The other party has a large number of people, and there are more guards in the marriage envoy team than them, but not many, and they do not have an advantage in this regard.

The opponent is sturdy and ferocious, full of bandit anger, and the style of play that is open and close is difficult to resist, and one's own side cannot be defended. Even if they lose, they may not necessarily lose. But no, you have to hold your ground.

Because once they are attacked - even if it is just torn a hole and rushed up, whether it is to kill those ordinary entourage who are helpless, or take them as hostages, they will immediately fall into passive. situation!

Obviously, the other party also understands this very well, and does exactly that, so they have to rush up regardless of everything.

Only their own manpower is worthy of a tie with the opponent, and it is obviously impossible to try to form an effective stop.

Looking at the current situation, it is only a matter of time before they break through the defense line and rush up!

Sun Bai, Sun Qian and other core leaders who saw the situation clearly in their eyes were all anxious.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the dust was billowing in the distance, and another group of people came galloping, looking at the direction, it was towards this side...

Looking at the speed, I am afraid that I can reach the front in an instant.

It looks like a lot of people!

Seeing this, Sun Bai and Sun Qian felt a chill in their hearts.

The two exchanged glances and understood each other's meaning.

"Let Aye take the adults and madam to go first! Greeting brothers, let's fight a **** path and go out. Everyone escapes for their lives. Whether they can escape or not depends on their own good fortune!"

"Forget it, that's it!"

The hearts of the two were bitter and heavy, but this was the only way to do it.

If you want to say that you are not reconciled, it is definitely true. In two or three days, you can reach Huning City, but it is here! Who can be willing?

Who would have thought that the Fourth Highness would be so ruthless and omnipotent that he colluded with the bandits on the grassland to besiege them!

That's right, these people are the real gangsters in the grasslands, and when they fight against Sun Bai, Sun Qian, etc., they know it in their hearts.

Sun Bai shouted loudly, and the long sword in his hand made a sudden attack to force the opponent to retreat. He quickly retreated and went straight to Shao Yunyun's side.

The smoke and dust in the distance are getting closer and closer, and I can even feel the tremor of the earth and hear the faint neighing of horseshoes. There is not much time left!

A decision must be made immediately, immediately, and action must be taken immediately, immediately.

Sun Bai's Shao Yunyun decisively refused without thinking, "Let Ah also take his wife and his childhood sweetheart away! Can't your brothers protect me?"

He is naturally with them.


"No but! If my wife and I are together, the target is too big, and the other party will definitely pursue them with all their strength. But if I are separated from my wife, their people will naturally pursue them separately, and we can all relieve a little pressure."

The team chasing Qiao Xuan was destined to get no results.

Thor's speed is not a cover, these people can't be compared to Thor's horses.

Ah Yee was born with supernatural powers, he had also mastered kung fu, and his wife was so smart, the chances of them being able to escape and return to Huning City in the end were very high.

He didn't want to be separated from her, but now he had to.

Not allowing Sun Bai to say anything, Shao Yunyun said categorically: "It's settled like this, you go and organize people to rush down for a while, and I'll tell her!"

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