Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1874: Can't stand it and can't do it

Chapter 1873 Can't stand it and can't kill it

On the contrary, Qiao Xuan is looking forward to today's banquet without a good banquet, and looking forward to a few more bandits...

When Fan Ruyin saw Qiao Xuan coming, new hatred and old hatred surged into her heart for a while, but she covered up her panic.

She pursed her lips and glanced coldly at Qiao Xuan, then quickly lowered her head and lowered her eyes, and followed behind Mrs. Fan.

This is the limit of what she can do, and she can't do it even if she is scrambling to compliment Qiao Xuan like the grass on the wall.

In order not to create extravagances, she just kept silent.

Madam Fan greeted her with a smile, and when she found an opportunity, she gave Fan Ruyin a wink, indicating that she would take the initiative to show her performance in front of Madam Shao, but her sister-in-law must have been frightened by what happened before, and she was very stiff and nervous. Blindly bowed his head and didn't see her eyes at all.

Mrs. Fan is not good at being too obvious, and she is also worried that she will be driven by herself and put on the shelf. If she is too nervous and says the wrong thing, it will be self-defeating, so that's all.

Qiao Xuan saw through Fan Ruyin at a glance.

Fan Ruyin's aura was the same as before, just forbearance.

Qiao Xuan never thought that she would be so bold and dare to seek skin with a tiger. She only thought that she still hated herself very much, but she was afraid and did not dare to show it. That's it.

Qiao Xuan didn't care about that.

As long as she doesn't come to her on purpose to scold her and take the initiative to find something, she can pretend she doesn't exist.

Mingyuezhuang is located between the foothills of the mountain, backed by strange peaks and mountains, and the door opens to a sparkling wide lake.

Therefore, when this villa was built, the Fan family named it Mingyuezhuang.

At this time, the leaves of the mountains are all red, yellow, orange, and orange, and they are colorful and colorful.

Large swathes of wild chrysanthemums are blooming right by the lake. The flowers are no more than the size of copper coins, but they are blooming like stars in the sky. Although they are only white and golden, they are set against the green mountains and clear waters. They are extraordinarily beautiful and enchanting.

At this time of year, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, the autumn is high and the air is cool, the sun is bright but the temperature is not hot.

Mrs. Fan and the others came to the lake with Qiao Xuan. The young ladies didn't go out to play in the weekdays, but they were even more happy at this moment.

There was already a pavilion by the lake, but it had been refurbished at this time. Mrs. Fan invited Qiao Xuan to sit in and drink tea and talk.

Qiao Xuan liked this beautiful scenery, and after a while, she smiled and said that everyone was free, she wanted to walk around.

Madam Fan was so happy to see her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ heartbroken, she hurriedly smiled attentively and took the initiative to introduce some places with the best views.

Qiao Xuan didn't embarrass them, a stone in Mrs. Fan's heart fell to the ground. The only one who is not satisfied is the little sister-in-law.

This little sister-in-law, she took the initiative to propose this banquet, and the starting point was also good, but when Mrs. Shao came, she became a gourd with a sawing mouth. She only lowered her head and did not take the initiative to say a word.

Forget it... She is probably still shy and twisted. After all, she is arrogant and domineering for so many years, so how can she change it all at once.

When Qiao Xuan wanted to walk by herself, Fan Ruyin's eyes lit up with a "swoosh".

She was struggling with how to coax Qiao Xuan out of the group.

Who knows the opportunity to take the initiative to send it up!


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(End of this chapter)

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