Luo Yinyin's beautiful eyes widened when she heard this.

"Husband, what did you say? are not kidding, right?"

Lin Yi looked at Luo Yinyin, "How could I be kidding? It's true. I feel it all."

Listening to what Lin Yi said, Luo Yinyin was completely stunned.

If the strange energy exploded, Luo Yinyin knew that she would definitely not be a match based on her own strength.

Even her husband Lin Yi, when he was fighting against the strange energy before, although it seemed to be light-hearted, it was actually full of danger.

That strange energy was the energy in the strange ship.

It is said that the energy in the strange ship, even if it is just a strand of hair, can be swallowed by everything in the end, and immediately multiply and grow, becoming an absolute real disaster.

When she thought of the current situation, Luo Yinyin's eyes widened.

"In one of the places, you showed me the original appearance of the primitive continent in the shuttle before. There should have been three suns there before, but now, there is only one and a half suns left.

The other sun also began to dim. Obviously, the ghost ship sensed something..."

When Lin Yi was saying these words, his eyes suddenly changed.

"No, no..."

Lin Yi remembered something.

"Before, you just received the message from your father, Domain Lord Luo Qi, and when Domain Lord Luo Qi sent the message, it was also the time when Miao Lao told you about the matter in the primitive continent.

When Miao Lao told you about that matter, the sun just dimmed, and then the ghost ship disappeared.

How could the ghost ship let go of this primitive continent? So, there is a problem!"

Lin Yi figured it out almost instantly. When Miao Lao reported to Luo Qi before, he said that there was a problem with the sun, one became dim, and the previous sun disappeared.

From this, we can know that the time was actually when she was fighting against the Blood Demon Ancestor.

Luo Yinyin received the news from her father Luo Qi at that moment.

Luo Yinyin was not stupid. After hearing what Lin Yi said, she immediately understood what was going on.

"My husband, you mean that the reason why there is strange energy in this sky universe, let alone whether it is a strange ship, it must be related to the strange ship!

And this strange energy swallowed the sun, but because you and the Blood Demon Ancestor had strange energy during the battle, so whether it was the strange ship or other strange energy, they now sensed everything, so they stopped swallowing the second sun and left here.

Then... then don't we have to go straight to Tianji Continent now? No, my husband's relatives and friends in Tianji Continent are in danger!"

After understanding the meaning of Lin Yi's words, Luo Yinyin spoke anxiously.

Lin Yi shook his head at this time, "Don't worry, I have used that strange energy on the way here and released it in the universe, and the places where I released it..." Lin Yi said this and laughed. Luo Yinyin was still in a daze, Lin Yi said. "The places where I released are all places full of chaotic space and cosmic law source energy, and there are even some space cracks where the universe is in chaos, that is, black holes and white holes, so there is no need to worry at all." Hearing Lin Yi's words, Luo Yinyin looked at Lin Yi and didn't know what to say. "Husband, are really a fool!" This fool was what Lin Yi said before, and Luo Yinyin learned it. Hearing Luo Yinyin's words, Lin Yi laughed. But soon, Lin Yi stopped laughing and immediately said to Luo Yinyin. "Now you only need to do one thing, that is to quickly tell your father, my father-in-law, that it is dangerous, the Deep Blue Star Region is in danger!

Now that the strange ship has appeared, the strange ship has revived again. If I want to prevent that strange ship from appearing in the Deep Blue Star Region, I need to do something else.

Forget about the matter of the original continent first, can you help me calculate where is the farthest place I can go now?"

Listening to Lin Yi's words, Luo Yinyin was stunned.

Soon, Luo Yinyin immediately clicked on her fairy king-level shuttle virtual screen, and a virtual screen was directly turned from the inside of the shuttle to the outside, and then became infinitely large.

It was an image of a star region.

Luo Yinyin immediately spoke.

"This... this is all the Deep Blue Star Region, husband, if you want to go further, it seems that at the fastest speed, to go to a farther place, you need to useUse this shuttle to fly again, but in this case..."

Before Luo Yinyin finished speaking, Lin Yi couldn't help but hug his wife Luo Yinyin.

"Why are you so stupid? I just want to ask you one question, are there any enemies in the Deep Blue Star Region now? Does my father-in-law Luo Qi have any enemies?

If he has enemies, things will be very easy to deal with, do you understand?"

Luo Yinyin was scolded by Lin Yi, not only was she not angry at all, but she trembled all over, and then her eyes widened.

"So, my husband, what you mean is to let that strange ship or other strange energy deal with other enemies of my father."

Listening to Luo Yinyin's words, Lin Yi nodded.

"The child is teachable, the wife is teachable, yes, that's what I mean. "

Luo Yinyin smiled at first, but soon sighed.

"If the ghost ship really appears, even if it destroys others, we don't know whether it will come from the Deep Blue Star Region. This matter... In short, I will definitely tell my father immediately and let many places in the Deep Blue Star Region make plans early.

However, what you said is right, my husband. "

While saying these words, Luo Yinyin began to use her fairy king-level shuttle to contact her father Luo Qi.

Originally, Luo Yinyin's cultivation level had actually improved because of Lin Yi's body and the art of life fusion.

During the process of improvement, she certainly had no time or opportunity to say anything to her father.

Now that she had time, she immediately told Luo Qi and reported her current whereabouts.

That is, she had arrived above the primitive continent, but her husband Lin Yi discovered that there was a problem here.

It is very likely that a real ghost ship appeared, or something caused it.

Above the primitive continent, the sun that Miao Lao mentioned has completely disappeared, and the other one has also begun to dim, and it is also speculated that the disappearance of the ghost ship is due to Because on the Tianji Continent, her husband Lin Yi destroyed a strange energy outbreak point.

As the news of Luo Yinyin spread, soon, on the Deep Blue Star Region planet, Luo Qi was very happy, and at the same time, he was anxiously waiting, that is, whether his daughter Luo Yinyin went to the primitive continent alone, or with Lin Yi.

What Luo Qi didn't expect was that his daughter actually called Lin Yi her husband directly.

For Luo Qi, this is of course a good thing.

However, what Luo Qi didn't expect was that his daughter said that Lin Yi had found the traces of the strange ship and the strange energy.

And the most terrifying thing that made Luo Qi unimaginable was that Lin Yi actually destroyed a strange energy outbreak point!

"But, this... what can we do? Daughter, is what you said true or false? The strange energy is actually above the primitive continent, but now, we... what should we do?

If the ghost ship really exists, it will not only swallow up our entire primitive continent, but even the entire Deep Blue Star Region will have to suffer a catastrophe. This matter must not be neglected..."

"Don't worry, father. My husband Lin Yi has an idea."

Luo Yinyin said this and looked at Lin Yi.

"Husband, please talk to my father."

Lin Yi nodded when he heard this.

"Father-in-law, hello."

Hearing this father-in-law, Luo Qi should have been overjoyed, but now hearing the news of the ghost ship, Luo Qi couldn't even laugh.

"Son-in-law, tell me what you think, can you destroy the ghost ship?"

Speaking of this, Luo Qi immediately asked himself and answered.

"It should be impossible. If you can really destroy the ghost ship, there will be no other way. Alas, what can I do? What can I do? Could it be that the Deep Blue Star Region will suffer a great catastrophe in my hands...”

Lin Yi did not say that he could use the Record of Descendants to completely kill the ghost ship.

This is Lin Yi's biggest secret, and of course Lin Yi would not reveal it if he could.

"I think we should not pay attention to this point for now. Let's do this, father-in-law, tell me, in addition to the Deep Blue Star Region, which nearby area has hatred with you? I mainly want to understand this."

Roche was a little confused and didn't understand what Lin Yi meant by asking this.

But soon, Roche still talked about the star regions that he had hatred with before.

"Next to the Deep Blue Star Region is a Horned Beast Star Region. If the Deep Blue Star Region is inside, because Roche himself is a human, then the Horned Beast Star Region is mostly filled with monsters.

And the Horned Beasts, as the name suggests, are mostly some Horned Beasts. ThoseAll the monsters are horned beasts... Those horned beasts have never been on good terms with me. "

After saying that, Luo Qi still didn't understand what Lin Yi meant by asking these questions.

Lin Yi laughed, "Okay, don't worry, father-in-law, this strange ship thing is not a big deal, just put your heart at ease.

In addition, this horned beast star field has a grudge against you, which means it has a grudge against me, Lin Yi. I will study them now."

From what Luo Qi said, it seems that this horned beast star field particularly likes to enslave the human race.

However, because the most powerful lord of the horned beast star field is even more powerful than Luo Qi, and has reached the level of a half-step immortal emperor, this makes it impossible for the lord Luo Qi to deal with them.

Listening to Lin Yi's words, Luo Qi became even more confused.

The strange ship has appeared, how can I put my heart at ease?

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