The Wang family residence is located to the west of Datong Town.

Wang Qiangjian sat in the center of the chair in the Wang family meeting room, wearing a emerald blue martial arts robe.

Wang Qiangjian had a square face. To his right, in the center, sat Liu Feng, the head of the Liu family.

Both of them were a little old.

In the meeting room, there were also the main members of the Wang and Liu families.

Wang Qiangjian spoke first, "Everyone, please tell me. I don't know what An Yingxiong is up to. He actually wants to marry into our families!

And I heard that he put his third son in a water dungeon to death, but recognized a grandson. That grandson was actually a slave guarding the medicine field. What do you think of this?"

As soon as Wang Qiangjian finished speaking, Liu Feng nodded.

"I believe everyone knows about this. It has caused a lot of uproar in Datong Town. Not to mention our two big families, even some ordinary people from small families probably know that An Yingxiong has a problem with his brain.

But this matter... tomorrow, should we take all the unmarried women of marriageable age from our two families there?"

The Wang family and the Liu family members below discussed it.

"I don't think we should take them there. Although we and the An family are hostile to each other, there is no hatred in the end. But now the martial arts master of the An family has a problem with his brain. Maybe the An family is in turmoil and there are ambushes. How can we send the women of our family there?"

"I think so too. We should be careful. An Yingxiong is so ostentatious. Even if he takes the women of marriageable age from our family, we can't take it lightly."

"Why not send a message now? Anyway, the An family will have such an event tomorrow. If we send our people to Yanghua City, we will definitely be able to call in the relatives of our two families." "There is still enough time. It only takes an hour to ride the best Yunxue BMW. If it doesn't work, just send a letter by flying eagle." "Everyone, don't worry about finding someone. I happen to know a strong man. I can take that senior there when the time comes. This senior is a martial arts master. He is the owner of the Yanghua City Baoyao Pavilion, who is married to our Wang family. He is a friend. He was recommended by the owner. He has been living in Tongfu Inn for the past few days and came with Wang Deyang, the pharmacist. "One of the Wang family members stood up and said. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at him. Wang Qiangjian, Liu Feng and others couldn't help but look happy. The Wang family member chuckled and continued, "If An Yingxiong wants to plot against our Wang and Liu families, he has made a wrong calculation!

According to Pharmacist Wang Deyang, this man is the famous Tian Lao in the martial arts world. He is not only similar to Pharmacist Wang Deyang, but also a pharmacist and a genuine martial arts master. However, because he is relatively old, he has long been away from the martial arts world, and many people do not know his experience.

And he repeatedly told me, especially Pharmacist Wang Deyang, not to expose his whereabouts, so I have not said anything.

I thought he would leave after staying for a few days, but unfortunately, Pharmacist Wang Deyang did not show up, and Tian Lao did not leave either. It just so happens that we can pay some price to let Tian Lao take action, and by the way, make friends with such a pharmacist and martial arts master!"

Listening to the words of this member of the Wang family, Wang Qiangjian and Liu Feng stood up with joy on their faces, just like other members of the family.

Pa pa pa

Several people began to applaud.

"Not bad, not bad, second boy, you still have ideas, but why didn't you report the matter about Tian Lao earlier?

If you report it earlier, will we still worry about the An family coming up with some crooked ideas?"

Wang Qiangjian scolded at this time.

This man is Wang Qiangjian's second son.

Listening to his father's words, he touched his head and showed a bitter smile on his face.

"I can't do anything about it. Tian Lao never leaves his house, and he is a martial arts master. He has a relationship with Wang Deyang and Wang Pharmacist. He won't let me say anything, and I... I don't dare..."

"Okay, okay, don't say more."

At this time, Liu Feng made a round, "It's good to know that there is a martial arts master. Since there is no need to be afraid, should we bring the marriageable women from our two families?"

After hearing this, some people looked at each other and finally nodded, "Bring them. I think it's just that An Yingxiong has a problem with his brain. Doesn't he like that godchild?

If there is no ambush, what's wrong with us marrying a woman? If he really doesn't have any ambush, it's just right for Tian Lao to take action, hehehe..."

When this person said this, he provided everyone with an idea.

"If An Yingxiong chooses to intermarry with our people, it is not unacceptable. As long as some female people are sent out, they can control An Yingxiong's favorite grandson, and alsoIt's a good thing. "

Liu Feng and Wang Qiangjian looked at each other, and finally nodded, approving this idea.

Wang Qiangjian said, "Okay, let's do it this way, as long as An Yingxiong is not really mentally ill.

It is said that he likes that grandson very much, and even killed his third son because of that godgrandson. Then the An family where this old madman lives has beautiful women from our two clans marrying each other, controlling his good grandson, hehehe, we can also control the An family!

Make preparations for both hands, and now start to prepare to select marriageable women. Either don't send them, or send more. I don't believe that An Yingxiong's godgrandson, who loves him so much, doesn't like the women in our family!"

Liu Feng also nodded, "Okay, action. "

Both clan leaders spoke, and many people agreed.

With the martial arts master Tian Lao mentioned by the second son of the Wang family as their backing, they were not afraid of An Yingxiong looking for trouble, and they could just settle the An family.

In the worst case, if An Yingxiong and the An family really had no intention of harming them, at most they would let their clansmen marry into the An family.

Then they could slowly infiltrate the An family through the godgrandson named Lin Yi!

The two families never believed that they would lose both the wife and the army.

Get ready, and start the action.

After the Wang and Liu families started the action, soon, the two heads of the family personally took a carriage to ask Tian Lao, who lived in Tongfu Inn, to take action.

Inside Tongfu Inn, someone was constantly talking about the fact that An Yingxiong had sent out invitations to all eligible women in Datong Town to marry his beloved godgrandson.

For the huge Wang and Liu families, they still need to worry about what conspiracy An Yingxiong has.

Some people are also like this, afraid that after all The fact that Jing An Yingxiong had tortured his third son An Mingyuan to death in a water dungeon had already fermented, making many people believe that something would happen to the An family.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

What's more, too many people were born in the lower class!

If the lower class wants to counterattack, hugging thighs is the only choice.

As long as you hug thighs, you can easily save decades of hard work, and wealth and glory will pour down.

The An family is a martial arts sect and the most prestigious family in Datong Town. As long as their own relatives Friends, if you marry a suitable woman, won't you be able to become a phoenix?

And your family will also be prosperous and wealthy.

So in an instant, many people in Datong Town began to be excited.

People who were eating and chatting in the tavern on the first floor of Tongfu Inn deliberately put on eye drops for each other.

"Alas, something must have happened to the An family, otherwise how could An Mingyuan be locked up in the water dungeon by old man An Yingxiong? Don't go, don't go!"

"Yes, yes, don't go. What Mr. Zhou said is right. Everyone must remember that you must not go to the An family and bring the marriageable women in your family to the An Mansion. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret it!"

"Mr. An will hold a blind date for his beloved grandson tomorrow to marry a wife and concubine for his grandson. It's a big conspiracy.

I even guess that Mr. An has gone crazy because of practicing martial arts! I heard that many martial arts masters will go crazy if they cannot make further progress in their later years, so be careful and don't go!"

Such discussions can be seen everywhere in this inn.

However, as long as you pay attention, you can see that these guys are all Lao Liu!

Everyone is saying that you must not bring women of marriageable age in your family to the An family, and encourage others not to go, but there is a glimmer of light in their eyes when they say these words.

In addition to this tavern, there are too many places where such discussions are held.

Even almost every place where people gather in Datong Town is like this.

However, in many places where people gather, after discussing this matter and encouraging others not to send women of marriageable age to the An family, they immediately discuss it between couples and relatives after closing the door.

"This is our chance to rise. We must bring the women of marriageable age we know to the An family and marry them with the godsons that An Yingxiong loves. "

"My girl is naturally beautiful. This is the perfect time for you to become a phoenix. Girl, dress up well. We will go to An Mansion tomorrow!"

"I remember my niece. She is very beautiful and smart. I think we can let her try. The sixth brother just encouraged me not to look for my niece. Humph, the daughter of the sixth brother who looks like a fat pig can also have the opportunity to marry An Yingxiong's favorite grandson. My niece can marry in."

After the group of sixth brothers closed the door, they all said what they thought.His true inner thoughts.

There was no sign of people outside constantly shouting that they would never go to the An family.

An Yingxiong was old and thief, and he had long seen that the An family members had a trace of jealousy towards Lin Yi in their eyes.

Even the most trusted sons and juniors, and even the housekeeper, An Yingxiong was worried that they were not doing things well.

The news of the walk and the invitation letters sent out did not achieve the publicity effect they should have.

Even An Yingxiong personally came out, disguised himself, and wandered around many of the most lively restaurants, teahouses, and even some places to listen to music in Datong Town.

When he found that many people were talking about this matter, and then kept saying that it was impossible to bring his daughter, or other relatives and friends who were suitable for women to the An Mansion, An Yingxiong was shocked at first!

He was afraid that he would ruin Lin Yi and An Miaoyi's plan!

If there were really not many women coming to the An Mansion, how could Lin marry a wife and concubine?

Then his mission would not be completed!

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