sports supervillain

885 How About We Play

Little Qiaodan, who was passing by Ye Fei, couldn't help but soften his feet when he heard Ye Fei's words.

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What kind of monster is Ye Fei?!

As expected of a well-known super villain in the league, he couldn't afford to offend him, so Jordan hurried away.

"Don't go, DeAndre, how about we play?"

Little Qiaodan pretended not to hear, and ran faster, Ye Fei chased after him: "Don't go, I'm serious, why don't we play a little bit, like 300,000, if it doesn't work, just 200,000, really can't Just one hundred thousand, what do you think? It’s very interesting and can increase the fun of the game. I’m happy to play whatever you want.

"No, no, no..."

Little Jordan shook his head again and again, showing a naive expression: "Don't play, I'm not as stupid as Blake, and I will give you money for nothing."

Even Little Jordan could tell that he was cheating Griffin of money, and he obediently jumped into the pit of fire.

It seems that he is really stupid.

After Griffin was sent off, the Clippers lost a powerful power forward, and the morale of the team fell to the bottom. Ye Fei still took whatever he wanted, ravaged the Clippers players' invincibility mode at will, led the Lakers players, and blocked the counterattack of the city rival Clippers.

In the end, the Los Angeles Clippers still failed to end the Lakers' winning streak, 118 to 123, and were reversed by the Lakers. It is a pity that they swallowed the defeat.

After the game, Ye Fei didn't go back to the locker room at 450, but took Rondo, Stephenson, Barnes and others into the locker room of the Los Angeles Clippers.

Seeing Ye Fei rushing in, the Clippers players couldn't help but get nervous. The young player Bryce John was so frightened that his clothes fell to the ground.

Ye Fei has a bad reputation, no one has heard of him, the deeds of the vertical and horizontal alliance, they thought Ye Fei was coming to make trouble.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to collect debts, not to fight, you all calm down and sit down."

Ye Fei turned and looked at Chris Paul: "I should have won the bet. It's okay. I gave Blake a chance, more than once. Unfortunately, he is too useless. I have nothing to do. I can't give you more money." Get out, I'll just get it back, Chris, pass me the money."


Griffin, who was hiding in the corner, shouted.

Ye Fei's sharp eyes swept over him, Griffin shut up obediently, and looked at Paul eagerly, with a bit of eagerness in his eyes, wanting the team boss Paul to help him stop the loss.

Half a million dollars is not a small sum.

The most important thing is that Griffin has the feeling of being cheated. If he spends so much money on picking up girls, he might be able to fool a few young models and give it to Ye Fei for nothing. Griffin is unwilling.

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. You will give what is yours. I don't want to do it today."

Ye Fei looked at Chris Paul: "Don't ink, you are just a notary, just transfer the money to me, I don't want everyone to be in the headlines tomorrow."


Paul silently transferred the money to Ye Fei's account.

"Brothers, let's go, I'll take you tonight, thank you for our generous Mr. Blake's sponsorship, thank you boss.

The Lakers players who followed him bowed to Griffin tacitly: "Thank you boss, the boss is generous."

The Lakers players left happily.

Leaving the depressed Griffin sad alone.

He blames Paul a little bit, if he speaks out and helps to say a few words, at least one or two hundred thousand dollars can be saved, there is no black and white bet, Griffin can deny it.

Paul is the mainstay of the players union anyway, and his words can be worth some money.

But he didn't.

In fact, Paul did it on purpose, he wanted to suppress Griffin's arrogance. As Griffin's wings grew, Paul's right to speak in the locker room gradually declined. Sometimes, Griffin didn't give him face at all.

Paul wanted Ye Fei to suppress Griffin's arrogance. He achieved (cdbf) his own goal, but intensified the conflict in the locker room.

Ye Fei doesn't care too much about the trivial matters of the Clippers, let alone Paul's use of him.

Originally, he wanted to trouble Griffin.

He knocked down Griffin three times in the game, and the task has been overfulfilled. He also cheated Griffin a lot of money, and Ye Fei made a lot of money. After the game, I can take the brothers of the team and go out to have a good time, which is very flattering.

In fact, Ye Fei's most important gains in the game against the Clippers are not these.

He knocked Griffin down three times during the game, and every time he knocked him down, Ye Fei had a new insight. I believe that as the game progresses, after integrating his own skills, it will become easier for Ye Fei to overwhelm his opponent, and it will not be as difficult as it is today, waiting to dig a hole for Griffin to jump in.

After the game with the Clippers, the Lakers have three days to rest.

The next game will still be at the Staples Center Arena, against the underdog Minnesota Timberwolves in the West led by 2015 No. 1 pick Karl-Anthony Towns.

A game with little suspense.

The pressure is also not great.

On the second day after the game against the Clippers, Ye Fei received a visit from a domestic friend. The beauty anchor of the well-known Tencent live broadcast platform in China came to Los Angeles for a ten-day follow-up exclusive interview program.

Ye Fei actually didn't want to talk to them.

It’s just that my wife Zhang Manyuan and CORAL are both contracted employees of Tencent. They couldn’t stand the frequent persuasion of the two. In addition, the other party’s sincerity is good, and the sneaker brand endorsed by Ye Fei participated in it, so Ye Fei did not refuse.

Who came, Ye Fei didn't know, Zhang Manyuan and two people helped to finalize the selection.

When Ye Fei walked into the Staples Center Arena, a beautiful girl wearing Ye Fei's Lakers purple and gold jersey walked towards him quickly.

"Finally met Ye Shen himself, he is even more handsome than on TV, I like watching you play.

The little girl stretched out her little hand, "Hi, my name is Mina, it's the first time we meet, God Ye please forgive me, I hope you have a good time shooting today."

"You're welcome, my family, let's go, I'll take you around."

Generally, journalists can visit the team, not everywhere, and they must follow the arrangement of public relations, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to visit the arena and locker room.

With Ye Fei leading the Lakers' Staples Center, Mina can go wherever she wants.

And during the visit, Ye Fei cooperated very well with the filming team brought by Mina, so the event went very smoothly.

The Lakers players saw that the boss was filming with Mina, and cooperated with them out of the country quite face-saving, and Mina received an unexpected surprise.

I thought it was an extremely difficult interview, but with Ye Fei's help, everything became extremely easy.

At the end of the filming, Mina whispered next to Ye Fei: "Brother Ye Fei, can you promise me a small request?"

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