Anyone else can talk, but the girl that night, should she talk about it?

Tang Kai's dark eyes clearly reflected her shadow, Shici raised the corners of her mouth slightly, not wanting to spoil the atmosphere at this moment.

"You called Professor Shi..." Shi Ci leaned close to her, "Do you want me to kiss you?"

"No." Tang Kai retorted without even thinking about it.

"Ah? Don't you want me to kiss you?" Shi Ci smiled.

Tang Kai stared at her, her lips tightened unconsciously. Shi Ci's gaze fell on her lips. When she said the next sentence, Shi Ci had already kissed her lips, and the tip of her tongue came in gently, teasing her to respond to her.

She was diverting the problem, Tang thought. In fact, it didn't matter, she didn't care, she was quite sure of her heart to speak, after all, she had seen herself in her eyes and in her heart a long time ago.

She also has pasts that she doesn't want to know, so let them all stay in the past.

"Huh?" Shi Ci noticed her inattention, bit her lips lightly, put her arms on his knees, and slowly kissed her.

Tang Kai was a little bit unbearable and soft in her arms, her thin fingers habitually wanted to hook her neck. This was her subconscious action every time she was kissed, like a shy rejection, and a desire to cater to her. Blending with the moistness of the tongue, both of them are a little forgetful.

Shici's slender fingers hovered dexterously at the hem of her sweater, sketching Tang Kai's waist line. Tang Kai felt a little itchy. As soon as she moved, the woman's fingers got in. She moves very slowly, Tang Kai only feels itchy, her breathing is all controlled by the woman

After waiting for the softness of the clothes to be grasped by her, Tang Kai lost consciousness for several seconds, and waited for her to regain a little sage, "You said...not to be messy..."

Tang Kai murmured weakly, Shi Ci touched her back with one hand, and the other hand had already reached her knee.

"Okay, I'm not messing up." Shi Ci's lips were close to hers, and the two bodies fit without any gaps, and the touch was fresh and soft, the thin layer of clothing between them. Together with Tang Kai's cheeks, it was almost burning.

Tang Kai was panting and heartbeat, her speech lips were soft and moist, like the fragrance of morning dew, and her whisper was like a soft silk thread, winding the two of them tighter in circles.

"You can mess with me..."

Tang Kai's cheeks rose, and people are so sensitive to everything around them in love. The sounds of this world are so nice. Qiuqiu is screaming at their feet. The flower buds in the vase on the desk are close to each other, making the sound of "bobo" blooming, and the vanilla-scented lip balm faints, and the lips are pressed. Close together, softly connected, lightly chanting and broken words.

A hint of cool water, mixed with floral fragrance, surrounded her.

Outside, is it raining or snowing? They have no time to take care of...

Chen Yiyi got in the car. The driver was hired by the bar. He knew her well with her speeches. He greeted her all the way. Chen Yiyi dealt with a few words and got out of the car ahead of time.

The snow on the road was still silent, and the thin snow particles floated up again. Chen Yiyi stopped, raised his face, and looked at the sky.

Bai Mang, sighed.

"Are you going to Huda?" The playground was filled with snow particles that year, and she asked her speech.

"Well, it's recommended, don't go to white, don't go." At the time of the resignation, her hair had just passed her shoulders, the wind and snow had blown, and the tips of her raised hair still had a little dark green.

Chen Yi said nothing. She can't go to the university, but she can still go to the university next to her.

"When we go to college, will we still be friends?" she asked.

"Of course." Shi Ci reached out and patted her shoulder, smiling.

She also showed such a pure smile to herself, at a very early time, earlier than all her lovers.

Chen Yiyi felt a little at that time. At that time, she thought, they are all in Huicheng, they are still very young, and the future can be expected.

I remember it was the second semester of the sophomore year, when Shici introduced her girlfriend to her, and her mind completely lost the ability to function. In a limited number of times, she saw Qiaosha and Shici getting along, and they only saw each other.

Since then, Chen Yiyi feels that he has become a background, a bystander, and a dispensable episode in his life of speech.

She remembered Qiaosha's death at the funeral. She stood by her family, dressed in black, like a damp and silent tree, and everything around her seemed to be lost.

She decided to study abroad, Chen Yiyi asked her: "You won't be back, will you?"

At that time they were drinking, Shi Ci was already drunk, and the corners of her eyes were moist. She smiled and said, "Well, I don't want to come back."

As if hot water was dripping on the heart of the flesh, Chen Yiyi felt the sizzling **** pain.

Take a look at me, I'm by your side.

Isn't there anything worthy of your nostalgia in this country?

Could it be me, can't it?

She endured forbearance, and finally said nothing.

No, get rid of this mind as soon as possible.

She didn't plan to come back.

Before it's too late...

When Shi Ci first went to the United States, they still had contact. Slowly, Shi Ci was busy with her studies. At that time, she was doing audit work in a well-known company in Lincheng. She was very busy and had a girlfriend. She didn't know Shi Ci's relationship status, and only a few brief conversations occasionally, she learned that she was not in a relationship.

Sooner or later there will be someone by Shi Ci, after all, she is so good.

In the first two or three years after Shi Ci went to the United States, she would occasionally return to China, but every time she came and went in a hurry, only to see her family, they never got together. Later, in Shi Hai's mouth, Chen Yiyi knew that Shi Ci was in love again, and that the other party was a Chinese American. Chen Yiyi couldn't say how she felt. She wanted to give a speech because she really wouldn't come back. Fortunately, there was no confession at the time, and fortunately her heart came back in time.

After a few more years, Shi Cai returned to the country for a long vacation, and they finally met. At that time Shi Cai introduced sister Miu to her. Chen Yiyi couldn't look away at all when she saw Shi Cai, she faded away. The pain became more dazzling, that delicate and bright face soaked in the night, dazzling like sunlight, illuminating her hidden in the dark.

Chen Yiyi felt that something deep in his heart came back to life again, more vigorous and lush than before, and could not be restrained at all. She must grasp something to connect with her, and build a bond with her again.

She said that she wanted to open a bar, which was a safe and cozy place where women could drink with confidence. She made an excuse and said that she had insufficient funds and invited her to buy shares. She didn't need to resign and worry about other matters, she just enjoyed dividends.

The speech really agreed.

She asked her again, "I have developed abroad now, so I really don't plan to come back?"

Shi Ci smiled, "The current job is okay, I shouldn't be back."

Chen Yiyi was silent, and asked about her relationship status roundly. Unexpectedly, she was single. Because of the bar, the two of them reconnected. Chen Yiyi also deliberately approached Sister Miu, not because of Sister Miu's family background, nor because of the huge connections behind her, but simply because Sister Miu is a close friend of speeches.

She really wants to do everything she can to integrate her life as much as possible.

Probably God heard her call and Shici finally returned to China four years ago. When she heard the news, Chen Yiyi was testing wine, the cup and blender in her hand fell to the ground, and lemon juice entered her eyes.

Sure enough, if you never forget, there must be an echo.

Slowly, don't act too hastily. After so many years of waiting, there is no need to rush for a while, not to mention that she has an advantage over others. She thought, tears fell silently.

Chen Yiyi couldn't figure out how Shici and Wenwen were in love, but she quickly let go, it didn't matter, this woman couldn't get beyond Qiaosha's inner position in Shici.

Bystander Qing, she could also see that Shi Ci was not at all suitable for her, but occasionally saw Shi Ci being so considerate to Wenwen, she was not feeling well, she just stabbed a few sentences when she was emotional, and she did it very secretly.

Sure enough, Wenwen didn't know Qiaosha, and she quarreled with her, and they broke up.

A lover’s relationship is sometimes as fragile as a note, while a close friend is eternal.

Chen Yiyi also thought about confession, thought about the success of confession, thought about countless times that they could have a blind date, and even imagined that they quarrel, who will subdue these plots first. But when the real words came to her lips, she still didn't dare. What a ridiculous thing, a person in her thirties who dare not confess, only dare to make some small actions behind her back, she will also spurn herself. I'm also complaining, you see, you forced me to be like this, you careless and heartless woman...

She also has moments of cruelty. Once in love, she just wants to forget her, she wants to stop thinking. The girlfriend she is with is not unkind or intemperate, but once the relationship is truly confirmed, she will be lazy. Tired, tired.

How many times in the midnight dream, love and hate entangled, obsession, but only that name is engraved in my heart.

Well, she thought, it's good to be friends. When you get old, you don't have to accompany you together, and you can be considered a teenager, and you will end up with a white head, and a lifetime will be passed.

If it weren't for the appearance of Tang Kai...

With a "click", Chen Yiyi's boots stepped on a piece of tree branch, and she recovered and came downstairs. She wiped her face and walked in the snow for so long without gloves, her hands were almost frozen with cold.

She took the elevator upstairs stupidly. After she got out of the elevator, she was taking out the key when she suddenly found someone waiting for her at the door.

Long hair is slightly curly, eyebrows are very delicate, wearing a white suit, holding a plastic bag in his hand, seeing her, a slightly pale face shows a cautious smile.

"How did you come?"

"You're back?"

The two voices sounded at the same time.

The girl bit her lower lip, her eyelashes trembled, and she smiled again. She lifted the plastic bag in her hand and said, "I bought glutinous rice balls, can I eat them together?"


The sky outside was already gloomy, Chen Yiyi stared at the plastic bag, and a prickly thing rushed towards her eyes, her face...

"I don't know what flavor you like, so I bought some..." The girl curled her eyelashes and her legs trembled slightly. She had always stood for a long time, and she didn't know how long she had waited. She was dressed thinly and cold. Shaking, even the smile is stiff.

"Yiyi, can you let me in?" she pleaded in a low voice.

Chen Yiyi's eyes were stinging and blurry, and in a blink, it became clearer and more painful, and his throat was choking.

"Let's not break up, okay? I really like you." The girl sniffed, raised her eyes, and smiled at her again.

There was something raging in Chen Yiyi's heart, such as the darkest storm, she gritted her teeth, slammed forward and grabbed the girl's wrist, dragged her away.

"One one, one one..." The girl panicked first, and then saw Chen Yiyi pulling her to the elevator. She understood everything, and she started crying, "I won't go, I won't go..."

Chen Yiyi's red eyes were mixed in her long bangs, and he opened the elevator and pushed her in.

"Yiyi! Chen Yiyi!" The girl was holding on to the elevator door, and she cried so much that she couldn't stand upright, "please! Please!"

"I never liked you!" Chen Yiyi said coldly, "Don't be cheap!"

The girl froze in amazement, her tears fell madly, and the elevator door opened and closed reluctantly. She let go of her hand, and with a beep, the door finally closed sadly.

Chen Yiyi's chest rose and fell quickly, bit the back of his hand, and kept choking in his throat. Looking down, the bags of glutinous rice **** in the plastic bag fell to the ground after being torn just now...

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