Chapter 1868

"I think that dog officer will definitely use them as bait. How can this person be saved? Break into the prison? Anyway, I have no problem with what you say!"

The words of the third master of Hutouzhai were half resentful.

Everyone else was sullen.

It is definitely impossible to break into the prison by force. The arrangement in the Giant Rock Gorge was so thorough and careful, and the result was a disastrous defeat and almost the entire army was wiped out, not to mention running to the opponent's territory.

Moreover, in this battle, they suffered a disastrous defeat, their strength was greatly reduced, and the loss was all elites. Especially in Hutouzhai, a group of elites have been lost before. This time Cao Er's family brought out the best of the best in order to avenge Xuehen, and as a result... even his own life was explained! Hutouzhai only escaped back to two!

Now the elite of Hutouzhai has lost more than two-thirds.

Jail? Don't even think about it! Even if they are not convinced, they have to admit that they have no such ability!

These people, there is no lower limit to what they can do. If they follow the wishes of the heads of the Hutouzhai family, it is not easy to avenge the second master, but it is too simple to let out a bad breath first! Slaughter village robbery!

They didn't dare to break into the city of Anze Prefecture, and they couldn't take Shao Yunyun. Could it be that they couldn't take care of those unarmed ordinary villagers?

So many villages, in their eyes, are lambs to be slaughtered. They can kill wherever they want, and kill as many places as they want. It is impossible for the government to catch them!

They can kill and loot at will, and by the way, they deliberately leave a few villagers behind and tell them that the reason why they have caused such disasters is all because of Lord Zhizhou! Because the people of Zhizhou viciously killed their brothers, they should die and be buried with their brothers!

If you want to blame them, blame Master Zhizhou! Hate him if you want to!

For so many years, everyone has been in peace, but when Lord Zhizhou came, he caused disaster, which was what they deserved. If you want to live a stable life, you must drive away this Lord Zhizhou. Otherwise, unless Lord Zhizhou has the ability to wipe out all of them, they will suffer endless harassment, looting and killing from now on.

Everyone in the entire Anze state may be the target of their revenge...

If they really act like this, the people who have lost their relatives' homes will definitely turn their anger and hate on Shao Yunyun, and Shao Yunyun will fall into a great passive. At that time, when the big families secretly collude and unite to carry out activities, maybe Shao Yunyun will really not be the prefect of this place.

Maybe he will be severely impeached, accusing him of being impulsive enough and not careful enough, eager to make meritorious deeds, breaking the local balance but unable to deal with the aftermath, causing countless people to die in vain and causing tragic disasters!

But Both Minjiazhai and Liuhebao were captured alive by the government. Once Hutouzhai launched a slaughter and revenge on the common people, the people of Minjiazhai and Liuhebao would definitely suffer.

This is absolutely not allowed by Minjiazhai and Liuhebao.

Hutouzhai throws the mouse and avoids the weapon, so I don't dare to think about it.

The head of Hutouzhai sneered: "It's not that we can't do anything. If we do it well, we can not only rescue the brother, but maybe even kill the dog officer directly!"

"Didn't that dog officer just have a son? He even killed his daughter-in-law and son!"

"Brother Qingxian, if you have any good ideas, tell me quickly!" Master Min asked quickly.

?? 11 came to shout again, begging for votes!



(End of this chapter)

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