Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1251: not on the table

Qin Shi had tears in his eyes, and choked with grievance: "Third Young Master—"

"I'm talking to my father, do you have the chance to intervene as a concubine? Oh, it's interesting!"

Qin Shi's face turned paler, and his forehead was dizzy!

Zhao Ye couldn't bear it any longer: "Zhao Shu, don't deceive people too much!"

Zhao Shu's eyes became even more contemptuous: "I don't even bother to bully a concubine, I'm teaching her the rules! And you, has no one taught you the rules? Who allowed you to call me by name and yell at me?"


Qin Shi has been drifting in recent years, and she has long regarded herself as the wife of the family. Now, in front of all the servants, Zhao Shu has mercilessly tore her face open, and stepped her into the mud one by one. Where is she? can stand it?

It was so embarrassing that my lips were almost bitten!

She couldn't help but wipe her face with a handkerchief and sob.

This is what she has been used to over the years. As long as she is wronged, she is delicate and weak in front of the master, so pitiful, pear blossoms are rainy, and she is small and low, and the master must be soft and distressed.

At this moment, subconsciously, she did it.

But forget that this is not her and the master in private.

Zhao Shu's eyes were no longer contemptuous, but turned into strong contempt: "Sure enough, a concubine is a concubine.

Qin shi's cry that didn't come out was stuck in his throat like this: "..." Little bastard!

Zhao Ye's face was trembling slightly, but he gritted his teeth and didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear it.

Just wait and see, Daddy won't let him go!

Zhao Mu also felt embarrassed, but he had to admit that what Zhao Shu said was not entirely unreasonable.

......A concubine is a concubine, she can serve people, please flatter people, and make people happy.

"Enough!" Zhao Mu scolded coldly: "You don't want to talk about trivial matters. What happened to the 100,000 mulberry fields?"

"Small things that don't matter?" Zhao Shu was astonished: "Did Dad not notice it? Think about it carefully, have there been any serious and good family daughters who have been with our family in recent years?"

Zhao Mu was startled.

Qin Shi's color changed suddenly, and he hated him so much that he couldn't help but say again: "Does the third son have to do this to others!"

Zhao Shu: "You don't deserve it. Dad, you sent someone to inquire, what do you not know? Except for those who are flattering and have an unruly family style, which serious wife would be willing to associate with a concubine? Are they shameless? ?"

Another stab in the heart made Qin dizzy, almost dizzy.

That's abominable! That's abominable!

Zhao Ye's hand trembled as he supported her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Mu frowned, he could think of it without asking.

It seems that he was negligent in the end, and the matter of marrying the successor still has to be considered quickly... There is no legitimate mistress in the family, which is really outrageous.

Thinking about him, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, thinking that he was the richest man in Yangzhou, and he didn't even have a mistress in the house! Isn't this a joke?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly blame Qin Shi. If it weren't for the fact that Qin shi changed her way to prevent and obstruct her own small interests, he would have thought of this a long time ago.

In the end he neglected!

Seeing his expression like this, Qin Shi felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly felt a strong sense of unwillingness, grievance and anger.

Although she knew that it was impossible for the master to straighten herself up, how could the Zhao family, as a wealthy family in Yangzhou City, straighten a concubine to be the mistress of the house?

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