"Madam! Don't be afraid!"

"Madam must be frightened!"

"Ma'am, don't worry about it!"

"Go and ask the doctor!"

"Master, go and tell the master!"


Li Xia, Li Qiu and others were in a panic, and Mrs. Guan was also taken aback, and she hurriedly ordered someone to help Qiao Xuan sit down.

Qiao Xuan endured the pain and scolded vigilantly: "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

Mrs. Guan froze and was secretly angry. What look is this!

"Everyone, I'm really sorry today. I'll hold a banquet another day to entertain you all! I'm really sorry!" Qiao Xuan glanced at everyone and ordered Li Xia and Li Qiu to help her and leave.

Caiyue, Caihua, and others quickly followed.

Mrs. Guan was angry, anxious and angry. She was the one who organized the reception, but it turned out to be like this! Really bad luck!

I don't know if Qiao Xuan's stomach hurt is real or fake, although she thinks it's mostly fake, but the situation was so chaotic at the time, she was scared and it's hard to say, what if it was real?

Moreover, when such a thing happened, I had to go there to take a look and express my concern anyway.

Mrs. Guan forced a smile and greeted everyone politely. Everyone knew that this kind of thing happened today. After caring for Mrs. Shao, they left one after another.

Mrs. Guan ordered the stewards to see them off, sorry for a few words, and hurriedly went to the East Courtyard.

Qiao Xuan was really startled, but her stomach didn't hurt.

But Mrs. Guan's attitude is so abhorrent, she can't get through if she doesn't find something to do!

When Mrs. Guan arrived, Qiao Xuan was lying groaning and screaming in pain, and Li Xia and others were anxiously beside her to comfort her.

Soon, Shao Yunyun hurried in, "Miss!"

Qiao Xuan was pretending, but when she saw Shao Yunyun, she felt a sense of grievance in her heart. She fell into his arms and began to cry, complaining about being frightened and frightened...

Shao Yunyun was very distressed, he gently patted her shoulders and comforted her softly, raised his eyes and gave Mrs. Guan a cold look.

Mrs. Guan stood there, embarrassed to death. Staying is neither going nor leaving, and she even regrets that she should not follow.

At this moment, people were crying, and their husbands were comforting them. She couldn't interrupt, let alone say hello and turn around and leave.

The doctor finally came, and Shao Yunyun hurriedly asked the doctor to come forward to see the doctor.

Madam Guan's heart was also tensed, and she looked at the doctor nervously.

The result of the diagnosis~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan had fetal gas and needed to rest in bed. She first took three days of abortion pills, and he came back to see the doctor three days later.

Shao Yunyun nodded and ordered someone to take the doctor out to prescribe and prescribe medicine.

He helped Qiao Xuan to lie down, softly told her to take a good rest, then got up and looked at Mrs. Guan: "Mrs. Guan, please come outside!"

Mrs. Guan finally found a chance to speak. She breathed a sigh of relief and forced a smile: "Master Shao, in fact, this matter-"

"Mrs. Guan, please! Go out and talk, don't disturb my wife's rest, my wife can't stand being frightened again!"

Mrs. Guan was stagnant for a while, annoyed in her heart, she said yes, turned around and went out.

In the hall, Guan Zhoucheng was also there.

Hearing that Mrs. Shao had fetal gas, but it was fine, she was relieved.

When Mrs. Guan saw her husband, she felt relieved, and said quickly, "Master Shao, this matter is a misunderstanding! The child is young and ignorant!"

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