It's so painful, so painful!

But Biyun and the others could find excuses to avoid it, but she couldn't. Only when she accepts all this and likes it very happily will she gain the favor of the Qingdi people, and her life will be easier in the future.

No matter how painful it was, she had to grit her teeth and endure it.

Qiao Xuan is the wife of the marriage envoy, and the master of the marriage envoy is very important to the prince.

She said that she needed to stop and rest when she was tired, and the servants and guards served by Qing Di and his party had no choice but to obey.

Although everyone is making fun of this Da Qin's wife, she is really squeamish! She had to stop and rest for such a short distance! Worse than their Qing Di's three-year-old child!

Fortunately, Princess Daqin is not like this...

I stop and go along the way. The endless grassland is green like a green carpet that stretches to the horizon. Occasionally, I pass a large field of wild flowers blooming enthusiastically. Occasionally there are eagles flying over the high blue sky. There are foxes, marmots, wild cats, prairie mice, hares, etc. rushing by quickly, and there are also unnamed birds flying low from time to time, all of which constitute the most beautiful season of the vibrant grassland.

With such a beautiful scenery, Qiao Xuan felt that hurrying on the road was a waste of money, and it was worth stopping to appreciate it.

The only thing that made her regret was that her husband was not with her. But after the return trip, the two of them will naturally have more time together...

Passing through a lake on the way, the blue lake water is amazingly beautiful, the reeds swaying by the lake, water birds chirping and flying, the movement is appropriate, and it is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Qiao Xuan was stunned when she had never seen the world!

Just as it was almost noon, Qiao Xuan discussed with Princess Shuangfu, and they simply stayed here for lunch before continuing on their way.

Of course Princess Shuangfu smiled and nodded in agreement!

After Qiao Xuan gave her orders like this, Qing Di and his party looked at each other with incredible expressions.

This, what kind of delicate and delicate temperament is this! Too scum! I stopped four times along the way, this time is better, the place hasn't arrived yet, so I just stopped for lunch.

They didn't know what to say, so they reluctantly agreed.

Qiao Xuan didn't care about them, and went for a walk by the lake with Princess Shuangfu to enjoy the scenery, chatting and laughing.

There are a lot of fish in the lake, and they are not afraid of people. There are large groups of fish swimming past, slow and It makes me want to go into the water and catch it.

Qingdi people didn't eat fish, so Qiao Xuan had no choice but to follow the local customs, standing on the shore and looking greedy.

The entourage began to dig a pit and boil water, and another guard went out to hunt on horseback. After a while, they brought a few small game such as hares and marmots back, and by the way, they also pulled some wild onions and leeks.

Soon, the aroma of grilled meat wafted into the air.

I have to say, they are really good at doing these things! The roasted meat is particularly fragrant and just right tender.

Qiao Xuan silently used her wood-type powers to search the surrounding area, and found a lot of herbs such as ephedra, windbreak, ginseng, and licorice. She couldn't help but feel itchy.

So after eating the barbecue, he expressed that he wanted to go out on horseback for a walk, and he went there in high spirits without being followed.

After leaving Beijing, it was almost impossible for her to leave the team and act alone because she followed the large army.

(End of this chapter)

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