? How dare you say it! It's all your pampering, mother!"

Mrs. Fan angrily said: "Second child, you've been struck by lightning! Speaking of your mother? I think Yin'er is right. If it wasn't for you guys, why would you want her to come forward? Shao's death Keep an eye on our house, if he doesn't go, sooner or later he will not let our house go!"

"How do you—"

"Alright, alright, when is the time to fight!" Master Fan had a splitting headache and said angrily, "Now is not the time to talk about this! This matter must not go on wrong!"

"What do you want to do!"

Mrs. Fan and Fan Ruyin had the same meeting.

Master Fan glanced at their mother and daughter, and said coldly, "Officer, my second brother and I went to ask Master Shao to apologize in person."


"No way!"

"No, then split up the family and split up immediately," Master Fan said firmly: "I don't want everything in the public! I'll take my wife and children to move out immediately."

Mrs. Fan was trembling with anger: "You, you rebel!"

Mr. Fan said coldly: "Mother is going to lead the whole family to a dead end, so I left. Anyway, I left a line for the Fan family, what's wrong? Mother is old, she will definitely be able to open up when she is sentenced. I can take care of it too."

"Shut up for me!" Madam Fan was going crazy, grabbing the teacup and hitting the eldest son: "It's the other way around! It's the other way around!"

"Hutouzhai has been wiped out, and Minjiazhai and Liuhebao can't escape. Master Shao is really here. When the matter leaks, mother thinks Master Shao will let the Fan family go?"

"How do you know that what the government said is true? It's hard to say whether Hutouzhai is really over! Maybe everyone has fled to Minjiazhai and Liuhebao?"

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