And it's not in line with the rules. If people know that they will gossip, if it damages Shao Yunyun's official voice, it will not be worth it.

Therefore, Qiao Xuan endured it all along the way and did not dare to go out and make any gains.

Even in Huning City, he only went out with Princess Shuangfu for one trip. There were always people around, so naturally there was no way to find things, let alone put anything in the space.

Only when they arrived at Qingdi Wangcheng did everyone relax and move freely when they had nothing to do. Then they went shopping with Shao Yunyun or took Lixia and the others, bought some good things, and put some in the space.

For example, some local fruit trees such as apples and pears of different varieties from Daqin have also broken a few peach branches and planted them in the space...

At this moment, she was also free. She rode straight to her destination. Qiao Xuan carefully pulled out the herbs she was looking for and planted them all in the herb area in the space.

It's a pity that there are many mushrooms growing on the grassland only after the rain. They can't be found at the moment, otherwise she can even put some mushrooms in the space.

Guessing that it was almost time, she just got on the horse and walked back.

After a while, everyone continued to move forward, and took another break on the road. After about an hour, they finally joined the large army belatedly.

On the side of the large army, it was called a hot one, and everyone was happily carrying their prey.

The tent has been set up in a suitable place chosen, and this evening is obviously going to make do with one night.

Prince Arno sent someone to set traps to lure the wolves three days ago. Today, he has harvested a lot. He not only hunted more than 30 prairie wolves, but also hunted some otters, hares, pheasants, etc. at night. Fresh prey is eaten.

The most surprising thing is that they actually found the traces of a group of wild horses. Everyone spread out the encirclement and slowly surrounded them. With a whistle, they swarmed the horses at the same time, and galloped towards the wild horses they liked. Throwing it far away, trying to trap the wild horse you like, and then fighting fiercely to try to tame it, that scene, just thinking about it, you can see how intense and intense it is!

As a result, after all the work, all those rebellious wild horses broke free and ran away, and none of them were tamed.

Although the Qingdi people were very sorry for this result, they didn't feel too sorry. Because this is normal.

If wild horses were so easy to tame, they would not be wild No one noticed that when the fight was over and the wild horses neighed and left, there was actually one less person in the entire hunting team. ...

Later, Ah Yee came back riding a tall wild horse whose fur was black and oily like a black satin, stunned everyone!

This can give Daqin people a long face. Everyone is proud of them, and they accept the envy and admiration of Qingdi people with smiles.

Prince Arno waited not too far to watch the vigorous and imposing black wild horse, and he was very envious.

This horse has just been tamed, and its posture is still quite arrogant, and no one cares about it except Aye. All Qingdi people know the temperament of wild horses, and no one dares to get too close. Not to mention, no one has the intention to ask Azerbaijan or to buy or exchange.

They know too well that even if Ah agrees, it's useless if the horse doesn't agree.

Whoever tames the wild horse will recognize who is the master, and it cannot be changed by human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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