Their son is naturally good, but the two of them tacitly agreed that they would not dare to say that their son will definitely be selected in the coming year.

What if?

If not, you have to wait another three years. Twig can't wait.

Moreover, this young master Zhao is so rich, and there are no parents or elders in the family, nor any siblings - oh, if his daughter is married, she will be the mistress of the house!

The two of them have become the only elders of Zhao Gongzi, and the money is not too much to spend!

It's so beautiful to think about!

Ma's even felt sorry for Zhao Shu's money: "This young master Zhao is good at everything, but he is too kind and his hands are too loose. How can he spend so much money? He invites those irrelevant people to eat and drink all day. If this becomes our son-in-law, I have to talk about him well! This is not the case, those people will be cheap!"

Uncle Shao agreed: "That's not true! That's what I said too! He's young and doesn't understand the world. We as elders can't help but take care of him. I'll take care of him in the future!"

"And me, I can take care of it too." Ma Shi was not to be outdone, and sneered: "The most abhorrent are the elder brothers and sisters-in-law, Zhao Gongzi lives in their house, maybe how much is taken advantage of it! When you look back, you must find a way to call them. All spit out."



The two had a lively discussion.

Coincidentally, Shao Xiaozhi confided to Mrs Ma again, she, she likes Young Master Zhao...

Ma was so happy to hear that!

"Ouch!" With a slap in the face, he smiled and said: "This is called a good fate! This is what it is, there is a fate to meet, otherwise why is it so coincidental? It just so happens that you are about to say kiss, Zhao Gongzi coming!"

When Shao Xiaozhi heard this, her cheeks flushed, and she turned around shyly: "Mother..."

Ma Shi laughed and said happily: "Silly girl, this is a good thing, why are you ashamed? Mother tomorrow - ah no, let's talk about it today!"

Shao Xiaozhi was even more ashamed.

I couldn't help but worry a little: "But, will the aunt agree? Will the aunt make trouble..."

Ma sneered: "She dares! Oh, she is so wicked, maybe she really dares. I won't tell her first, but tell your uncle. Prepare a table of wine and vegetables at home, and let your uncle Bring Zhao Gongzi here..."

After eating and drinking, let’s talk about it again, it will definitely be When the time comes, you will dress up more beautifully, put on new clothes, all those silk flowers and silver hairpins. Isn't there fat powder? Also smeared. "

Now the situation at home is much better, and Shao Xiaozhi also has a few new clothes and a few pieces of silver jewelry.

Shao Xiaozhi responded shyly, and said again: "Mother, do you think the eldest aunt will also like Zhao Gongzi? After all, isn't Taotao also talking about kissing? If it happens—"

"No," Ma's face sank all of a sudden, and he hummed: "She doesn't want to think about beautiful things! Taotao? Taotao doesn't have your five cousins? Your five cousins ​​will naturally give it to you. She's looking for it, she shouldn't try to **** Young Master Zhao from you, or I'll fight with their family!"

Shao Xiaozhi suddenly felt relieved, and his heart was rippling.

Ma was so anxious that he wished his daughter would marry Zhao Shu immediately, so he asked Uncle Shao to invite Uncle Shao to the house that day.

They can learn to be good now. Fang's hateful person is supported by Shao Yunyun, who often uses Shao Yun to press people, making her half-dead with anger, and she will not tell Fang's any more easily.

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