"You have to be lucky, Zhao Gongzi is a filial man!"

He would rather take 3.5 million taels of silver in exchange for his mother's freedom.

Otherwise, the Zhao family will definitely be hurt.

Zhao Mu's face turned even darker, so how could it be related to "filial piety"?

Zhao Shu was holding the copy of his mother's He Li book, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, and Uncle Qing also sighed beside him.

"That's it!" Zhao Shu carefully put away the He Li book, and forced a smile: "Our mother and son have nothing to do with Zhao Mu anymore! Mrs. Shao, thank you!"

Zhao Shu rushed to her and bowed his hands in a solemn salute.

Qiao Xuan knew that he was not feeling well, accepted his gift and smiled, "Young Master Zhao doesn't need to be so polite. Since we are partners, we should help each other."

"Mrs. Shao is so refreshing!" Zhao Shu smiled and gave the thank you gift generously: "Mrs. Shao, don't be polite, this, as far as I am concerned, it is the one who doesn't take it for nothing, and takes it for nothing. Damn! If it wasn't for Master Shao's idea and Mrs. Shao's help, I wouldn't be able to get anything."

This gift is indeed too heavy. After Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun discussed it, they still kept it and did not send it back.

Although the ceremony was heavy, it was really not that heavy for Zhao Shu's income.

300,000 silver, 26,000 mu for two days, occupying 12 mu of mansion.

The farm can be produced when you get started, the house is kept, and there will be a place to settle in the south of the Yangtze River in the future. When Zhao Shu manages the flower fields in Hangzhou, Qiao Xuan will definitely go south every year in the future.

For the 300,000 silver, Qiao Xuan handed it over to Shao Yunyun without any change. Shao Yunyun handed it over to Sun Bai and Sun Qian, together with a letter, and asked them to secretly send it to the prince.

They are the confidants of the Crown Prince, and naturally have their own channels. Shao Yunyun doesn't need to worry about how to send them.

Shao Yunyun sighed with Qiao Xuan in private, no wonder the family of the great merchants in the south of the Yangtze River is rich and extravagant and enjoys too much. They are really rich!

Look at Zhao Mu, millions of people said that they were gathered overnight.

Qiao Xuan silently calculated her wealth. She had accumulated nearly 500,000 in banknotes, not so much property. It seemed... she was also quite rich.


Qiao Xuan has stayed in Yangzhou for several days, and plans to go to Hangzhou to see Zhao Shu's flower fields in two days, and then return to her home in Heshan County, Yuzhang from Hangzhou.

After speaking with Shao Yunyun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the two will soon part ways.

Not only the reunion after the small farewell wins the new marriage, but the hard parting before the small farewell is the same as the new marriage. The two of them had a lingering lingering like paint and glue.

In the prosperous land of flowers and willows in the south of the Yangtze River, the beauty of the mountains and the water is soft, and Qiao Xuan must have some domineering and jealous admonitions. Shao Yunyun responded with a smile, hugging her affectionately and comforting her - how could he be willing to make his wife sad? Of course you will be clean.

The two of them played for two days and went to see the 100,000 Mulberry Garden together. Qiao Xuan silently exerted the wood-type power on it. How good is this, the mulberry leaves in this mulberry field will definitely grow better this year! Feeding silkworms must also be stronger and spin more silk.

The quality of silk is certainly not much worse.

Hmm... In this way, it doesn't seem too guilty to account for a quarter of the profit.

However, it is only this year. From next year, Qiao Xuan will only get 30% of the profit.

This 30% should have about 300,000 silver, which is more or less the same, and this silver is reserved for the Crown Prince's emergency.

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